Sept 2021 Minutes

Public Meeting Minutes
Date – 29th September 2021

Members Present In Attendance Apologies

Fiona Berrow Di Alderdice Fiona Dyet

Bob Dale Phil Boydell Ashleigh Phillip

Sue Dumbleton Andrew Fraser Carol Robertson

Sandra Engstrom David Sherman

Emily McLaughlin Cllr Oxburgh
Joan Murphy

Alison Swanson Residents: 8


  1. Declaration of Interest

    No Declaration of Interest was recorded.


  2. Matters Arising from previous minutes not to be addressed within the meeting


    Electric Cars – Kerbside chargers will be installed October/November time.


  3. Approval of Previous Minutes


Minutes for August were adopted

Sue Dumbleton proposed; Fiona Berrow seconded


  1. Reports


    1. Chair


      Joan Murphy welcomed everyone by sharing a quote by the Dalai Lama “Be kind whenever
      possible. It is always possible.” and discussed the kindness and friendship that can be found in
      Riverside, through actions and activities. It was acknowledged that there may be issues that

      arise that are emotive or unpleasant but that treating people with courtesy, respect and kindness
      is the way that Riverside Community Council would always aspire to.


      For clarity and understanding Joan Murphy outlined the relationship with Stirling Council

      • From May 2021 there were changes to Community Council Support

      • Support to Community Councils will now be delivered in a new more focused way.

      • The name of the Community Engagement Team has changed to the Community
        Development Team.

      • A dedicated Community Council Enquiries Co-ordinator has been appointed to support
        Community Councils.

      • The post holder will assume responsibility for enquiries, dealing with collective community
        concerns and representation from Community Councils.


    2. Secretary
      Police Report

      Over the past month there were two undetected cases including Theft and Failure to stop after



      SEPA – Forth District Local Plan (FLOODING) – This is a draft document outlining the
      proposed action points to manage and reduce flooding across Loch Lomond and Trossachs
      National Park in the west to the inner Forth Estuary, including Stirling. It was agreed that
      Riverside Community Council would comment on this consultation. The working group is meeting
      on Tuesday 5th October to discuss this further, with the intention of drafting a response to bring
      to the October public meeting and submit before the 31st October 2021.


      This is a public consultation, and any member of the community can contribute.


      Budget Conversation - Residents are being asked to give feedback on their personal spending
      priorities and most valued services through an online survey as part of the budget-setting process
      for next March. Stirling Council would like to know what’s important to you, what you value, and
      what you think the Council should prioritise.


      Common Good Register - Stirling Council is creating a Register of Common Goods which is
      properties held by former Scottish burghs. They want to increase transparency about what
      Common Good assets are, and get residents involved in decisions they take about them.


      Stirling Council would like to hear your views on any of the proposed Common Good assets. They
      would also like to know if there are any other land or property assets which is felt should be
      included in the register.


      Gaelic Language Plan Consultation
      City Centre South

      Buchanan Primary School Closure


      Pontoon – This was reported to Stirling Council and it will be cleared in due course.


      Planters – Forthside – An enquiry about the ownership and plan for these planters was raised
      with Stirling Council. There had been plans to add plants last year but COVID restrictions

      prevented that. Weeding will be undertaken as standard maintenance and spraying only as


      Bin Issues – Cllr Thomson followed up our enquiry about bins on Forth Street and had
      assurances that letters will be send out to remind residents of their responsibilities regarding
      waste collection and bin storage. Stirling Council would rather not engage enforcement
      measures, however this is an option should the issue not improve.


      The site will also be reviewed for potential communal recycling facilities which would reduce the
      number of bins on the pavement but this is dependent on a suitable location.


      20mph Zone – Stirling Council asserts that the signage in Riverside is accurate and acceptable.
      There is no need for further awareness when change in the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph.
      Eight 20mph signs were stolen and have been replaced.


      CCTV – There are CCTV available for use. This is decided by a bidding system with the partner
      agencies on a quarterly basis.


      There are some limitations about use including:

      around power which does restrict where they can be used
      legal implications to be considered, including privacy concerns

      it will only be used when other attempts have been made to rectify the issue

      there needs to be evidence from the council land the police to show demand for the

      can not be used on private land


      Graffiti – This is an ongoing problem along Lovers Walk. The issues include land
      ownership, reporting as a crime and frequency of graffiti. It was agreed to contact
      Stirling Council and requests that Lover’s Walk be included in the improvement plan as we
      feel that for reasons of pedestrian, cyclist and driver safety, and for many environmental
      reasons, action to address the problems is urgently required.


      It was suggested that residents report the graffiti to Stirling Council when it appears in an
      effort to have the area cleaned up promptly.


      Reminder - Stirling Council will be meeting on the 7th October 2021 to discuss reinstating face to
      face meetings for Community Council public meetings. The Scottish Parliament are rescinding
      restrictions at the start of September so it could be possible that Stirling Council aligns with these
      plans. Up to date notifications about Riverside’s public meetings will be put on our


      Website updated to include Active Travel, Parking and Riverside Gateway


      Riverside Primary School – Nursery currently have the litter pickers and have been making
      good use of them.

      Riverside Community Council has been invited to join their learning activities for the school
      related to climate change and COP26. It was agreed that we would attend and speak about our
      environmental considerations as a community council.


    3. Treasurer

      This month we have paid for our annual website subscription and two months’ worth of Zoom

      from the Admin grant funds. This means that we now have -£104.39 in our admin funds. We
      have been informed that we will be receiving £263.54 of admin grant for this financial year (and

      £10 of Minutes Grant) but this has been delayed. Stirling Council have told us that these funds
      should be in our account by 11th October.

      We received the final part of the funding (£919.98) from Paths for All for the Active Travel
      project, survey and report. £500 of this has been paid to Forth Environment Link to complete the
      payment for the Active Travel report and £331.10 was used to reimburse the Community Council
      for the Street Audit Day. The remaining £88.88 is to reimburse the Community Council for
      printing and stationery costs. £31.91 of this had been spent last month on printer ink and paper.
      There is £57.97 remaining, and this will be spent on the next stages of the Active Travel and
      Sustainable Transport project.


    4. Planning


      Riverside Community Council has received one complaint regarding the Abbey Road Market from
      a member of the community.


      Riverside Community Council has no authority to act upon complaints of this nature and we
      would advise that if anyone has any comments they can notify the relevant department directly.


      We have been notified by Stirling Council that the licensing conditions have been met.


      James Street/Edward Road Garages – First reported to Stirling Council on the 28th October 2019
      and reported the issue to Stirling Council who were looking into it, including the issue of
      ownership. Riverside Community Council has had further complaints regarding this area and we
      have requested an update.


  2. Sub-Groups


    1. Active Travel and Sustainable Transport


      The next step will be to use this information and develop an Active Travel Plan for Riverside,
      allowing us to plan our current and future projects based on what our community has told us.

      This will involve forming a short term working group, consisting of members of other sub groups,
      including the Parking Group and the Riverside Gateway group, other interested parties, eg,
      Stirling Council and Riverside Primary school, and as many members of our community that
      would like to have a say in moving towards more Active Travel in Riverside.


    2. Community Resilience Plan


      Sandra Engstrom spoke about the plans for the Community Resilience Plan and the mapping of
      assets within Riverside.

      The next newsletter will include a guide to getting ready for winter.


      Members of the community interested in this are encouraged to join the sub-group.


    3. Defibrillators

      The portable defibrillator was gifted to Polmaise Community Council.


      The Christmas campaign is being discussed with regards how to fund the new batteries needed
      for the defibrillators next year.


    4. Environment


      Following on from the SEPA consultation Riverside Community Council asked for an update on
      the issue specific to Riverside.


      - The dates on the SEPA consultation are inaccurate and refer to historical dates and the
      current programme indicates a potential construction timeline of 2026-2028.

      • Stirling Council is still working on updating the Optioneering Report and further subsequent
        works have been commissioned to fully understand all flood mitigation options for the area, the
        report is now due for completion approximately summer 2022

      • It was decided that the 200 plus climate change defence height would not be acceptable

      • Stirling Council is now expanding what it is exploring with regard to flood mitigation options

      • This could potentially mean Riverside only schemes together with online and offline storage,
        natural flood risk management, road raising, property resilience etc

      • A defence for the Riverside area would consist of areas of embankment/wall and wall and

      Riverside Community Council will remain in communication with the flooding team and share any
      further updates.


      Jubilee Hedge – Riverside Naturally is taking the lead on this project and ascertaining where
      would be feasible, if anywhere, to plant a hedge.


      1. Parking


        Any on-going concerns raised by residents with parking round the school which I have been
        reported to Transport Planning Officer and any replies sent to residents.

        These are then reported to Stirling Council’s Enforcement Team Leader, who arranges for officers
        to be on site.

        There is the hope that the first project steering group will meet late October. Living Streets are
        expected to be in touch to officially invite two members of Riverside Community Council,
        including the Chair, on to sit on the steering group.

        A community wide consultation will also be undertaken so anyone who wishes to comment will be
        given the opportunity.


      2. Summer Jubilee Party


      David Sherman is going to arrange a meeting with key members to develop the overview of the



      Further information is needed regarding the use of local businesses to support the event.


      1. Riverside Gateway


        The sub-group has been successful in its application to The Mushroom Trust and was awarded



        Fiona Berrow will contact Stirling Council to notify the relevant departments of the success of the
        application and to confirm the specific input that can be expected regarding this project.


        Eve Keepax (Riverside Naturally) will contact Sam Shaw (architect) to discuss the budget and
        what can be negotiated to fit the budget.


      2. Well-being Walks

      Riverside residents are invited to join in on a Well-Being walk on the 17th October 2021, starting
      at 10am from the Abbey Road Market.

      First discussed March 2021, Riverside Community Council feel sit would be a good way to meet
      new people and see old friends, away from a screen and outwith the zoom meetings and have
      the chance to ask questions about our activities in Riverside and hear peoples’ thoughts and


  3. Local Groups


    Riverside Naturally held their orchard day celebrations on the 25th September 2021 and are
    looking forward to a new addition in the North Woodland Garden. An otter will be carved into
    the remaining tree stump on the 30th September 2021.


    Lawn Bowling – Renovations of the club house are almost complete and the Bowling Club are
    inviting groups who are interested in renting the space on a regular basis to get in touch with
    John Millar on 07709 058642 or e-mail


  4. A.O.B




  5. Date of Next Meeting


27th October 2021

7pm Hosted using Zoom (tbc)


All previous minutes, policies and consultation comments can be found on our website
and available on request.