October 2024 Minutes

Raploch Community Council meeting

2nd  October 2024

Raploch Community Campus

Present: B Hughes Interim Chair, R Robertson (RR), I Lowe (IL), G Slade (GS), G Christie, Ecologist and local resident, R Clark & M Hislop Treeline, E Graham, resident 

Councillor Danny Gibson 

P Roberts, Stirling Council Community Engagement (PR), J Gray, Stirling Council Community Learning and Development

C Stewart – Minute taker (CS)

Apologies: L Kettrick (LK), M McKinley (MMcK), H Makhatholeia(HM),

1. Welcome, apologies & Conflicts of Interest

BH welcomed everyone to the October meeting and gave apologies for Liz Kettrick, Susan Currie, Mary McKinlay and Hilary Makhatholeia. There were only 3 elected community councillors present so it was highlighted that the meeting could continue in order to relay information, but no decision could be made.  

2. Approval of Minutes 

The minutes of the meeting of 4th September were distributed via email prior to the meeting and paper copies were also made available. However, as there were only 3 community councillors present at the meeting the minutes could not be approved. 

The main matter arising from the previous minutes was the Billy Bremner memorial however no update available.  

3. Co-option of new Community Councillors  

This was put on hold until the November meeting. Pauline Roberts will make sure Grame Slade is sent a new form to complete to apply to join the community councillor as an elected member. 

4. Chairs report

BH advised that he had only gained access to the CC email address earlier in the week and due to other personal commitments had to be unable to prepare a report. Only himself and Susan Currie have access to the CC email address, but the hope is once the vacant Secretary role is filled, they would also have access. BH has added a foot note to the emails being sent from the CC email address including his work mobile number. 

Moving forward the plan is to use the CC Facebook page to share information and also to raise the profile of the Community Council.  

5. Treasurers Report

Susan Currie (deputy chair & treasurer) wasn’t present at the meeting but had sent in a report.   

  • There is no update to the bank statement as no transactions have taken place therefore the balance is the same as 17th
  • The plan is to open a new bank account with the Co-op, but this will require a second signatory.


6. Elected Member Report

BH agreed to send invites for future meetings to all 4 ward councillors. Councillor Gibson also reminded everyone that they can check the SC website which Councillor is due to attend the meeting. 

Councillor Gibson gave his update:

  • The council are back after the summer recess and there will be a full meeting on 10th October, all committees and panels are also back up and running.
  • The Scottish budget will be announced in December this will have an impact on the local council budget  due to  be announced in February/March 2025. 
  • There is a new leader of Stirling Council, Margaret Brisley to replace Chris Kane who has taken up his new role as an MP. Due to this there will be a by election in Stirling East before Christmas.

There was a discussion about pavement parking and the use of cycle lanes around Raploch and in the city centre. There were concerns raised about safety issues in the way some of the cycle lanes are being used. BH agreed to send an email to the university to provide information to students regarding cycling etiquette. 

Councillor Gibson has already been dealing with the issues with pedestrians walking around the

Customs roundabout. It was also raised that people are parking in the car park behind the campus at Glendevon Drive which causes access issues for emergency vehicles. There are also issues with parking on the land behind Anderson funeral parlour, in Woodside Road and Ferguson Street. Pauline Roberts agreed to circulate and email to all SC staff regarding the issues with parking. 

7. Police Report

No one was present from Police Scotland, but a report was submitted by PC Stuart Gray. BH read over the main point of the report. Pauline Roberts highlighted that the Police are looking at different ways to present the information contained in the report as they don’t always have the capacity for officers to attend all of the CC meetings. 

BH also highlighted that Wednesday may not be the best day for the Police to attend the meeting due to their shift patterns and therefore it might be worthwhile changing the night of the meeting.  

  1. Community Development Plan

Gill agreed to discuss this further at the next meeting. 


9. Treelink Stirling 

Max Hislop gave information on funding that Treelink have been able to access and the proposal to have a nature path in the Kildean loop. The land belongs to Stirling Council and Treelink have accessed funding through the Neighbourhood Eco System fund and the hope is that community groups will develop the proposal for the river park. It is hoped that the proposal will improve the wildlife habitat there including the pond and frog life as well as the grass land. There is the opportunity to increase wildlife and wet land scrapes. A contract has been agreed with landscape architects and they plan to work on the site alongside residents. They have a 12month window to get the proposal going. They are also looking at other sources of funding to deliver the next phase. Treelink are also looking at ways to engage with the community. 

There was a discussion about the consultation being linked in with the work that Gill Christie plans to do as well as with the CC. 

Councillor Gibson also highlighted the missing trees outside of the campus. He has been in contact with land services at SC regarding this for several years. Max Hislop from Treelink agreed to collaborate with Councillor Gibson to try and move this forward. 


10. AOCB 

BH gave an update on behalf of St Marks:

  • A new youth group will start on 14th November and will run every Thursday. There has been interest in helping in the youth club. It is open to young people S1 plus with a café set up, promoting a non-religious, safe space.
  • There are plans to hold another Xmas party for local young people, although the party will be free it will be ticketed.
  • Pauline Roberts highlighted that there is a consultation taking place on the future of libraries. This is about how libraries will look moving forward, BH will add a link to the survey to the minutes.
  • SC have produced an older person’s resource book which was launched by the Provost, who is the older persons champion. There are plans to have a roadshow over the winter to promote to older people’s groups and lunch clubs. The book is available both online and paper copy.
  • The remembrance service will take place on Friday 8th November on the square at the front of the campus at 11am.


The next meeting is at Raploch Community Campus on Wednesday 6th November at 6.30pm