June 2024 Minutes

Raploch Community Council AGM/Meeting
6th June 2023
Raploch Community Campus
Present: J Haslam, Chair, (JH), S Currie, Vice Chair & Treasurer (SC), R Robertson (RR), I Lowe (IL), L
Kettrick (LK), M McKinley (MMcK), G Slade (GS), Gill Christie, Ecologist and local resident, Robin
Clark, Treeline
Councillor Danny Gibson
Councillor Jim Thomson
P Roberts – Stirling Council Community Engagement (PR)
C Stewart – Minute taker (CS)
Apologies: B Hughes (BH), H Makhatholeia (HM)
Resignations: Donna Marie Totten and Amanda Connell
Welcome, apologies & Conflicts of Interest
JH welcomed everyone to the AGM. She gave apologies for Barry Hughes and Hilary Makhatholeia.
There have also been resignations from Donna Marie Totten and Amanda Connell due to other work
and life commitments.
Business Meeting June 2024
1. Communications update
 An election has been called for 4th July, polling stations will be open between 7am and
11pm. Anyone wishing to vote will be required to provide photo ID. This can include a Young
Scot card or bus pass. The closing date to apply for a postal vote is 19th June, proxy vote is
26th June and a vote of authority (this is for individuals who have no ID) is also 26th June. A
voting card will need to be presented on attendance at the polling station.
 There are now 40 mph speed limits in place between the Kildean roundabout and the
roundabout at Stirling auction house.
 There will be an online information session running for community council members on the
new health checks. The meeting will focus on the role of community councils and give
information on the support and training that is available to members. The meeting will take
place on Monday 10th June between 6.30 and 7.30pm. JH will send out an email with the
teams link.
 Councillor Nunn had an action from the previous meeting to investigate the potential safety
concerns regarding the EV charging points on Drip Road. The update provided was that an
officer replied, and a meeting is due to take place to discuss this further
 There are ongoing issues with vehicles speeding down Drip Road. JT will follow this up with
Michaela to get someone to come out to monitor who is using the road and the speed
vehicles are doing.
2. Update from Treelink
Robin provided an update. There will be a launch of the free tree project at the Raploch campus
on 1st July. JH will be in attending on behalf of the CC and Zara Issac, a local resident will launch
the project. Robin brought along a supply of flyers to be distributed locally. The launch is only for
the Raploch project as there is also a similar project taking place in Bannockburn. Anyone who
wants a free fruit or nut tree can sign up on the Treelink website from 1st July. The trees will then
be delivered between November and February during the planting session. There will be support
available from Treelink on how to plant and care for the trees.
Barry Hughes has been in touch with Robin to ask for more information and Mary McKinlay will
take information to St Mark’s to be displayed on the noticeboard.
At the last meeting concerns were raised about the need for permission to plant the trees.
Pauline Roberts has investigated this, and permission isn’t required however it is important that
guidance is provided on where is appropriate to plant the trees as some of the gardens in
Raploch as quite small.
1. Update from Gill Christie regarding HO63 site
Gill gave an update on the future of the HO63 site behind the fire station. Gill led a walk around the
site on 1st June which was attended by Councillor Nunn. The name was taken from the original
Raploch regeneration plan from 2006. Gill went through the upcoming deadlines regarding the site
and there was a discussion about both the possibility of putting together an LPP and a community
development plan. Gil felt the initial state of either would be to carry out a survey of residents. Gill
highlighted that her own IT skills are limited and therefore this was something she would need
support with. Pauline Roberts advised that Stirling Council can support with this and can pass on
details of survey monkeys, as well as QR codes and support to get information out in the next
newsletter. It was also felt it was important to carry out a children’s survey with the pupil council
and classes at the local schools.
It was agreed that this discussion would be continued as an agenda item at the next meeting. Gill
also spoke about using the LPP or community development plan to build relationships across
geographical boundaries. Stuart Meldrum from Cornton Community Council has already been in
touch with Julie Haslam to arrange a meeting to discuss how they can work together more closely.
2. Stirling Council Update
Councillor Gibson provided an update
 The council is currently in recess due to the upcoming election and routine business has
been suspended.
 A new Chief Executive has been appointed. There is an interim Chief Executive in post
and the date when the new Chief Executive will start is to be confirmed.
 The local ward councillors attended a meeting regarding the issues with the various
housing sites in Raploch. At the moment they are limited in the information they can
3. Billy Bremner Memorial
Councillor Thomson gave an update on the Billy Bremner memorial. Three potential designs have
been put forward and JH will send out the videos of each to CC members for them to vote on their
preferred choice. Once a decision has been made the artist will be revealed to the public and the
fundraising can start. The radio programme “Off the ball” will also be used to publicise the
fundraising. The plan is to work alongside the War memorial committee to support them with
fundraising and to ensure both compliment each other. There is a meeting planned for the 3rd July
and once this is finished the committee with come along to the CC meeting.
There has been no update from Councillor Nunn regarding a meeting of the subgroup.
4. Next meeting
There was a discussion about meetings over the summer period and it was decided that the Jully
meeting will go ahead but the CC will take August off.
5. Minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes of the May meeting were proposed by SC and seconded by LK. JH went through the
main points from the minutes and any updates:
 The pharmacy has now opened in Raploch and is doing well. They are doing “Getting to
know you” session sand offering a personalised service, as well as access to a private
consultation room.
 No one was able to attend the area forum in Bannockburn.
 No complaints received regarding 20mph speed limits introduced on road at Forth Valley
 Increased police presence continuing in Raploch with plain clothed CCTV vans monitoring
the area regularly.
 If anyone is interested in doing the wildlife walk on HO63 site please contact Gill Christie
The next meeting is at Raploch Community Campus on Wednesday 3rd July at 6,30pm