Port of Menteith Community Council
Minutes of the Ordinary General Meeting held at 7pm on
Monday 17th June 2024 at Port of Menteith Village Hall
Present: Jim Riach (Chair), Peter Stewart (Vice-Chair), Becky Saunders
(Secretary), Martin Stewart (Treasurer), Robin Armstrong, Alastair Orr Ewing
In Attendance: Councillor Martin Earl (Scottish Conservative & Unionist), Esther Lim (Minute Taker)
Apologies: None
Residents: 5 residents were in attendance.
- Members Present and Apologies for Absence
The Chair welcomed the attendees to the meeting.
- Declarations of Interest in the Items of Business No interests were declared
3. Adoption of the Draft Minutes of the EGM & OGM held on 15th April 2024
The unconfirmed minutes of the EGM held on 15th April 2024 were approved having been proposed by Peter Stewart (PS) and seconded by Becky Saunders (BS).
The unconfirmed minutes of the OGM held on 15th April 2024 were approved having been proposed by PS and seconded by BS.
4. Matters Arising from the Minutes of the Meeting Held on 15th April 2024
4.1 Inchmahome Follow Up
Robin Armstrong (RA) has sent an email to Joyce Kitching requesting an update. All seems to be running well. It appears that all seats are bookable and there are no standby seats but this is to be confirmed. There may be a spare boat for overflow passengers.
PS noted that Inchmahome is one of main attractions in Port of Menteith and the Community Council (CC) should be congratulated for being instrumental in getting it open to visitors again. Members requested feedback on the demographic of visitors and expressed willingness to support in any way possible. RA will keep an eye on how things are going and keep POMCC informed. [Action: Robin Armstrong]
4.2 Improvements to Footpath
It was noted that visitors to the hotel are often seen arriving on public transport
and having to drag their suitcases over rough ground to get to the hotel. It was agreed that increased footfall both to the hotel and Inchmahome warranted Stirling Council (SC) improving and extending the existing footpath. Jim Riach (JR) noted that improving the footway is detailed in the rural transport plan and is in line with the Strategic Tourism Development Plan which identifies the POM area as a mobility hub.
BM/RA will speak to Josh, Manager of the Lake of Menteith Hotel asking him to provide visitor numbers and to support the case for improving the path. [Action: BM/RA]
JR agreed to send copies of the plan/s to members. Members agreed to ask SC to conduct a formal assessment of the footpath with a view to making the requested changes. [Action: JR]
4.3 Meeting with Colin Clark re: Website Report
Colin Clarke has agreed to spend 2 days setting up a new POMCC website using the Wix platform. BS requested a volunteer to manage the process and maintain the website going forward. POM resident, Nicola Finney (NF) kindly volunteered to do this. [Action: Nicola Finney]
4.4 Stirling Council ‘Report It’ Function
Members discussed the problem of fly tipping in the area and the difficulty this
poses for landowners as SC does not remove items left on private land. They discussed links to the introduction of a pilot booking scheme at the waste facilities.
Councillor Martin Earl (ME) encouraged anyone who has issues with fly tipping to contact him and to send him photos as this will inform the review of the pilot.
5. Roads and Other Issues
5.1 Cardross Bridge Update
Following a meeting with Gary Neil, Roads Manager, the CC were promised fortnightly updates on the progress of the bridge repairs. So far, none have been received and BS has emailed them 3 times without reply.
Members expressed frustration at the delays and lack of communication and concern that a late season start will prolong the works. ME agreed to chase
Gary Neil for an update. [Action: Councillor Earl]
6. Local Place Plan
POMCC has discussed previously the creation of a Local Place Plan (LPP) but agreed at the time that they didn’t have the capacity to do this. They have since received communications from SC, the National Park (NP) and neighbouring CCs encouraging them to create a POMLPP. Hannah Robinson, from the NP has offered support and the involvement of a PhD student. Joyce from Thornhill CC has also offered advice and support.
BS asked for volunteers to form a small working group to look into creating a LPP.
Volunteers NF, JR, MS and RA agreed to form this group in the first instance. It was
suggested the working group has a call/meeting with Joyce and then with Hannah Robinson. [Action: Nicola Finney, Jim Riach, Martin Stewart, Robin Armstrong]
JR will send details of the Our Place Scotland website to team members as this has a useful tool they could use to start the process of crafting a LPP. [Action: Jim Riach]
BS will send contact details for the working group members to NF. [Action: Becky
7. Village Hall
The village hall (VH) committee is looking for new members. The current members are tired and a number want to stand down. Without new members the committee will not be able to run the hall and the VH will revert to the land owner. This means a valuable asset will be lost to the POM community. The CC met with the committee a few weeks ago and agreed to support them in recruiting new members, improving the condition of the premises in the short term and maximising the use and sustainability of the VH in the long term.
The CC are waiting for the committee to give them details of what they would like them to do. In the meanwhile the CC have compiled a list of volunteers willing to undertake jobs to tidy up the hall.
There was considerable discussion of ways the hall could be utilised to benefit the community and to be sustainable in the long term. It is estimated the VH requires an income of c. £5,000 to keep running. The only let at present is to the village school for PE classes. ME expressed concern that without the use of the VH, the school would be at greater risk of closure as it would not be able to provide the statutory PE lessons.
It was suggested that the committee ask the community what they would like from the VH. ME suggested the hall committee contact David Johnston who manages the successful Balquhidder village hall. ME will pass on his contact details. [Action: Councillor Earl]
BS will chase the VH committee for a response. [Action: Becky Saunders]
Alastair Orr Ewing (AOE) will message Kevin Harrison for feedback on how recent events at the VH have gone. [Action: Alastair Orr Ewing]
NF will contact the VH committee to offer her help. [Action: Nicola Finney]
8. Financial
8.1 Statement and Accounts Audit
Authority to access the Bank of Scotland account has been transferred from Claire Outterside to the new Treasurer, Martin Stewart.
The balance as of 1st April 2024 was £741.21 Outgoings were:
- Minute Taker - £50
- Insurance - £32.17
The current balance is £659.04
BS passed the end of year account to ME who will pass them to Stephen Bly.
[Action: Councillor Earl]
9. Correspondence
9.1 Kilmadock Community Council
Kilmadock Community Council (KCC) have contacted POMCC for support to lobby SC to change the process by which CCs submit enquiries. Currently, enquiries are funnelled through a central email and responses are often bland and unhelpful and discourage dialogue. Members agreed that the difficulty of communication and circular process is a source of frustration. Members agreed to support the initiative.
10. Planning and Licensing Issues
10.1 National Park vs Stirling Council Planning
BS asked for clarification on how to the 2 planning authorities – Stirling Council and the National Park – interact. ME confirmed that in the NP area, the NP are the planning authority, but that Building Control is always through SC.
10.2 Local Development Plan for NP
See Item 6 above.
11. Reports
11.1 Councillor’s Report
Councillor Earl highlighted the following matters: • Waste Management Booking System. ME requested that any issues with waste management, particularly access issues, be passed to him.
- Stirling Council Recess. SC is officially in recess as resources are diverted to the upcoming general election. The newly formed Stirling and Strathallen constituency is the largest in Scotland in terms of numbers and now includes Auchterarder.
11.2 NPA Report and Entry Sign Progress
There was no NPA report. Members queried why David Mackie, the NP representative was not at the meeting and noted there had been no NP presence at the last 3-4 meetings. JR will enquire about this. [Action: Jim Riach]
Matt Buckland has committed to progressing the entry sign, although there is no budget for this. It is likely to be a simple road sign. POMCC will keep chasing this. [Action: Jim Riach]
Wednesday is the official launch of the NPs new Callander to Aberfoyle bus route. Starting on 1st July, this will be run in the visitor season only. It is designed to link up with the 59 and X10 bus routes. If it is successful, it is hoped to extend the route to a loop which includes Port of Menteith. SC have also started operating the C60 bus route from Callander to Killin.
A member of the public noted that the hotel signage on the main road looks awful and doesn’t encourage visitors to stop. Members discussed options for improvement such as:
- Asking Alan to update the posts.
- Local businesses getting together to update the sign
- Requesting brown signs from SC.
[Action: RM]
11.3 Carse of Stirling Project Group Report
The Carse of Stirling Project Group have applied to Aspire Scotland for funding.
11.4 Strathard and Trossachs Visitor Management
There has been a consultation on improved visitor infrastructure and plans have been agreed. Communities can apply for funding based on those plans.
11.5 Port Church and Cemetery
The a service Linkage with Gargunnock, Kippen and Norriestonto mark this will be held at 7pm on 20th June at Kippen.is now in existence, and No big
changes are anticipated.
The church will be open on Monday and Friday afternoons from 2pm to 4pm throughout July and August. This is an important source of revenue for the church.
11.6 Port Hall Committee Report
None supplied. See item 7 above.
11.7 School Report None supplied.
11.8 Police Report
The police report for the period 12th April 2024 to 16th June 2024 was compiled by PC Lorna Deans and shared with members prior to the meeting. The following incidents were reported:
- A minor road collision involving 2 vehicles in Port of Menteith.
- A vehicle being driven in a dangerous manner on the A81 between Port of Menteith and Braeval
- Work vehicles causing an obstruction on the A81 by the junction of the B8034
In addition the Police reported the theft of a quad bike and other farming equipment from the Blair Drummond and Thornhill areas. They encourage residents to report any suspicious people or vehicles in the area to police.
11.9 Forestry and Land Scotland
JR noted that authorities are continuing to fell larch trees affected by fungus, the majority of which are near footpaths, such as at Braeval and the Rob Roy Way. Members expressed concern at the speed of spread and lack of biosecurity measures.
- Any other Business No matters raised.
13. Date of Next Scheduled Meeting
The next meeting of the Port of Menteith Community Council is scheduled to take place on Monday 19th August 2024 at 7pm in the Port of Menteith Village Hall.