Port of Menteith Community Council
Minutes of the Ordinary General Meeting held at 7:00pm on
Monday 19th August 2024 in Port of Menteith Village Hall
Present: Jim Riach (Chair), Peter Stewart (Vice-Chair), Becky Saunders
(Secretary), Martin Stewart (Treasurer), Robin Armstrong, Alastair Orr Ewing
In Attendance: Councillor Gene Maxwell (Scottish National Party), Kevin Harrison
(Village Hall Committee), Nicola Finney, Esther Lim (Minute Taker)
Apologies: PC Lorna Deans, PC Donald King, Lindsay Neill
Residents: 1 resident was in attendance
- Members Present and Apologies for Absence
The Chair welcomed the attendees to the meeting and gave the apologies.
- Declarations of Interest
No interests were declared.
3. Adoption of the Minutes
The unconfirmed minutes of the OGM held on 17th June 2024 were approved having been proposed by Peter Stewart (PS) and seconded by Martin Stewart (MS).
4. Matters Arising
4.1 Footpath Update
In response to an enquiry by Port of Menteith Community Council (POMCC),
Angela McGibbon has confirmed that the cost for the footpath to Inchmahome Priory and the Hotel is estimated at £131k. There is no money for the footpath in the current budget but it could possibly be financed by the cycling and walking grant scheme. A feasibility study would need to be carried out before this could be put forward for 2025-26. Becky Saunders (BS) will enquire when a feasibility study will be carried out. [Action: Becky Saunders]
4.2 Website Progress and Wider Village Communication
Nicky Finney (NF) has started developing the website and creating links between POMCC, the church, the school and village hall. She has forwarded this to BS to share with other members for feedback. She is hoping to create a branded look across all the village sites. She will continue to develop the site once she receives feedback from members. [Action: Nicky Finney and Members]
Member discussed the possibility of financing the website by hosting advertisements for local businesses.
4.3 Village Hall Clear Up
Kevin Harrison (KevH), reported that the Village Hall Committee were encouraged by community participation in the recent village hall clear-up when approximately 20 people came to help clean and tidy the hall and grounds. Residents shared ideas for the ongoing use of the hall and some expressed willingness to join the committee. The Committee hope to repeat this event approximately 3 times a year. KevH thanked Martin Stewart (MS) for providing a conditions report. KevH will send BS a copy of the Condition Report to be sent out with the draft minutes. [Action: Kevin Harrison and Becky
5. Roads and Other Issues
5.1 Cardross Bridge Update.
Gary Neil from Stirling Council (SC) Roads department has confirmed that a contractor has been appointed who will start in September 2024 at the earliest. Members discussed the likelihood that the work will be delayed due to bad weather. Councillor Gene Maxwell (GM) agreed to follow-up with Gary Neil to get more detail. [Action: Councillor Maxwell] BS will follow up with Gary Neil to confirm that the contractors will be meeting with local businesses before they start the work. [Action: Becky Saunders]
5.2 Traffic and Car Speeds Entering Village
Members discussed the number of near collisions witnessed in the village in recent weeks, including a number of near misses for vehicles exiting the school. In particular, residents noted risks caused by limited visibility due to overgrown hedges and, more concerningly, the blind summit on the approach road to the school. A resident suggested requesting a sign notifying motorists of a hidden school entrance ahead.
Members also discussed the speed at which modified motorbikes are racing through the village and the accompanying loud noise, as well as the pros and cons of extending the 30 mile speed limit through the village.
POMCC will contact the SC Roads department and ask for an officer to visit the village to discuss these issues. [Action: BS]. GM will follow up if necessary. [Action: Councillor Maxwell]
POMCC will contact the police regarding the hire of speed guns for community speed monitoring. [Action: BS]
Members suggested that residents report overgrown hedges using the SC Report-It function going forward.
5.3 Repairs to School Entrance
Resident, Kenny Higgins (KenH), reported on the bad state of the roadway in and out of the school which has caused considerable damage to the suspension of his car. Large potholes are getting worse and remedial filling with gravel has caused loose gravel to be picked up by vehicles. This is causing car wheels to spin as they leave the school adding to the dangerous conditions already discussed above.
KevH will approach the headmaster to ask if the school has a maintenance budget to cover the cost of repairs. He will inform them that the matter was discussed at the POMCC meeting. [Action: Kenny Higgins]. Jim Riach will submit an enquiry, including photos, to SC. [Action: Jim Riach]
6. Local Place Plan (LPP)
POMCC members met recently with members of Thornhill CC who shared their LPP. They also met with the National Park (NP) who offered support. To take this forward, POMCC need to come up with their own plan and then make an application to the NP for funding. Members discussed the advantages of POMCC having its own LPP and agreed to form a sub-group to take this forward. MS, NF, Robin Armstrong (RA), Lindsay Neill (LinN) KenH and KevH agreed to form the sub-group. The group will meet in on 2nd September 2024 in POM village hall and on Zoom. [Action: Martin Stewart, Lindsay Neill, Nicky Finney, Robin Armstrong, Kenny Higgins and Kevin Harrison]
7. Financial Report
The Treasurer delivered the Treasurer’s report. He confirmed the balance as of 17th June 2024 was £659.04. The only outgoing since then was a payment of £40 to the minute taker. The current balance is £619.04.
The application to SC for the Admin and Minute Taking Fund raised a query from Stephen Bly regarding the payment of £32.17 for insurance to Keegan and Pennykid. This payment is for additional insurance to protect the Community Council members and insure the defibrillator. It was noted that the defibrillator needs servicing and fundraising may be needed to finance this.
- Correspondence Discussed under item 5 above.
- Planning and Licensing Issues
No items of note were raised.
10. Reports
10.1 Councillor’s Report
Councillor Gene Maxwell delivered the Stirling Council Report. He noted the
- SC has just returned after an extended recess due to the general election and by-election, so there is little of significance to note.
- A new Chief Executive and a new Finance Officer have been appointed. A number of senior vacancies have yet to be filled.
- The Council Leader, Chris Kane, has been elected as an MP so will step down from his current role in due course. As a number of MPs are in a similar position, resignations are being staggered to avoid
councillors leaving en masse.
10.2 National Park Report and Entry Sign Progress
No report was provided and no NP representative was present. Members noted that there had been no NP representative at the last 3 meetings. JR contacted the NP regarding this NP following the last CC meeting. He will follow-up again. [Action: Jim Riach]
JR has been in conversation with the NP regarding the village sign. A survey was conducted and photos taken to decide the placement of signs. Stirling Council and NP are in discussion to determine who is responsible for paying for the signage. JR will continue to chase this. [Action: Jim Riach]
10.3 Carse of Stirling Project Group Nothing new to report. Work will commence once until funding is secured.
10.4 Strathard and Trossachs Visitor Management
Nothing new to report.
10.5 Port Church and Cemetery
The Church continues to remain open for July and August. A young man was observed recently camping in the cemetery. He apologised and said he had been caught late on in bad weather. No damage was done but obviously this is not to be encouraged.
10.6 Port Hall Committee
The Village Hall Committee will be meeting in the next few weeks. They have potential new members and renewed interest and support following the hall clean up. Going forward the committee will be looking to implement a maintenance plan and energy saving measures and will apply for grants to make the hall a more welcoming space. KevH noted that the Village Hall grant is being reduced to £500 in the coming year. In addition they have lost the regular booking of the yoga group. This leaves the school booking as their only regular source of booking and increases the need to find extra sources of income. See also item 4.3 above.
10.7 School Report
The School Report was provided by Ben Outterside and circulated to members prior to the meeting. See Addendum 1 for more detail.
BS will contact the police and request they visit the school to speak to the children regarding speed awareness. [Action: Becky Saunders]
10.8 Police Report
The Police Report for the period 16th June 2024 to 16th August 2024 was compiled by PC Lorna Deans and emailed to members prior to the meeting. Information was included on livestock worrying. There was nothing of note to report.
10.9 Forestry and Land Scotland
Alastair Orr Ewing (AOE) noted that they are planning to thin wood on the southern side of the Lake.
Jim Riach reminded members to be aware of Larch disease and that this will mean significant road closure due to clearing.
10.10 Inchmahome
Joyce Kitching has confirmed that although bookings are taken on-line, some spaces will be left for 'Stand by' passengers. A number of bookings have been lost due to bad weather. RA agreed to ask Joyce for visitor numbers. [Action: Robin Armstrong]
11. AOB
11.1 Fallen Tree
Members discussed the fallen tree outside the village hall. As the tree is not obstructing the road, it was agreed that SC would not accept responsibility and it would be left to the landlord to clear the tree.
11.2 Littering at Kate’s Brae
Members discussed the problem of littering and human waste left at the layby and private land known as Kate’s Brae. In 2021, SC agreed to install litter bins and empty them but it is believed the landowners did not want intervention on their land at that time.
BS agreed to have a conversation with the new landowner. POMCC will canvas locals and if there is consensus, they will request SC install a bin on the layby. [Action: Becky Saunders and Members]
12. Date of Next Scheduled Meeting
The next meeting of the Port of Menteith Community Council is scheduled to take place on Monday 21st October 2024 at 7pm in the Port of Menteith Village Hall.
Port School Report for Port of Menteith Community Council meeting 19th August
- School has now re-opened, We had 3 pupils leave us for High School back in June and we have had 1 intake this year.
- The current school role as of 14th August 2024 is 9
- The school held its sports day on 5th June along with Gartmore PS, we aim to do a lot of joint activities with Gartmore again this coming academic year.
- The parent were informed that Scott Easton has now been made a permanent teacher at the school following his cover as acting principle teacher for the last 2 years.
- The school now has an outdoor table tennis table situated in the school grounds. This is for use by the school and the local community.
- The school have been holding ‘mini mornings’ on set Saturdays which has been a free event open to pre-school and primary children to come along and experience the school and what we have to offer to attract future pupils to Port of Menteith. There are still some to come so keep an eye on social media
- We are still waiting for the police to visit the school to do a speed check in the village and give some speed awareness lessons with the pupils. This has been asked for now for over 6 months. We have seen the police have been able to visit other schools in the area (Aberfoyle PS for one) but still have not attended the Port School. Would the CC have any leverage to try and help the school make this happen?.
- Coming up before Christmas we have the annual fisheries/kirk BBQ dates to follow closer to the time.
- The School are planning to hold a community Ceilidh in the village hall in January around Burns Night.