March 24 Minutes

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Plean Community Council Minutes 18th March 2024

7pm East Plean Primary School

Attendance and Apologies

Zoe Nolan (Chair), William Silvestro (Vice Chair), Robert McWilliam (Treasurer), Scott Richards (Secretary), Neil McCambridge, Catherine Anne Robertson. Wendy McAlpine (Minutes) Margaret Brisley (Elected Member)

Apologies from Leah Easton and Sharon McGrouther.

Declaration of Interest


Minutes of last meeting 19/02/24

proposed Robert McWilliam and seconded Catherine Anne Robertson. Wendy will send to S Bly and 3 elected members.

Matters Arising

Bin issues on main street and siting a bin outside the bigger shop – awaiting update from Brian Hambly re this, carried forward.

Plean County Park Toilets – unresolved and still ongoing. Park shuts at 9pm and toilets shut at 4.30pm, can’t be left open due to vandalism etc. Brian Hambly still working on this and to advise further, carried forward.

Community Council Grant monies – Scott advised that this should be used of necessary stationery, stamps, ink etc. Scott will send an email round with choices.

Community Based Waste Management Sessions – From 1/5/24 an appointment system (online) will be running to allow visits to Polmaise Waste recycling centre. Margaret Brisley advised there will be no restrictions on visiting but appointments will need to be booked online to attend.

Budget results – EM report will advise further.

Lothian Broadband Sales Letter - S Bly advised response from EDS, investigations found that Lothian Broadband drafted a letter which was sent to all 3 Elected Members, only A McPherson responded, and Lothian Broadband mistakenly believed that this constituted a sign off by Stirling Council and Plean Community Council. No Stirling Council officers approved the letter. Once letter was brought to Stirling Councils attention, they informed Lothian Broadband of the mistakes made and the correct procedure to be followed in future. Assurances made that this will not happen again and any future comms with be run by EDS.


Eastern Village Form – no update given by Sharon McGrouther. Carried forward. Treasurers Report

£681.47 balance (£523.47 restricted, £158.00 unrestricted)

Elected Members Report – M Brisley

Budget Meeting was held, and financial situation is dire. Council Tax freeze came with a lot of conditions and extra commitments. Core funding for basic services not covered. Settlement was worse that predicted by Officers. Officers looked again at non statutory services, as instructed by Chief Exec, and compiled a list. Final budget agreed cuts to services, but Libraries were not affected this year. Changes made be made to Library structure and services moving forward.                                                                                     Situation to be monitored moving forward and suspect things will not improve for next financial year and further savings required. All cuts being made are available online to see.

Bob McWilliam advised that communities need to be encouraged and assisted at every opportunity to do things in community and not obstructed by the Council.

Communication and timescales with Council are a problem and a more collaborative attitude is required moving forward. MB advised that she has had issues with communications and agreement made that communities and EM’s should be given a better quality of response from Officers to queries etc.

Housing Budget meeting set an 6% increase in rent level for 2024/25 financial year. Capital Investment Programme was approved.

Shared Prosperity fund decisions to be advised by the end of March 2024.

School crossing Patrol and the puffin crossing at East Plean Primary should be completed by July 2024. Results of traffic survey still outstanding and not received.


500mw Battery Storage Site facility – plans available. Sepa legislation changing moving forward will the facility meet requirements moving forward?


Litter pick campaign –. Pv and CC could assist if Parent Council took this on as PV doesn’t have the time to commit at present.

Floor Questions – none

Next meeting - 15th April 2024 6pm East Plean Primary School.