January 24 Minutes

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Plean Community Council
Minutes 15th January 2024
6pm East Plean Primary School

1 Attendance and Apologies
In attendance Zoe Nolan (Chair), William Silvestro (Vice Chair), Bob McWilliam (Treasurer), Scott Richards (Secretary), Catherine Ann Robertson, Leah Easton, Neil McCambridge. Sharon McGrouther (CDO), Brian Hambly (Councillor) Wendy McAlpine (Minutes)
Apologies received from Alistair McPherson (Councillor)

2 Declaration of Interests
No declaration.

3 Minutes of the last meeting 20 Nov 2023
Minutes agreed, proposed Zoe Nolan, seconded Bob McWilliam.

4 Matters Arising
Bob now has access to on-line banking. A complaint regarding the time it has taken to set up the account has been upheld and the bank have credited the account with £48 compensation.
There is no update on the Bruce Street Play Park.
Plean’s Voice have expressed an interest in an asset transfer or long lease of the Balfour Centre.
The action point for Scott to add an email address for reporting anti-social behaviour and drug use to the community council Facebook has been carried forward.
Bob updated regarding the speed bump height issue on Main Street, we still await a solution from the Roads Department although they have admitted that the bumps are incorrectly installed.

5 Treasurers Report
The current balance is £701.47 made up of the start-up grant from Striling Council, the bank compensation and less the cost of the Poppy Wreath.

6 Elected Member Update – Brian Hambly
Brian informed the meeting that he continues to push for a puffin crossing with appropriate settings at the school.
Zoe - More to go in here.
Graeme McRoberts, Chair of Friends of Plean Country Park updated the meeting on the closure of the toilet block for a month over Christmas. Asked why this had been done and was this part of the budget closures moving forward? BH will find out at committee what the options are and report back. Toilets are now open again. GMcR will write to company that manage toilets in September to check ongoing plans. GMcR questioned why facilities in Plean are being earmarked for closure when the Locality Action Plan states Plean is a deprived area. BH advised Plean is a Council Priority area.
Litter pick being addressed by Plean’s Voice at the next meeting.
Alison Grainger will be the new minister for Plean and therefore an identifiable trustee moving forward.

7 School Crossing / Road Safety
Bob updated re meeting held with council earlier today. School crossing withdrawal proving a sensitive and difficult issue to resolve due to lots of reasons. A Puffin type crossing would be preferred.
Clansman offered to fund a volunteer crossing patrol and was looked at again. CC have no way of monitoring training, training, governance. and legal aspects of this. Kate Hudson Head of Service for People and Communities, has responsibility for this is going to investigate and precedence in UK for
charity taking on this work. Meeting set for 2 weeks and provide further update at the time.
Mitigation did not happen in Plean before the crossing patrol was removed according to Margaret Brisley so Kate will investigate this and report back. Update to be provided.
Concerns raised by floor regarding no responsible adult helping children on crossing and that a Puffin crossing would not be safe enough as children my think that pressing a button would mean the cars would stop. The school should not be responsible for children out with school hours. Question asked
that speed bumps should be the full length of the village.
Old Plean Petition was due to be presented to ETNZ committee for 4th time on Feb 1st. This has been delayed to 29th March as advised by email to Wendy McAlpine by Angela McGibbons, Roads Team Leader. This is to allow the roads officers to design a scheme to make Old Plean a 20mph limit in future. Recent speed surveys were within acceptable limits according to council update. This would make the full village 20mph in future. Would hope for more speed reducing measures on approach to school as part of that. Will report back once more information available. When survey comes out for School crossing areas will put in a freedom of information request for full survey results.
Area forum and the strength of the collective group should be a massive voice for change moving forward. Work still ongoing to improve forum and working together with Fallin and Cowie.

8 Planning Issues
Scott advised there have been no planning issues.

9 Any other competent business
Police report – no officers available to attend Monday CC meetings. 4 crime reports. 44 calls for area 18/12-15/1/24. Pc Woodhouse attended EPPS 10/01/24 and educated P4-7 on road safety. PC Woodhouse will meet community in Feb 2024 at EPPS. Drugs intelligence can be given anonymously,
and Scott will put contact email on CC Facebook page. Issue of no visibility of Community Police officers, Pc Woodhouse meeting should address this.

10 Questions /Comments from the floor
Bruce Street playpark - If improvements made will Scottish Water address the sewerage issues that happen regularly? Residents very aware of this and don’t let children use park as a result. Historic issue over many years that has not been addressed properly by Scottish Water. No point in park regeneration if sewerage issues are not properly addressed.
Brian will ask the question to Stirling Council and report back.
Bob will try to investigate this issue, and who should deal, and report back.
Keystore/Shop local have asked if a litter bin outside shop is possible? Catherine Ann advised that when walkabout was done with council that part of the main street already has 2 litter bins in proximity and another would not be permitted as a result. Catherine Anne has advised the shop keeper of this.
Perhaps the one located outside ANU beauty could be relocated? Keystore in Bannockburn would need to give permission to locate any bin on the waste land.
Waiting on Steven Robertson from council reporting back.
Brian will investigate further and report back.

11 Floor Questions

12 - Next meeting – 19th February 2024