February 24 Minutes

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Plean Community Council
Minutes 19th February 2024
7pm East Plean Primary School

1 Attendance and Apologies
In attendance Zoe Nolan (Chair), William Silvestro (Vice Chair), Bob McWilliam (Treasurer), Scott Richards (Secretary), Leah Easton.
Sharon McGrouther (CDO), Brian Hambly (Councillor) Wendy McAlpine (Minutes)
Apologies received from Neil McCambridge, Catherine Ann Robertson.

2 Declaration of Interest
No declaration.

3 Minutes of the last meeting 15th Jan 2024
Minutes agreed, proposed Zoe Nolan, seconded Bob McWilliam.

4 Matters Arising
Bruce St playpark flooding issues – nothing has been reported to council historically. When problem recurs, it should be photographed / videod and reported to the council/Scottish water to allow them to address any issues.
Bin outside corner shop cannot be moved. Bin removed from Old Plean has not been resited and BH is chasing to see if this is an option and waiting on a response.
Plean County Park toilets BH still trying to resolve the issues regarding access and times. Hoping to have a site visit with Council officers/Plean Park run and Friends of PCC in future to resolve and put action plan in place.

5 Treasurers Report
Account Bal £721.47 including £158 compensation from Bank of Scotland re internet banking set up delays. Mandates previously completed have been lost by bank and need to be signed again and submitted. Steven Bly (Council) to confirm what funds/grants can and cannot be spent on before end of financial year. Scott will chase and advise further.

6 Elected Members Update – Brian Hambly
SNP group will fight library closures. BH will communicate budget changes/results as released as Budget due 29th. Should expect non statutory provision to decrease.
Community based waste management – sessions in community to discuss further initiatives and practices were held but Ward 7 was not identified as participants. S Bly will look to ascertain level of interest in these sessions and ask officers to attend CC meetings as appropriate.
Big conversation process and documents are flawed and still awaiting results of this. BH will update once results are known from this process.
Rosehill Bridge at Bogend Road still closed, Falkirk council working on repairs and should be completed by end of Feb 2024.

7 Planning Issues

8 Police Report
No report but a lot of issues with youth disorder over last few weeks and community very worried.
School targeted and gym hall door damaged. Community PC has names of youths involved and will be visiting them. Will be at School Weds 21st 9-12 to allow residents to discuss any concerns. Scott to add to CC Facebook page.

Park management rules consultation – all should have a look at details forwarded by Scott.
S Bly asking if anything to be added to CC insurance. Scott has asked what is already insured (notice board) and what can be added to the insurance. What CC assets are there? Bob advised no other assets he is aware of.
Planters to be added on main street with be CC planters but planted up by Plean’s Voice.
Lothian Broadband sales letter sent to community gives impression that PCC were involved, and A MacPherson has signed this off. Referred to S Bly who will take up with governance and will investigate internally. PCC advised to distance themselves from this mailing. Scott emailed A MacPherson, and he stated that he did not sign this off and has been misappropriated as well as PCC.
A MacPherson stated that he was proud of his involvement due to arranging free broadband for the Balfour Centre and stated he did not endorse this private mailing and did give authorisation to use his name. Scott has emailed Lothian Broadband to gather further information regarding this issue
and awaits reply from Gina 19/2/24. – to be updated and next meeting.
BH stated that A MacPherson did not arrange free Broadband for the Balfour Centre as this was offered by Lothian Broadband at the outset of the project and funded by Scottish Government.
BH will communicate budget changes/results as released as Budget due 29th. Should expect non statutory provision to decrease.
Old BMX track – residents would like to resurrect this facility. Bob will do a letter to S Bly to find out how to progress this and who should be dealing. This next to Trust land that is being considered for the new Hub.

9 Questions from Floor
BH advised they a meeting with P Roberts and discussed S Bly and how his area works. Problems with QA regarding this. Nothing in system to let S Bly know if officers contact CC once enquires are forwarded by him. BH hopes this will be looked at.
BH frustrated by lack of progress with the Eastern Village Forum which seems to have stalled.
Formal process has not been easy to navigate and gone nowhere. Forum could have access to many facilities across the villages that are currently sitting dormant. Forum needs to progress to take on services that Council will not be able to provide. Forum needs work and streamlining. Sharon will
enquire back to P Roberts and advise further.
Next meeting - 18th March 7pm East Plean Primary School.