Mar 2022 Minutes

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Minutes of Meeting on 15th March 2022 Blairlogie Reading Room


Present: Mary Maxwell Irving (Chair), Robin Kelsall (Vice Chair), Peter Jennings (Secretary), Cameron Campbell (Treasurer), Susan Allen

In Attendance: Cllr. Danny Gibson (part), Jamie Adcock (The Future Forest Company - part), PC Lowery and PC Gray (part), Katanya Hamilton (Minutes Secretary) and 14 Residents

1. Apologies: None

2. Declarations of Interest: None

3. Co-option of additional Councillor

Georgina Cairns was unanimously welcomed onto Logie Community Council as a new member.

4. Dumyat Farm – Update on Plans by the Future Forest Company

Jamie Adcock, Estate Manager for the Future Forest Company, introduced himself and explained the objectives of the company. Surveys have been taking place over the last six months with geographical consistencies and public access being taken into account. More information, with planning proposals, can be found online at There is also to be a Consultation Event on Monday, 21 March, from 2pm to 7pm, at the Dumyat room, Scion House, University of Stirling Innovation Park, FK9 4NF.

Questions taken from residents at the meeting produced the following information:

· A 2- metre wide gravel path over geotextile will be installed to improve access from Blairlogie village to Logie Kirk.

· The company is looking at including the curling pond in their plans.

· A diverse mix of planting and chemical-free methods is preferred to encourage biodiversity.

· The company suggests a wild play area for children on their land adjacent to the village play park. Jamie will liaise with Peter Jennings on this.

· The projected timescale (including consultations, planting applications, approval process, etc.) should allow for ground preparation by October 2022. It will take five years for the woodland to become established.

· The company aim to plant 250,000 trees by 2023.

  • Jamie explained the mounding method which will be used to plant the trees. This method reduces chemical usage and encourages trees to grow.

· Gorse and broom clearance is a longer term project and a huge challenge on the wider hill.

· Re-surfacing of the West Lane may well be included in the work, if agreed with the Blairlogie Community & Heritage Trust, who owns it.

· Comments, questions and feedback can be given to Jamie Adcock at

5. Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the 18th January meeting were approved. (Proposed: Cameron Campbell; seconded: Robin Kelsall).

6. Matters Arising

  • Tree Preservation Order and Tree Survey: A professional tree survey of the trees in the West Lane has been done, with one tree being recommended for exclusion from the TPO and TPO coverage suggested for another. The conclusion was that the wall at the Croft is not being affected by tree roots. Planning permission for its rebuilding/repair has not been granted yet.


  • Path repair between Nethercraig and Ochil Neuk: No definitive reply from Stirling Council yet.
  • Swan Deaths: No feedback as yet from Planning re enforcement.
  • Trees opposite Witches’ Craig: Ongoing. Cllr. Thompson is dealing with this.

7. Treasurer’s Report

The account balance was £1198.76 as at 18th January 2022. No income has been received since the last report. Expenditure since the last report includes £40 for minutes taken at the last meeting and

£25 for printing costs bringing the balance to £1133.76. Cheques going out today for £40 for minutes of today’s meeting and £135 for Hall booking fees will bring the balance to £923.76, which is expected to be the balance and the end of this financial year.

8. Police Report

There were 3 crime reports over the period from 9th January: two detected cases, for driving without a licence and insurance and driving without insurance. The other case involved theft and fraud and enquiries are ongoing to trace the suspect.

Community Police officers (speed limits up to 40mph), assisted where possible by Roads Policing Unit colleagues (all speeds limits), have been conducting checks in the Blairlogie area and surrounding roads during January and February. Six drivers received Conditional Offers of Fixed Penalty and two were reported for other offences. Numerous drivers were given verbal warnings regarding their speed or driving manner. Speed checks will continue, where possible, by both Community Officers and Road Policing Unit colleagues to reinforce the reduced speed limit. Social media will also be used, if appropriate.

9. Planning Report

Guschetneuk Field: Permission has been refused for two houses to be built there.

10. Blairlogie Speed Limit Reduction Project

‘Conservation Village’ signs, ‘Taunton’ planters and a ‘Pedestrian in the Road’ sign are to be installed by the end of April. The eastmost vehicle activated speed sign (VAS) is to be moved 30m further east. Mary Maxwell-Irving explained that ‘Your Speed’ VAS signs (showing actual speed) at each end of the village had been refused. It was generally agreed that these signs would be infinitely more effective than the VAS currently in place and the Community Council will try to achieve this at a meeting with Stirling Council in a fortnight’s time.

As there are so many large vehicles entering and leaving the Caravan Park, it was felt that extending the 40 mph limit to the Logie roundabout would be a safer option.

It was noted that the sign to Witches Craig Caravan Park at the east of the village needs an arrow with the direction indicated. The siting of the sign could also be changed to bring it nearer to the crossroads and avoid caravans turning up to the Square.

Road markings need to be repainted.

11. Blairlogie Burn Flood Risk Assessment and Culvert Clearing

Clearing has been done on the south side but one resident says more needs to be removed. Information on the stage reached re the requested professional Risk Assessment on the burn is still being requested.

12. Improvements to the Blairlogie Play Park

Susan Allen did a local survey through WhatsApp to gather information on what improvements residents would like to see. Peter Jennings and others then met with Paul Allen of Stirling Council. It has been agreed that a Play Tower with roof, 2 swings (including a toddler swing) and a slide attached will be provided for the play park as soon as the funding becomes available for the new financial year. There will also be a recycled picnic table. Peter is seeking grant aid for sit-on rockers which will be ordered and installed free of charge by Stirling Council. Stirling Council will remove


the existing swings. It was noted that the vegetation under the chestnut tree in the northwest corner should be included in the council’s cutting programme. The Community Council agreed to proceed with the play park upgrade project. Separately, Peter will liaise with Jamie Adcock re the proposed additional wild play area.

13. Community Resilience Planning

A meeting of the volunteers was held a few weeks ago where communication was identified as the most important factor. To that end, the following actions were agreed:

· a list of volunteers with their photographs and contact details will be put on the wall in the Reading Room;

  • a communications hub will be set up in the Reading Room;

· as the Reading Room is an important resource for enabling residents to get to know one another and meet up, efforts will be made to elicit ideas for gatherings and activities and an ideas board has been put up on the wall, and;

· Susan and the other volunteers are going to knock on doors to introduce themselves and talk to residents about what is available.

It was suggested that the stove in the Reading Room would be an asset for heating and cooking in the event of a power cut if it were refurbished and the chimney lining checked. There may be the possibility of a grant for refurbishment which the Trust could apply for before the closing date in April. It was suggested that a generator might be obtained on a loan basis, either from Stirling Council or SPEN. Susan Allen will approach the Council’s Resilience Group organiser, Jim Dickie.

The Resilience Group also need a detailed electronic map of the Blairlogie area. Robin Kelsall has an OS contact and Susan will give him a specification to follow up. The Map Library in Edinburgh was also suggested as a possible source.

Anyone over 60 or under 5 can be registered as vulnerable for priority status with Scottish Power.

14. Active Travel Route – Blairlogie to Stirling University

Peter Jennings and Mary Maxwell-Irving had met with Clackmannanshire Council to find out about the proposal. Clackmannanshire Council will be seeking funding in July. The proposal is to upgrade the path with a tarmac surface which runs along behind Blairlogie Park to the East Lane, and lay a geotextile path from the end of West lane through the field to Logie Kirk (for pedestrian only). The cycle path would continue down through the village and along the Hillfoots Road pavement, as now, with an upgrade to the pavement. The entrance and lane through to Stirling University would be upgraded. It is hoped that the Blairlogie Orchard Car Park can also be upgraded as part of this project. The Future Forest Company has, as Jamie Adcock explained, already discussed with Clackmannanshire Council the upgrade to the footpath through its field, and is keen for this to happen sooner rather than later.

15. AOB

Car Park Litter:

Stirling Council has decided that a litter bin is not required. Jamie Adcock cleared the car park of litter when it was particularly bad.

Sweeping in the Village:

Stirling Council will continue its usual programme of sweeping and will only alter this if there is a Health & Safety issue.


The street light in front of the Manse has been repaired.

Date of next meeting and AGM: - 17 th May 2022