Jan 2022 Minutes

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Minutes of Meeting on 18th January 2022 Blairlogie Reading Room


Present: Mary Maxwell-Irving (Chair), Robin Kelsall (Vice Chair), Peter Jennings (Secretary), Cameron Campbell (Treasurer), Susan Allen

In Attendance: Cllr. Jim Thomson (Stirling Council), Katanya Hamilton (Minutes Secretary) and 10 Residents

1. Apologies: PC Lowery, PC Gray

2. Declarations of Interest: None

3. Full Membership of additional Councillors

Co-optees Susan Allen and Peter Jennings, having attended the required three full meetings, were welcomed onto Logie Community Council as full members.

4. Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the last meeting (9th November 2021) and the Special Meeting (6th December 2021) were approved.

5. Matters Arising

  • Blairlogie Planters and Signage: The planters have yet to arrive and will need to be chased up. The roads department has refused to replace the current Vehicle Activated Signs with the ‘Your Speed’ signs we had previously, reflecting accurate speed. This is on grounds of aesthetics but a ‘Conservation Village/Area” sign has been approved and provision of a ‘pedestrian in road’ sign will be considered near the top of Manor Loan. All existing signs have been designated as necessary.
  • Speed Limit Reduction: A recent survey covering all original Petition signatories, as well as all residents on the 30mph stretch of the A91 and the CC, showed that the majority do not see the problem as resolved. After discussion, the Community Council decided to call for the implementation of Phase 2 of the agreed Option C to put traffic calming islands (or nibs) in place for a trial period to assess their effectiveness. It was explained that the current criteria for speed (aka safety) cameras do not allow of one here, but it is hoped that the Green Party’s more formal involvement in the Scottish Government may lead to changes in criteria and guidelines at some time in the future.
  • Flood Risk Assessment and culvert clearing: Arrangements for the independent flood risk assessment are ongoing. Maria Lucey (Team Leader) is still in talks with WSP Consultants. Arrangements for clearing the south end of the culvert are being made by Iain Diamond of Stirling Council.


  • Tree Preservation Order: A visit was made on 29th December by an arboriculturalist appointed by Stirling Council. If the TPO is to be confirmed, this would be due no later than six months after it was made (30th September 2021).
  • Improvements to the Play Park: There had been a positive response to the proposal. Robin Kelsall will follow up talking to parents and their children about improvements which could be made. The Secretary will contact Stirling Council to fix a date for a meeting with the play park officers. It was noted that the beech hedge will need to be pruned in August.
  • Powis Loan Footpath: Cllr Thomson reported that the drawings for the footpath have been submitted to Neil Pirie (Stirling Council). There have been some objections, so the proposal may have to go to committee. Positive news is that SPEN has recently committed to completing the project.

The speed limit on Powis Loan is to be reduced to 50mph and signage should be in place by the end of February.

  • Community Resilience Plan: The Secretary had produced and hand-delivered a flyer to all houses in the Logie CC area explaining the scheme. So far, volunteers from Blairlogie, Cotkerse, Powis and Powis Mains Steadings had replied. Susan Allen will meet up with representatives from Stirling Council to discuss the project before a plan is developed and disseminated to the community.
  • Pathway to Nethercraig (from November Minutes): Stirling Council is to be asked to mend the hole in the path resulting from the last flooding and also whether better drainage arrangements, with road grilles, could be made at its South end on the A91.

6. Treasurer’s Report

The account balance was £1123.76 as at 1st November 2021. The total income as of 3rd December was £100. There has been no expenditure since 1st November, bringing the balance held on 18th January to £1223.76.

The income was from the RBS for the long and very drawn out change of Treasurer process, for which the bank made a compensation payment of £100.

7. Police Report

There had been an unresolved case of Opening Lockfast Places, a case of driving without insurance and one of driving while under the influence. Speed checks will continue. Three speed checks in November had not identified any speeders. (Observed by the meeting that this is likely to be because of the high-viz approach required of the police.)

Inspector Liam Harman had offered to improve the content of police reports to CCs and to attend a CC meeting. So far, he has proved uncontactable.

8. Planning Report

Guschetneuk Field: No decision yet re the two new houses applied for.

Gogar Mains Planning Application: This is an ongoing project for 8 self-build houses. The Community Council has asked for more passing places on Gogar Loan. It was


noted that, as the former steadings were a special site for swallows in the past, it might be the case that eaves should be included on any new building plans.

9. Swan Deaths

Based on a report they requisitioned from Heritage Environment Ltd, SPEN has concluded that bird diverters are not required on the HV line. Ida Bailey had examined the report and produced a response which will be forwarded to SPEN. Ida has highlighted the fact that it is a planning condition that diverters be put in place if deaths occur. It was also noted that there are both ecological and human impacts as a result of swan deaths and swans are, additionally, a protected species. Contacting the SSPCA was also identified as an option.

Post-Meeting Note: Councillor Thomson has referred the matter to the Planning Department and has also requested that SPEN, given the history of the site and their ongoing pylon mitigation work, provide the diverters as a gesture of goodwill.

10. Co-option to Community Council to fill one Vacancy

It was agreed to fill one vacancy on the Community Council to bring the number up to the six allowed. A nomination form will go out with the minutes.

11. AOB

1. Extended Cycle Track to West of Village: This project has now been passed to Clackmannanshire Council who are partnering with Stirling Council via the City Region Deal Action Travel Programme and are responsible for a route to be created between Fishcross and Stirling University. A meeting has been arranged for 1 February, when the LCC Chair and Secretary will meet with the Clackmannanshire Council project manager in Blairlogie to discuss proposed routes.

There was discussion on resurfacing the West Lane, with the conclusion that the BCHT would proceed with resurfacing (as was done before) once the Clackmannanshire Council position on the cycle track route - and any possible improvements to the surface of the West Lane it might present - were clear and once the stone boundary wall at The Croft has been repaired.

2. Trees opposite Witches Craig: There was a request that Stirling Council check these to avoid danger during future gales.

3. Re-use Hub for unwanted items: Stirling Council has set up a hub to receive a wide variety of unwanted items for re-use, such as furniture, electrical items, kitchenware, books etc., and even musical instruments.

4. New Fire Alarm Regulations: Reminder that the new regulations come into force for every dwelling in Scotland on 1 st February 2022. All must have connected smoke and heat alarms which go off simultaneously. There could be insurance implications of non-compliance.

See https://www.gov.scot/publications/fire-and-smoke-alarms-in-scottish-homes/


12. Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 15th March 2022