Sept 2021 Minutes

Logie Community Council
Minutes of Virtual Meeting
14 September 2021 at 5pm


Present: Mary Maxwell-Irving (Chair), Robin Kelsall (Vice Chair), Cameron
Campbell (Treasurer)

Residents: 2


Apologies: Ken Todd and Central Scotland Police


Declarations of Interest: None


Co-option of Additional Community Councillors: Susan Allen and Peter
Jennings were unanimously co-opted and welcomed as additional Community


Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting:

The minutes of the meeting held on 23 June 2021 were approved. (Proposed by
Robin Kelsall and seconded by Mary Maxwell-Irving)


Matters Arising:

Bin Collection

4-weekly grey and blue bin collection starts next week. This new regime will mean
that no bins at all are collected on every fourth Tuesday.


Septic Tanks and Drainage

Stirling Council has agreed that the ditches and burn need clearing opposite
Blairlogie Park. Iain Diamond of Stirling Council has asked that the three
landowners involved organise a start date for the work before the end of the year.
Peter Jennings expressed great thanks to former Community Councillor Ian Doyle
for his significant part in bringing the matter to this stage.


Fallen Tree next to Blairlogie Park

The Stirling Council Ranger visited the council-owned site and found white root
fungal disease on the fallen tree. She will check the area again in the autumn. The
dead tree is to stay, as it will attract good fungus to combat the white root disease.


Car Park Re-surfacing

Bruce Reekie, a senior manager from Stirling Council, has been asked to have
monies for this work included in the programme as soon as the budget allows.
This is particularly important as the Car Park lies within the Blairlogie
Conservation Area and its condition was unfavourably commented upon by a CA
Appraisal in 2015.


Treasurer’s Report:

Stirling Council is releasing funds on a top-up basis where there has been an
underspend of Admin and/or Minute grants. Last year’s Admin grant of £391 had
an underspend of £319.38 after the basic insurance payment of £83.39 was made.

The Minute grant of £250 had an underspend of £170. Therefore, the grants for
2021-22 total only £68.23.


Police Report: A police report was not available, as both officers are on leave,
followed by COP26 training.


Police Community Speedwatch Scheme: The police had confirmed that the
reconditioned K-GP radar speed gun, costing £790, was the minimum they would
require the community to provide for this scheme. Further discussion of the
scheme was carried forward to the next meeting.


Planning Report

Two outstanding applications - for two houses on the Guschetneuk field and the
forward extension of 2 Rowanbank – await decisions, which are due to be issued
fairly shortly. A number of submissions have been made by individuals and also
one by the Community Council (re Guschetneuk) and one by the Blairlogie
Community & Heritage Trust (re Rowanbank).


The meeting closed at this point, due to Zoom time limitations.

Minutes have been prepared by Katanya Hamilton, Minutes Secretary, from a Zoom
recording of the meeting.


Date of Next Meeting:

Tuesday, 9th November, at 7pm. Please note change of date from that in the
previous minutes.

This meeting will be held, we hope, in the Reading Room.


Post-Meeting Notes:
Speed Limit Reduction Measures:

As part of the work, two gateway planters are to be placed on the south side of the
road, one at each end of the village, to reinforce a sense of place. Jennifer and Peter
Jennings have kindly volunteered to manage the planter at the east end and
Katanya Hamilton has kindly offered to manage the one at the west end. CC
financial support for this will be discussed.


In order to assess the effectiveness of the measures taken to date, rubber speed
monitoring strips were laid on the A91, within the new speed limit area, on 18th


Red Squirrels:

Ida Bailey has provided details of warning signs offered by Saving Scotland’s Red
Squirrels (SSRS). These can be put up on fences or hedges on private land adjacent
to busy roads.


Speed Limit Reduction on Gogar and Manor Loans

Stirling Council has elected, albeit without consultation, to reduce the speed limit
on both Loans to 30mph. Indications of implementation of this work have already
been observed at Gogar Loan.