June 2022 Minutes

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Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 21st of June 2022 7.30pm in the Kippen Reading Rooms and Via Zoom


Present: Derek Shanks, Robert Clubb, Barbara Ross, Scott Crawford, Christine Stewart, Sarah Hill, Margaret Beaton.

Attending: No Councillors & 7 members of the public.

Apologies: Hugh Aitchison, Cllr Gerry McGarvey.

Minutes of the last meeting: (10/05/2022) were approved (proposer – Margaret Beaton, seconder – Derek Shanks).

Police Report: (1.) There have been reports of suspicious persons at the area of the new building site and a report of one of the containers being broken into. Police attended and there were no trace of the suspicious persons and enquiries continue into the theft.

Defib: The defibrillator is located outside the Kippen Reading Rooms. Money is required to have pads replaced that have gone past their expiry date. KCC will pay for the pads in the short term until we can sort something out for the longer term. Need to look into a funding stream to keep them going. The SARS team come out and “service” the defib and replenish supplies but just require the funds. This is a vital resource to the village. The Reading Rooms are ok for training for Defib for local residents. Would it be an idea to contact the school to see if training would be useful to kids in P6 & P7? Would be a great idea to speak with The Kippen Grapevine Magazine to get word out to see if we can bring in funds.

Dawn Homes: A vehicle came out of Burngreen and just about had an accident due to speed of vehicles coming from the site. It is suggested that give way markings are required. The lighting box on the corner of Castlehill Loan has been hit again and is loose. The core footpath seems to have closed off – there is a claim for “Emergency Measures”. Need to contact the compliance officer re this to look into.

Graham’s Dairy/AD Application: Decision granted on the dairy. Some questions still

haven’t been answered from the council. There has been a suggestion that the cows will be kept inside all of the time. The capacity of the dairy is 300+ heard of cattle. Based on the cattle heard there is likely to be more manure produced than noted in the application.

There are businesses moving away from this site as a direct result of this application. Kippen Green Update: Some tidy up of Burnside is required. The path will be done at the end of the year by a local contractor.

Correspondence: An email has been received from Kippen Heritage re rubbish left outside the old Kirkyard preventing access to the site. There is also concern regarding the fact that this area is now a “car park” and no access. We would need to speak with the Police and/or Stirling Council re this. Another email has been received re the signage on the Roundabout showing services such as toilets and fuel that we no longer have in the village. Also issues with Fintry Road on the way out of Kippen on the left – this will be raised with the council. Road Issues: Some pot holes have been filled in. Glinns Road will be closed on the 27th June for repairs. The pavement heading out of Kippen down the Fore Road is very overgrown

Kippen Community Council

c/o Reading Rooms, Castle Hill, Kippen FK8 3DN kippencommunitycouncil@gmail.com


and dog walkers are having to walk onto the Main Road (60mph limit) as not wide enough. Need to approach Stirling Council to see if the Brae can be cleaned. Other issues have been coming in via e-mail that will be forwarded onto Stirling Council.

Planning: Nothing to note.

Bus Service: The bus service is very inconsistent just now due to a combination of factors. There is currently a shortage of bus drivers out the Balfron Bus Station. There are also delays in notifications of bus cancelations and issues with App not showing the most up-to- date data. Other Council areas have a community scheme such as cars or buses to help alleviate issues. Local MSP is going to look into at the Scottish Parliament. There may potentially be an issue with school buses after the holidays due to the number of new pupils attending Balfron High School.

Treasurer’s Report: Nothing new to report.

Councillor’s Report: Cllr McGarvey was en route to the meeting when his car broke down, but relayed to the CC that he was more than happy to follow-up on any new matters arising at the meeting.

Round Table Discussion: The Reading Room will be hosting the film festival this week. How do the villagers know what is going on in the village re KCC Meetings? Posted on the KCC website, Stirling Council Website and notice board in the village. Community Councils don’t have the funds go ahead and do things in the village. The Green by the bottle bank – there is a seat but you can’t view anything due to a grit bin in the way. There is broken glass around the bottle bank also. There is a plaque at the top of Scott Brae showing the mountains/hills which is now water damaged. Who is tidying up the War Memorial? Will be looked into. Should there be a sign to say “Cauldhame” in that area of the village?

Should we have a stall at the Kippen Street Fayre next year? An e-mail hunt was suggested by a member of Anrprior Nursery.

Any Other Competent Business: KCC would like to send their thoughts to Hugh who has taken ill.

The meeting closed at 9.17pm.

Next meeting: Tuesday 13th of September 2022 at 7.30pm in the Reading Rooms and Via Zoom.

