Sept 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 14th of September 2021 7.30pm Via


Apologies: None Received

Present: Kevin Carty, Scott Crawford, Christine Stewart, Barbara Ross, Hugh Aitchison,
Margaret Beaton, Robert Clubb, Sarah Hill, Susan Hewett, Derek Shanks.

Attending: Councillor Rob Davies & Jane Hutchison & 10 Members of Public

Minutes of the last meeting: (24/08/2021, SOE 24/08/2021 & 30/08/2021) were approved
(proposer Margaret Beaton; seconder Kevin Carty).

Co-Option Nomination: We have only had one person interested in the Co-Option position.
KCC give 14 days’ notice to elect member on as a Co-Option Member.

Police Report: 1.) There was a noisy music call to Main of Boquhan, Kippen. Police
attended and organiser turned the music down. 2.) There was a report of youths on the
roof of the primary school. Tiles were damaged although no break in was attempted. That
same night a fire was started at the toddler’s area in the woods near to the football pitch.
Enquiries were carried out and it was established that these incidents were linked. Youths
from out with the area were responsible for both and were reported for the offences. 3.) A
male was cautioned and charged after damaging a trailer with a fork lift within the wood
yard at Mains of Boquhan. 4.) A male was cautioned and charged after assaulting another
male in Castlehill Loan, Kippen. 5.) A 3 vehicle RTC occurred on the A811 near Kippen
Roundabout. No injuries. Police attended due to the road being blocked. 6.) I have carried
out Hand held radar speed checks within the village and will be back out again in the near
future. 7.) I’m aware of the complaint regarding lorries going to the Dawn Homes building
site. I made the foreman of the site aware of the complaints and he is going to pass the
message onto the drivers of the lorries. 8.) A theft of a trailer occurred at a farm on the
A811, Kippen.

Planning: We’ve received an e-mail from a resident to notify us of their intention to build a
bungalow and looking for our support. We discussed and KCC have suggested that we
cannot put in a letter of support. A previous application has been rejected.

Treasurer’s Report: Nothing changed. Same as last month minus £8.

Bin Collections: WSC attended a Zoom meeting hosted by the Community Engagement Team. Over
19,500 Brown Bin Permits have been sold (£682,500 revenue). Grey and Blue Bins now on 4 weekly
collection cycle. Additional Blue and Green bins can be provided to those who require them.

Households with 5 or more residents can apply for a larger grey bin if required. Houses with 4
residents can apply for a larger grey and may be permitted.

Why weren’t Community Councils consulted beforehand? Waste service within Stirling new
recycling rates were plateauing and the numbers were the lowest in Scotland. Options put forward
re optimising was the 4-weekly

The site at Polmaise was designed to do the recycling – why not just put everything in one bin?
Apparently NOT designed to separate waste. We used to have a one bin system – however the
quality of material is very low as this will be getting contaminated by actual waste.

Fly tipping – are you expecting an increase in fly tipping? Other local authorities haven’t noticed an
increase in fly tipping after the increase in charges.



Kippen Community Council

c/o Reading Rooms, Castle Hill, Kippen FK8 3DN

Asked about Anaerobic Digesters and if Garden/Food Waste could be used instead of Crops – the
answer was no as needs to be a consistent Mix.

Name Housing Estate: A former KCC Member has suggested the “Black Braes”, “The

Brambles” or something to reference the holly tree that has been cut down. We contacted
Kippen Primary School to see if the children would like to name the street. Should be
distinctive with perhaps historical connection. Each class have put through a name the
names being “The Meadows”, “The Orchard”, “Dasher Lane”, “Vine Wynd”, “Acorn Avenue”
and “Hazel Avenue”.

Anaerobic Digester, Boquhan: Stirling Observer have been contacted re the AD and a
conversation has taken place with them to follow up. A bit concerned that nothing has
come from Gargunnock Community Council (GCC) nor the Gargunnock Community at large.
Further letter re the odour has been forwarded to SC today by resident. Really important
information. There is no designated mailbox for the Kippen Action Group (KAG). An air
quality firm have been hired by GD and the standard’s used are for the wrong type of air
quality systems. They haven’t followed guidance for AD systems. There is a stack that
allows for “flaring” should there be a large buildup of gas. Flaring may only happen half a
dozen times a year. However, with this system, they may flare more if they are trying to
process too much digestate. Odour is an issue due to Bioaerosols. There are a number of
factors that depend site-to-site. There are three shops within the area, there needs to be
specific site assessment on odour – this has not been done by SEPA. The SEPA guidance
assumes that the feedstock will be inside a building – however none of that is planned at
the moment. SEPA have 2 roles- one as a consultee on the planning and the other to issue
the permit. The developers haven’t submitted all of their documentation at the time of the
application – this has now been added later. A similar thing happened with the
Cowdenbeath Application. A representative from Ristol Consultancy contacted KCC to
attend tonight’s meeting – we have already put in our comments so there would be no
need. The Application has already gone in so it would be too late to have him come and
attend the meeting. The letter we are sending to SC was read through and discussed.

Methane when it comes out of an AD has too many impurities and needs to be cleaned and
would be taken to the BOA. KCC understands Green Energy – but, there seem to be issues
with this application that look to be procedurally wrong. A letter of objection had not been
put onto the portal. There will be a protest outside the site tomorrow. The access point to
the site isn’t great. The number of lorries isn’t going to be overly great. The application
mentions that this is “phase 1”.

Dawn Homes: WSC received an e-mail today from SEPA and read out – the basics are that
SEPA are claiming that the soil being moved was a “mistake” by one operator. If there are
any breaches – this can be passed onto enforcement.

“Round Table” Discussion: There should be clarity on what the Kippen Action Group are
doing. Any discussions with the developer will be single-sided. We should only touch on
items that take up a lot of time at the monthly meetings and have individual meetings.


Election of Office Bearers: We had hoped to elect office bearers, however, due to Kevin
Resigning the position and Barbara having to come of the call, we were unable to do this.
Will get this done at the next meeting. Due to Kevin now resigning from Full Member
status, the KCC will have an opening for another Co-Option Nomination with a closing date
of 29/09/21. Hugh Aitchison has put his name forward already.

Councilor’s Report: Jane – The bins have been a big issue. There has been an increase in
traffic through the village due to the bridge outage outside Fintry – Road Closure has been
extended for a further 6 months. The council have still agreed that CC’s should NOT be
meeting face-to-face. There will be another meeting soon to reconsider this. Surgeries may
open up. Rob – had his first surgery tonight. Monday the 20th Rural Community get
together being hosted by Pam Campbell. A meeting re deputations of Councils will be
coming up in the near future.

Any Other Competent Business: Kevin Carty would like to step down as a full member of
the KCC but would like to stay on as an Associate Member. WSC had a couple of residents
discuss some matters. Lorries on the Station Brae (B822) in the middle of the road causing
issues for oncoming traffic. Issues with potholes & drains on the Main Road and weeds
down Fore Road on the way to the Cemetery. Looking for more information from the
Councillors on other CC’s and their community engagement.


The meeting closed at 9.42pm.

The next meeting will be 30/09/2021 at 7.30pm.
