February 2024 Minutes

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Kings Park Community Council 1
Present: Stewart Small (Chair), Jen McNiven (Secretary), Niall Hamilton-Smith,
Gary Bell, Jane Saunders, Willie Ferguson and Maurice Fitzgibbons.
Apologies: Steve Brewster
In Attendance: Councillor Jen Preston, 1 resident and Lauren Grant (minutes)
1. Welcome and Apologies
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies were as noted above.
2. Minutes of previous meetings
The Minutes of the meeting held on 04 December 2023 were approved as an accurate record:
Proposed Stewart Small
Seconded Willie Ferguson
3. Police Report
No written report submitted - no officers present at the meeting.
Noting that there is an open session being held at the entrance to the park on 17th February
2024 between 09.00 – 13.00 giving local residents the opportunity to express any concerns
they have around policing in the park and wider area.
4. Matters Arising
a. Sustainable Transport
Gary Bell noting Dumbarton Road snagging should be finished by the end of February.
b. Community Council Healthcheck
Jane Saunders urging members to carry out the modules offered and let her know
when completed so that she can report to the Council.
Members agreeing to complete the module most suited to their responsibilities within
the Community Council.
5. Chair’s Report
Chair noting that there is talk about policy change in Planning policy and the
Community Council want to stay in tune with the discussions around this as residents
are interested in any changes that will enable alterations to their listed properties.
Councillor Preston noting that last year the Scottish Government put out NPF4 and
last week a paper went to committee to allow new policies to be adopted and make
Kings Park Community Council 2
properties more liveable. Double glazed windows and solar panels on the front of
buildings are a priority.
Noted that the development of the Local Development Plan is underway and the aim
is that various alterations to houses in conservation areas will fall under a “permitted
Noting that the Back Walk is falling into complete disrepair – suggestion that this
becomes a regular item on the agenda of the community council.
6. Secretary’s Report
Jen noting: -
a. 20th February is the date of the next licensing forum.
b. Councillor Rachel Nunn was in touch to ask if members would like to meet prior
to February meeting to discuss ground source heat pumps but no meeting has
taken place yet.
c. Tennis Courts in Kings Park are currently closed to allow white lines to be painted.
7. Councillor’s Report
Councillor Jen Preston noting that the budget meeting is to take place at the end of February
and that the task for the Council is huge. There is no avoiding that there will be lots of cuts.
8. Kings Park
Nothing to report.
9. Planning
Niall noting that there was a withdrawn application for banners by Allanwater Homes.
10. KPCC Communications
Nothing to report.
11. AOCB
Register of Community interests in Land
Members discussing the option to register an interest in various properties/pieces of land
within the Community Council area and agreeing to discuss further.
Mini roundabout at entrance to park
A resident has been in touch regarding the risk at the mini roundabout. Members agreeing
that there is little room for movement to separate pedestrians and traffic. Councillor Preston
agreeing to take the matter forward and report back to the Community Council.
12. Date of next meeting is 05 March 2024.
Kings Park Community Council 3