October 2024 Minutes







Present :  Tony Farrant, Chair,  Ro Drowley, Ken Russell, Alistair Sutherland, Elizabeth Wallace..


In attendance : David Clark (Minute Secretary), Neil Fergusson (Development Officer), Cllr. Gene



Apologies for absence : David Harding, Alison McAlpine, Sue Sedgwick.



1 Approval of Minute

The minute of the meeting of 9 September 2024 was approved, proposed by Ken Russell, seconded by Tony Farrant.


2 Chair's Report

Tony Farrant reported as follows :

  1. Old Green Shed car park – nothing further to report on provision of signage.
  2. NHS Minor Injuries – attention was drawn to publicity reminding the public that for minor injuries attention they should phone NHS24 on 111 for guidance rather than go straight to the minor injuries unit at Stirling.
  3. War Memorial – cleaning and repointing work is now scheduled and the timing will take the Remembrance Day commemoration into account.
  4. Moray Park toilets – no meeting with Stirling Council has yet been arranged. There has been a further blockage of the drains.
  5. Insurance - Kilmadock Development Trust has confirmed that the insurance premium of £580 has been paid.
  6. Pavement parking – Stirling Council had advised that pavement parking regulations are now in place with a dedicated team of traffic officers.
  7. Dog bin at Ponds – a response to the request for a bin is awaited.
  8. Christmas trees and lights – trees will be delivered and erected on 2/3 December and lights will be in place by 6 December
  9.           I)          Thriving Communities – Alistair Sutherland has attended a recent meeting. Inter alia police have advised that speed awareness schemes can be set up, funded by local communities. While the meeting was considered useful it was agreed to press for a further meeting with Kate Hudson of Stirling Council to maintain the drive  for improved communication.


3 Police Report

7 September to 9 October 24 compiled by Constable Donald King

  1. Antisocial behaviour - on the evening of 10 September a disturbance took place in Doune, involving persons fighting.  Following enquiry, three persons will be the subject of a report to the Procurator Fiscal for threatening and abusive behaviour.
  2. Road Safety - on 8 October Roads Policing officers carried out speed detection duties on the A84 at Doune. One driver was issued with a Fixed Penalty for speeding and one driver was issued a Fixed Penalty for careless driving.
  3. Theft – about 2300hrs on 21 September, the Co-op, Doune, was broken into and property stolen. Enquiry is ongoing and police appeal for information from anyone in the area at the time.
  4. Other incidents - reports have been received of persons fishing without permit on

the Teith in the Doune and Blairdrummond areas.  Any members of the public suspecting persons fishing without a permit are asked to contact police, preferably at the time.   A number of enquiries are ongoing in relation to specific reported incidents. 

4 Councillor's Report

Cllr. Gene Maxwell spoke of major changes in high-level positions in Stirling Council, with a new Chief Executive, Head of Finance, Head of Economic Development and Tourism as well as committee chairs. Discussion on the next budget has commenced. The capital programme is being reduced from £48m to £42m, partly by moving some projects to the next financial year. Some major planning proposals in the city of Stirling were outlined and the Council’s Convener will now be known as the Lord Provost.


5 Treasurer's Report

Elizabeth Wallace, Treasurer, reported that at 13 October, the Council’s bank balance was

£6,035.43 (restricted funds) and £1,150.50 (unrestricted). An award of £800 from Community Pride for the new bench adjacent to the Co-op has been made and receipt is awaited.


6 Secretary's Report – no report


7 Development Officer

Neil Fergusson indicated that the building warrant for the new DDYP building had now been received and the committee is engaged in making suitable arrangements to continue the Project’s activities during the building period.

He also reminded members of the arrangements for the Rural Hall Centenary celebrations on 18-20 October.


8 Roads

Ro Drowley reported that she now reported potholes via the hotline rather than to the Roads Department as that appeared to be a more effective route. There was nothing further to report on the planned removal of speed bumps and the new puffin crossing in Main Street would be installed in the current financial year. It was noted that new interactive speed signs were now in position on the A84 at the west end of Doune.


9 Villages

Sue Sedgwick, in her absence, reported that little progress had been made in improving the road markings and signage at the Castlehill car park and that congestion, with resultant risks, continued.

On the matter of anti-social behaviour in Doune contact continued with the appropriate authorities, especially on the regular activities of one individual. Indications were that police powers were limited for what was deemed relatively lowlevel offending and that several agencies were involved in the individual’s case.


10 Planning

Alistair Sutherland reported on applications for work in the Argaty area and reroofing in Main Street, Doune, which would require traffic management. 


  • Community Action for Deanston - there was no report.


  • Kilmadock Development Trust – there was no report


13 Village Pride

Ken Russell reported that equipment for litter clearance etc was now to hand and a start date for the project would be arranged.


14 Woodland Group

Tony Farrant reported that the Minute of Agreement for the next ten years’ maintenance of Doune Ponds was to hand and the Council approved its signing by Tony Farrant. The Fairy Trail would be held again over the Christmas period.


15 Toilets

Tony Farrant reported that information was awaited from the football club on rates before payment could be made.


16 The Bridge

Ken Russell indicated that there had been some response to new volunteers to continue publication of The Bridge but as things stand it is likely to be discontinued after the December/January issue.


17 Forestry – no report


18 Resilience Plan

It was agreed to invite Alison McAlpine to provide an update prior to the next KCC meeting.  (Action – Alison McAlpine)


19 Other business

  1.                 a) Remembrance Sunday 10 November – it was understood that arrangements were

in place along similar lines to previous years and that the Community Council would provide necessary funds for refreshments at the Woodside Hotel. It was agreed to invite Alison McAlpine to confirm the arrangements prior to the next KCC meeting.

(Action – Alison McAlpine)

  1. b) Benches – requests have been received for the provision or replacement of benches along the banks of the River Teith in the area of the castle and also outside the former bank house in Main Street. It was agreed to approach Historic Environment Scotland in respect of the river area. (Action – David Harding)

20 Next meeting

It was agreed that the next ordinary meeting would take place on Monday 11 November 2024 at 7.00pm at Doune Information Centre. 


21 Closure

There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.55pm.