March 2024 Minutes

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Present : Alison McAlpine (Vice-Chair), Rowena Drowley, David Harding, Ken Russell, Wallis Scott, Sue Sedgwick, Alistair Sutherland (online), Elizabeth Wallace.

In attendance : Neil Fergusson (Development Officer), David Clark (Minute Secretary), Cllr. Martin Earl.

Apologies for absence : Tony Farrant

In the absence of Tony Farrant the meeting was led by Alison McAlpine (Vice-Chair)

1      Approval of Minute

The minute of the meeting of 12 February 2024 was approved, proposed by Wallis Scott, seconded by Elizabeth Wallace.

2      Vice-Chair's Report

Alison McAlpine reported on moves to protect and expand the use and facilities of the local library in the face of budget pressures from Stirling Council. A consultation was planned for Tuesday 12 March to which local businesses and members of the public have been invited to consider various possibilities. She also emphasised the need for a local Resilience Plan to be formed in the event of emergencies affecting the Kilmadock area.

  • Visitors – there were

4      Police Report

9 February – 10 March 2024, compiled by Constable Lorna Deans

  1. Antisocial behaviour – there were no reported incidents

b)      Road Safety

On 26 February there was a one-vehicle collision on the B824. Police attended and carried out road traffic procedures.

Police have been made aware that Castle Crescent, Doune is regularly being used as a drop off/pick up point for the primary school and nursery. Police have liaised with the school and will be carrying out patrols in the area. Anyone found to be committing this offence could be issued with a fixed penalty fine.

  1. Theft – there were no reported thefts in the Kilmadock area in this

d)      Other incidents –

On 22 February police were contacted regarding suspicious behaviour from a male in Springbank Road, Doune. A description of the male was provided. Police at- tended and carried out a search in Springbank Road and surrounding area. How- ever there was no trace of anyone matching the description. No crime was estab- lished.

It was agreed that police would be invited to attend in person at the May meeting of the Council (Action – David Harding)


5      Councillor's Report

Cllr. Earl reported on the outcome of Stirling Council’s budget meeting on 29 February at which the deficit of £16.8m was addressed by a combination of cuts in services, price rises and the use of reserves.


6      Treasurer's Report

Elizabeth Wallace reported that, at 9 March 2024, the balance of restricted funds was

£13,174.06 and unrestricted funds amounted to £1,820.82.

It was agreed that the grant of £200 from the Windfarm Trust for the purchase of planters at the war memorial should be returned in view of issues encountered in making a suitable provision.


7      Secretary's Report

David Harding reported on possible development of the former parish church and noted that a number of options were being considered.

He also indicated that work to clean, refurbish and repair the surface and surrounds of the multiple use games area (tennis courts) in Moray Park was scheduled for May. On the matter of the electrical box (formerly used for pitch lighting) which was considered not to be in good condition, he indicated that Stirling Council would not agree to take on responsibility for this facility. It was agreed that David Harding would ask for sight of Stirling Council’s condition report. (Action – David Harding)

8      Development Officer

Neil Fergusson reported that two Open Days were arranged (15 & 16 March) at the Information and Heritage Centre. The purpose is to show off what is in the collection, and to hear what parts of Kilmadock’s history people would like to be featured in new displays.

9      Roads

Rowena Drowley reported that it has been agreed that the pedestrian crossing in Main Street will be changed to a light-controlled (‘puffin’) crossing by July 2024. It has also been agreed that the remaining speed bumps will be removed and new road markings be laid down at appropriate places.


She agreed to make contact with Stirling Council in respect of potholes and poor road surfaces, mainly on, but not restricted to, various sections of the Argaty Road, and also about worn-out road markings at the junctions at Hill of Row Road/A820 and Balkerach Street/A84. (Action – Rowena Drowley)


The Community Council also discussed the recent traffic monitoring exercise at Teith Bridge, together with the merits of a light-controlled crossing and the desirability of a new pedestrian bridge.


10     Villages

Sue Sedgwick reported that a response from Stirling Council on issues of inappropriate parking in the car park at Castlehill was awaited.


11    Planning

Wallis Scott reported a number of planning applications made in the past month, none of which occasioned any discussion.


12     Community Action for Deanston

Alistair Sutherland reported that the new bus shelter in Deanston would be erected in the week beginning 3 April 2024. He also indicated that Stirling Council would now establish for which properties in Teith Road it had responsibility.


13     Kilmadock Development Trust

Ken Russell reported that staffing changes and costs were posing challenges to keeping the Post Office fully operational. He indicated that repair work would begin shortly to the roof, walls and windows of the Rural Hall. An application had been made to the Windfarm Trust to fund the continuation of the Dementia Café. The building warrant for the construction of the new Doune and Deanston Youth Project building in Moray Park was awaited.


14     Woodland Group

Rowena Drowley reported that work on the Educational Hub at the Ponds will start shortly as will flower planting in the cleared woodland area. On forestry matters she indicated that some 50 hectares (mainly conifer) will be planted at Mid Lundie and that broadleaf trees will be planted adjacent to the Argaty Road near the entrance to the motorsport park.


15     Moray Park toilets

David Harding reported that the toilets were currently closed because of flooding. It seemed likely that the issue It seemed likely that the blockages are due to wipes and other non- flushable items getting stuck at the point where the soil pipe joins the much older street sewer system. Having experienced difficulty getting Stirling Council to attend to the matter in a satisfactory way he intended to engage Forth Plumbing in the first instance but noted that the cost of future call outs would be unaffordable. Cllr. Martin Earl agreed to pursue the

matter with Stirling Council’s Buildings Officer as the Council’s report on the drainage system has not been shared with the Community Council. (Action – Cllr. Martin Earl)


16     The Bridge

Ken Russell reported that production of the March issue of The Bridge had been delayed in order to include news of Stirling Council’s Budget meeting on 29 February.


17     Other business

  1. Parks and Play Areas - David Harding raised the matter of proposed changes to regulations concerning parks and play areas, particularly in respect of dog exercise and the use of He agreed to circulate a link to the proposed new rules. (Action – David Harding)
  2. War Memorial – Alison McAlpine outlined the need to extend the means of securing wreaths at the War It was agreed that this was desirable but that it would involve drilling into the stone of the memorial for which permission would be required. (Action – David Harding)


18     Next meeting

It was agreed that the next meeting would take place on Monday 8 April 2024 at 7.00pm in Doune Library..


19     Closure

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.05pm.