Present : Alison McAlpine (Vice-Chair) Rowena Drowley, David Harding, Ken Russell, Sue Sedgwick, Elizabeth Wallace
In attendance : David Clark (Minute Secretary), Cllr. Elaine Watterson. Eleven members of the public attended the first part of the meeting
Apologies for absence : Tony Farrant, Alistair Sutherland, Wallis Scott, Elizabeth Wallace, Neil Fergusson
In the absence of Chair Tony Farrant, Vice-Chair Alison McAlpine chaired the meeting
A communication having been received from Wallis Scott indicating a desire to resign from the Community Council, this was accepted with regret.
With the prior approval of Stirling Council the AGM planned for the evening was postponed to a date in August, to be decided, in view of the absence of the Chair and several members of the Community Council.
1 Approval of Minute
The minute of the meeting of 13 May 2024 was approved, proposed by Ken Russell, seconded by Sue Sedgwick.
2 Visitors
Alison McAlpine welcomed members of the public to the meeting and invited them to speak to concerns raised. These entirely focussed on a significant amount of anti-social behaviour in Doune, some of which had been going on for some time but recently there had been an escalation in unacceptable incidents. The principal area of concern was Main Street and appeared to be associated with tenants on Stirling Council properties. Members of the public spoke of threatening and alarming behaviour witnessed both in the street and in local shops, together with aggressive begging in public areas. Residents felt intimidated and fearful for the safety of their homes and families and spoke of not being able to enjoy the amenity of their personal and private space. Incidents were also reported in the area of Castlehill and Doune Ponds.
Questions were raised about Stirling Council’s housing allocation policy and why it was that people from across the Council area, with particular backgrounds and needs, were being offered tenancies in Doune which was not considered to be an appropriate location for their circumstances.
It was noted that Stirling Council was bound to follow the Scottish Government’s policy on housing allocation. It was agreed that a meeting would be sought by the three ward councillors with housing and anti-social behaviour officers and the police. It was also agreed that members of the public would catalogue incidents of concern and send these to the Secretary who would anonymise and submit for the consideration of the proposed meeting. It was intended that such a meeting would explore how appropriate Government policy on the re-housing of homeless in rural areas was proving to be. Cllr. Watterson agreed to make the necessary arrangements and to investigate policy and options for the provision of CCTV in public areas. (Action – Cllr. Watterson)
3 Chair's Report
Alison McAlpine expressed the thanks of the Community Council to members of the Caledonian Collective, based at the former Red Lion hotel, for the significant amount of voluntary work undertaken in Doune, including litter-picking, weeding and painting.
4 Police Report
11 May – 6 June 2024, compiled by Constable Donald King
- Antisocial behaviour – In the early hours of 3 June a male was seen to be acting
suspiciously in the grounds of a property in Doune. Police attended and quickly traced the male. He was arrested and charged with being in possession of tools with intent to steal and carrying a knife. He was kept in Police custody to appear at court.
- Road Safety - On 23 May a parked and unattended vehicle was parked in Main St, Doune, when a passing vehicle damaged the wing mirror. The driver responsible did not stop or report the accident as required.
- Theft – On 14 May a theft by housebreaking occurred at Deanston Filling station. Enquiries are continuing. On 17 May a theft of a charity tin occurred from the Kilmadock Information and Heritage Centre. One male has been charged and a report submitted to the fiscal. On 22 May a theft by housebreaking occurred in Doune. Enquiries are continuing. During this time, police have had a report of a quad bike being stolen from the Blair Drummond area. Farmers and owners of agricultural equipment are asked to be vigilant and review their security arrangements.
5 Councillor's Report
Cllr. Elaine Watterson indicated that, in view of the forthcoming General Election, Stirling Council was now in recess. The next Council meeting will probably be held in August.
6 Treasurer's Report
In the absence of Elizabeth Wallace, Treasurer, it was noted that the annual accounts had now been successfully examined and were available for the AGM. It was also noted that the current balances were £10,086.30 (restricted) and £1,473.53 (unrestricted)
7 Secretary's Report
David Harding reported as follows :
a) Collaboration with other Community Councils – the response from
other Councils to a collective approach to Stirling Council on communication issues had been overwhelmingly positive and supportive
- Deanston Distillery – a planning application by Deanston Distillery to a change of effluent facilities has drawn a complaint from a local resident. It was agreed that the Distillery be invited to conduct a local consultation.
- Wind Farm Trust – it was agreed that Alasdair Sutherland and Sue
Sedgwick would represent the Community Council for the next year.
- Floral displays – it was noted that tubs and baskets were now planted. The work by Jim McGroarty over many years was noted with appreciation but that a new person would be required for next year to undertake the work under the oversight of the Community Council. It was agreed that funding should be explored for the provision of good quality planters for public areas. (Action – David Harding)
- Toilets – a meeting with Stirling Council had now taken place at which the Council accepted responsibility for drainage issues where the toilet outflow meets the street drains. Stirling Council will seek funding for
suitable improvements. It was noted that the Gala Committee has hired two portable toilets for the forthcoming Gala.
8 Development Officer
Neil Fergusson, in his absence reported that there was still no decision from the Scottish Government on funding for the Development Officer’s role but that interim monthly payments were being received.
On the new Youth Hub, it was anticipated that the building warrant will be approved shortly. Some 77% of the funding target of £400,000 was now in place.
Heritage Plaques have now been installed and an official launch will be held on 12 July at 6.30pm in the Rural Hall. The centenary of the Rural Hall will be marked in October.
Recent discussions with Historic Environment Scotland raised the issue of the parking of coaches visiting Doune Castle. Instances of inappropriate parking should be reported to HES and the proposal to have a dedicated coach parking area at the bottom of George Street is being re-visited.
9 Roads
Rowena Drowley reported that the conversion of the crossing in Main Street at Castlehill to a Puffin Crossing was scheduled for July. There continued to be complaints about coach parking in the Castlehill area. It was agreed to ask for further yellow lines and that HES be asked to supply flyers to direct visitors to appropriate parking areas.
10 Villages
Sue Sedgwick reported that issues at the Castlehill car park were still not resolved. She indicated that she would continue to press Stirling Council on signage and the parking of camper vans.
11 Planning
There was no report.
David Harding agreed to undertake this statutory brief on a temporary basis.
12 Community Action for Deanston There was no report.
13 Kilmadock Development Trust
Ken Russell reported that there were concerns about maintaining a suitable level of staffing at the Post Office.
14 Woodland Group
Ro Drowley reported that the new education centre at the Ponds was under construction and that wildflower planting was under way. A Family Day was planned for 8 September.
15 The Bridge
Ken Russell indicated that a problem with the courier had delayed delivery of the June issue but it was due on the next day.
16 Forestry
Ro Drowley reported that an area on the Argaty Road, east of the allotments, recently felled, has now been replanted.
17 Resilience Plan
Alison McAlpine reported that a meeting with the Council Resilience Officer had now taken place. The Council intend to build a team of nominated council officers who would take responsibility for local areas in which they reside.
18 Other business
- Moray Park – a request for an additional litter bin had been declined but it was anticipated that a larger bin would replace an existing one.
- War Memorial – the poor condition of the area surrounding the War Memorial was raised. David Harding undertook to explore possibilities for weed clearance. (Action – David Harding)
19 Next meeting
It was agreed that the next ordinary meeting would take place on Monday 9 September 2024 at 7.00pm in Doune Library. A date for the AGM in August would be set.
20 Closure
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.50pm.