February 2024 Minutes

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Present : Tony Farrant (Chair), David Harding, Alison McAlpine, Wallis Scott, Sue Sedgwick,
Alistair Sutherland, Elizabeth Wallace.
In attendance : Neil Fergusson (Development Officer), David Clark (Minute Secretary), Cllr.
Elaine Watterson, Kate Hudson and Lyndsay McNair (Stirling Council)
Apologies for absence : Rowena Drowley, Ken Russell
1 Chair Tony Farrant welcomed Kate Hudson (Head of Community Engagement) and Lyndsay
McNair (Community Engagement Manager) from Stirling Council who attended in response
to an invitation to discuss issues of communication and lack of response/action to concerns
raised by the Community Council. A number of examples were discussed e.g removal of
speed bumps, issues at the car park and delays in the completion of the new facility on the
former Green Shed site. Kate Hudson recognised that improvements in communication and
action to requests can be made and undertook to take the matter to senior management for
review and revision of systems. The possibility of a quarterly liaison meeting with Community
Council leaders was mentioned. Tony Farrant thanked the visitors for their contribution and
they then left the meeting.
2 Approval of Minute
The minute of the meeting of 8 January 2024 was approved, proposed by Sue Sedgwick,
seconded by David Harding.
2 Chair's Report
Tony Farrant reported as follows :
a) Met. Office
An invitation for members of the public to undertake training in the weather recording
systems had received no responses.
b) Dementia café
A meeting earlier in the day had highlighted the importance of recruiting helpers to
get the project off the ground. A further meeting was scheduled for March. Shortterm
funding was in place and an application to the Windfarm Trust was under
4 Police Report
8 January – 9 February 2024, compiled by Constable Lorna Deans
a) Antisocial behaviour
Overnight from 30-31 January damage was caused within the grounds of Doune
Castle. The perpetrator remains undetected at this time.
On 9 February police were made aware that damage had been caused to a bus
stop in Doune. Enquiries will be carried out in relation to this.
b) Road Safety
On 14 January damage was caused to a wall at a property in Doune. The driver responsible
for this failed to stop/report the incident. After enquiries, this remains undetected.
On 23 January police were called to a road traffic collision on A820 between Doune
and Dunblane. As a result, one driver will be reported for careless driving.
On 7 February police were called to a road traffic collision on A820 between Doune
and Dunblane. As a result one driver has been reported to the Procurator Fiscal for
dangerous driving.
c) Theft
On 22 January a theft occurred from a property in Deanston. Officers are following
a positive line of enquiry.
In the early hours of 26 January a theft occurred at commercial premises in
Doune. Enquiries are ongoing.
It was agreed that police would be invited to attend in person at the March or May
meeting, depending on shift patterns, of the Council (Action – David Harding)
5 Councillor's Report
Cllr. Watterson explained the timescales and processes leading to the setting of the budget
on 29 February. The outcome of negotiations with COSLA and the Scottish Government was
It was noted that recycling centres were moving to an appointment system.
6 Treasurer's Report
Elizabeth Wallace reported that, at 11 February, the balance of restricted funds was
£15,001.94 and unrestricted funds amounted to £1,900.82
7 Secretary's Report
David Harding reported that repairs and improvements to the tennis courts in Moray
Park were scheduled, a failed light in the toilets was replaced and that the car and
occupant resident in the car park at the ponds had now moved on.
8 Development Officer
Neil Fergusson reported as follows :
a) D oune and Deanston Youth Project – a building warrant has now been
submitted but no start date for the work is yet available.
The Community Council recorded its thanks and appreciation for the
immense amount of work and perseverance on the part of Neil Fergusson
and Karen Ross in achieving the substantial funds necessary for this
project. The Council also noted DDYP’s thanks for the long-term support
received from Kilmadock’s Windfarm Trust, and specifically on the New
Youth Hub project to Forth Valley & Lomond CLLD for their contribution to
technical design costs.
b) H eritage Centre – funds were now in place to undertake improvements to
the heritage section of the Information Centre to enhance the visitor
experience of heritage stories and collections. Community open days will
be held to assess exhibit priorities.
c) To ilets – contractors will be approached soon for quotations for solar
energy provision at the toilets and, potentially, at the Rural Hall and
Information and Heritage Centre.
9 Roads
Rowena Drowley, in her absence, reported as follows :
a) Sc hool Crossing Patrol – information has been received from Stirling
Council that, as a budget saving, school crossing personnel are to be
replaced by zebra or light-controlled crossings. Assessment is being
carried out to determine whether the zebra crossing in Doune will be
replaced by a light-controlled (‘puffin’) crossing. The outcome of this
assessment is awaited
b) A rgaty Road drainage – blocked gulleys have been identified and a
contractor has been asked to clear these.
c) G rit bin – in response to requests from residents a grit bin has been
installed at the path between Moray Street and Springbank Road.
10 Villages
Sue Sedgwick reported that there were no significant issues to report but that there
had been no further response on the matter of the car park obstruction and remarking.
11 Planning
Wallis Scott reported that the following had been submitted in recent months :
34 James Smith Road – extension to rear of dwelling
4 Pistolmakers Row – single storey extension
Removal of two trees at Newton of Doune
36 Main Street – new opaque windows to rear of property
Drumlochan House – erection of dwelling and agricultural shed
Draigenbank – formation of rear dormer roof extension, entrance porch, alterations to
existing rear extension
6&7 Innes Park – new 1.5 storey infill commercial building
35 Main Street – replacement of windows and patio doors
5 Fir Road – extension to rear of dwelling
12 Community Action for Deanston
Alistair Sutherland reported that consultation with local residents has taken place regarding
the objections to the site of the new bus shelter. It is expected that the erection of the new
shelter will go ahead but no date has been given for when the work will be done. The matter
of the dilapidated state of properties in Teith Road remains under discussion with the
13 Kilmadock Development Trust
Tony Farrant reported that staffing changes were posing challenges to keeping the Post
Office fully operational.
14 Woodland Group
Tony Farrant intimated details of an orienteering event on 3 March and the Easter Egg Hunt
on 31 March.
15 Moray Park toilets
There were no further matters to report.
16 The Bridge
There was no report
17 Forestry
Tony Farrant reported on proposals for planting at Mid Lundie
18 Other business
a) G ala Day – Alison McAlpine indicated possible issues for power supply for the
Gala Day on 22 June, in the light of possible construction work at the DDYP
building. The use of the power supply to the football club’s former lights would be
explored. (Action – David Harding)
b) Pa vement parking – Tony Farrant indicated that regulations against parking on
pavements were likely to be introduced in the near future. Some exemptions eg
outside pharmacies could be incorporated.
19 Next meeting
It was agreed that the next meeting would take place on Monday 11 March 2024 at 7.00pm
in Doune Library..
20 Closure
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.35pm.