April 2024 Minutes

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Present : Tony Farrant (Chair), Alison McAlpine, David Harding, Ken Russell, Sue Sedgwick, Alistair Sutherland, Elizabeth Wallace


In attendance : Neil Fergusson (Development Officer), David Clark (Minute Secretary), Cllr. Gene Maxwell.


Apologies for absence : Rowena Drowley, Wallis Scott,


Visitor : Hamish Taylor, prospective parliamentary candidate

1      Approval of Minute

The minute of the meeting of 11 March 2024 was approved, proposed by Ken Russell, seconded by Sue Sedgwick.


2      Chair's Report

Tony Farrant reported as follows :

  1. Teith Bridge - recent publicity by Councillors, MPs and MSPs concerning pedestrian issues at Teith Bridge had heightened awareness of this issue. He emphasised the importance of local community involvement in any discussions and decisions made in this regard. Cllr. Maxwell gave the assurance that was also his hope and intention.
  2. New Car Park – while some progress has been made with the installation of electric vehicle chargers there was still no power supply to them. A number of other issues await resolution.
  3. Resilience Plan – this has been raised through the library service with the intention of a local team of volunteers being set Alison McAlpine agreed to continue to lead from the Community Council, assisted by Alistair Sutherland.


  • Visitors – there were


4      Police Report

10 March – 7 April 2024, compiled by Constable Lorna Deans

  1. Antisocial behaviour – Between 1 and 23 March machinery has been damaged at a property situated on the B8032 road.
  2. Road Safety On 15 March officers attended a two-vehicle collision on A84 at Doune. As a result, one driver was issued with a fixed penalty ticket for careless driving. On 22 March officers were called to a one-vehicle collision on B824 Hill of Row road. PC King and PC Deans were joined by Doune Primary Junior Road Safety officers who assisted in educating drivers in the dangers of speeding in the Kilmadock area.
  3. Theft – there were no reported thefts in the Kilmadock area in this


5      Councillor's Report

Cllr. Maxwell reported on the process, criteria and outcome of Stirling Council’s budget meeting.


On the issue of regulations re parks etc it was agreed that it would be important to establish ownership details of sections on Moray Park in relation to fencing etc. (Action – David Harding)


6      Treasurer's Report

Elizabeth Wallace reported that, at 7 April 2024, the balance of restricted funds was

£12,094.06 and unrestricted funds amounted to £1,780.82.


It was agreed that the AGM would be held in September, subject to the approval of Stirling Council. (Action – David Harding)


7      Secretary's Report

David Harding reported that the multiple use games area (tennis courts) at Moray Park would be surfaced in tarmac as the contractor could not offer a guarantee on the type of surface originally proposed. Cllr. Maxwell agreed to ask Stirling Council to undertake a thorough inspection of the power supply box with a view to safety and possible further use. (Action – Cllr. Maxwell)


Accurate information from the football club is awaited in terms of electricity use at the toilets before it will be possible to estimate the cost to the Community Council, as the toilets are sub-metered from the football club’s supply. In terms of flooding issues, it has been determined that the dimensions of the soil pipe outside the building are not adequate. Visits from Dyno-Rod to clear blockages cost in the region of £300 per visit which is not sustainable. A site visit by Scottish Watter has been arranged and a condition report will be supplied.


8      Development Officer

Neil Fergusson indicated that there were no matters of significance to report.


9      Roads

Rowena Drowley, in her absence, reported that, in terms of issues previously raised, there had been no work done to date on the water tobies or the pothole near the speed bump in Balkerach Street, road markings at Hill of Row road junction or the Argaty Road at the old railway bridge. Potholes have been filled on sections of the Argaty Road and the spur to Lerrocks.


10     Villages

Sue Sedgwick reported that Stirling Council has now agreed that issues at the Castlehill car park are its responsibility and that appropriate road markings and signage will be put in place.


Improper positioning of refuse bins in Mile End Close continues to be an issue and Stephen Bly of Stirling Council will contact the relevant residents. Dog fouling in Main Street and elsewhere is an issue. Dog refuse bags are available from the library.


The question was raised about Stirling Council’s policy for the allocation of housing and anti-social behaviour. It was agreed to ask the Council for clear information on procedures for complaints. (Action – David Harding)

It was reported that the charity based in the Red Lion was keen to be involved in community activities and the suggestion was made that it might undertake a cleaning of the primary school grounds subject to appropriate public liability assurances.


11    Planning

There was no report.


12     Community Action for Deanston

Alistair Sutherland reported that the new bus shelter in Deanston was now in place. Some progress has been made in identifying ownership of properties in Teith Road and CAFD will pursue this. David Harding and Alistair Sutherland will explore possible funding for necessary repairs. (Action – David Harding and Alistair Sutherland)


13     Kilmadock Development Trust

Ken Russell reported that income from sales at the Information Centre has increased but is offset by additional Post Office staff training costs. Staff wages have increased in line with

the national Living Wage. Morag Ferrier has joined the steering group for the Dementia Café, Regilding of the memorial fountain will be done shortly. The historical plaques should arrive soon but their erection will require planning permission.


14     Woodland Group

Tony Farrant reported on a successful Easter Egg Hunt and on the installation of the information board at the new car park.


15     The Bridge

There was no report.


16     Forestry

There was no report.


17     Other business

  1. Gala Day – Alison McAlpine reported that the committee had agreed to hire a generator in view of the uncertainty about a convenient electricity supply. It would probably also be necessary to hire a portable toilet although the possibility of using the toilets in the Rural Hall will be explored.
  2. War Memorial – David Harding reported that a request has been made for additional wire supports for wreaths. He indicated that further repairs to the memorial may be necessary and that he would seek information on (Action – David Harding)
  3. Communication with Stirling Council – Sue Sedgwick indicated that she had not been aware of any significant development or improvement since Council

officers attended the February meeting of the Community Council.

18     Next meeting

It was agreed that the next meeting would take place on Monday 13 May 2024 at 7.00pm in Doune Library..


19     Closure

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.42pm.