November 2023 Minutes

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Present : Alison McAlpine, (Vice-Chair), Rowena Drowley, Wallis Scott, Sue Sedgwick, Alistair Sutherland, Elizabeth Wallace
In attendance : Neil Fergusson (Development Officer), David Clark (Minute Secretary), Cllr. Elaine Watterson
Apologies for absence : Tony Farrant, David Harding, Ken Russell
One member of the public, Bryan Grieve, attended the meeting
In the absence of Tony Farrant, Chair, the meeting was chaired by Alison McAlpine, Vice-Chair
Approval of Minute
The minute of the meeting held on 9 October 2023 was approved, proposed by Alistair Sutherland seconded by Elizabeth Wallace.
It was noted that the minute of the meeting of 3 April (the last meeting of the previous Community Council} remained to be approved and it was agreed to attend to this at the next meeting
Chair's Report
In his absence Tony Farrant reported as follows :
Teith road bridge
The rebuilding works on the damaged bridge will last for 4 to 5 weeks.
Two meetings ago we were informed SC have requested a feasibility be carried out via Bear at the same time the lights were in place to look at a single vehicle way controlled by traffic lights system.
I have responded to Bear pointing out that a helicopter view was required as, any change to traffic at the bridge could have a lasting, and negative effect, on Doune village as it increases the opportunity for more vehicles including HGV’s using the village as a rat run.
At the same time, we are engaging with SC looking at some proper, effective and safe traffic calming measures in Doune. The roads were never built for the level and weight of traffic that now passes through.
For clarification - BEAR has been instructed by Transport Scotland to investigate op-tions for improving the safety and operational functionality of the bridge. This is for vehicle traffic only, and will consider traffic flow data from current temporary lights. We don’t have an expected completion date for this study.
War memorial
As previously advised the memorial structure was cleaned and the grounds tidied up prior to 12 November. Two of the Ponds volunteers offered to keep an eye on the situation and put the blower round on Saturday afternoon. Following the clean a structural survey will be carried out.
Dementia café
At my request, Karen Ross on behalf of the KDT and KCC has had a meeting with the organisers to find out more information. They have funding to hold a dementia café in Doune once a month for the next eight or nine months. After that, and there-fore before to set it up, it’s down to the community to set up a work group and run it. Because of the KDT charitable status it could be organised under their umbrella and make funding applications etc. It will require a small group of about six to manage it. Anyone interested in helping should contact Tony.
Christmas trees
This year’s Christmas trees for Doune and Deanston will be delivered around 1st December with thanks to Muir estates for providing and delivering them. We will have to dispose of them in the New Year.
Sue Sedgewick requested that the trees and lights be in place before the Christmas Fayre on 1 December. (Action – David Harding)
Old green shed site
An email has been received from Stirling Council saying completion is tentatively due by the end of December. Traffic signage other than for the site itself has not been considered. A request has been made to Stirling Council to inform the Com-munity Council in advance of any proposals being discussed and implemented.
The Chair invited visitor Bryan Grieve to address the meeting on traffic issues. He queried the lack of an email address in his letter in the November issue of The Bridge which had been supplied to facilitate response. Alistair Sutherland agreed to inquire about editorial policy. (Action – Alistair Sutherland)
Police Report
8 October – 12 November 2023, compiled by Constable Lorna Deans
Antisocial behaviour
On the evening of 3/11/23 officers had reason to stop a vehicle in the Doune area. The driver was found to be in possession of a small quantity of controlled drugs and was issued with a recorded police warning. During this period police received a number of calls regarding youth disorder within the Doune area in the evenings. Officers will carry out patrols in the evenings and at weekends, when they can.
Road Safety
On 14/10/23 police were called to a 2 vehicle collision between Buchany and Doune. The road was closed for a short time.
On 10/11/23 police were made aware that drivers were ignoring the road closure at Main Street, Doune and continuing on through. Stirling Council were contacted to attend.
There were no reported thefts in the Kilmadock area during this period.
Councillors queried the lack of any mention in the Police Report of a suspicious incident aired in social media and believed to have been reported to the police. It was agreed that David Harding would contact the police on the matter, invite a police representative to attend the next meeting and suggest that the police take the opportunity to provide suitable advice to the primary school. (Action – David Harding)
Councillor's Report
Cllr. Watterson commented on the progress of Stirling Council budget discussions and highlighted the opportunities for local people to take part in the ‘Big Conversation’ consultations.
She complimented the Community Council on the arrangements for the Doune Remembrance Day Service.
Treasurer's Report
Elizabeth Wallace reported that,. at 13 November, the Community Council held funds totalling £9,739.43, of which £7,690.89 was in restricted funds with £2,046.54 in unrestricted funds.
Secretary's Report
With David Harding being absent there was no report. It was understood that the proposal for a ‘Warm Space’ facility was unlikely to go ahead because of difficulties in providing appropriate staffing etc.
Development Officer
Neil Fergusson reported that the Community Plan poll had produced over 500 returns which was considered an excellent response. A full report would be provided in due course. It was already clear that the issue of public transport in rural areas needs to be highlighted.
Rowena Drowley reported that she had received no response from Stirling Council to the request that the zebra crossing in Doune be replaced by a pelican crossing. She indicated that she had received notice that a new Traffic Management Officer has now been appointed and that a traffic survey would be carried out in the near future. Cllr. Watterson undertook to follow up the lack of response from Stirling Council. . (Action – Cllr. Watterson)
Concern was expressed at the lack of appropriate signage, when the A820 was closed for emergency repairs on 10/11 November, indicating that businesses in Main Street were open and accessible as usual. (Action – David Harding)
Sue Sedgwick reported that the issues of inconsiderate parking and a lack of appropriate road markings at the car park awaited attention.
Wallis Scott reported that planning applications had been made for house extensions at Kerrera, North Lea and at 4 Pistolmakers Row. The Community Council had no comments to offer on the applications.
Community Action for Deanston
Alistair Sutherland reported on the recent AGM at which, inter alia, it was indicated that Stirling Council had stated that it was for local parties to identify which houses in Teith Road were in local authority ownership. This was regarded as unacceptable. Cllr. Watterson agreed to take up the matter with Stirling Council. (Action – Cllr. Watterson)
Questions had also been raised about payments to local parties for filming rights and disruption. It was noted that road closures required for filming purposes were the responsibility of the Planning Department
Kilmadock Development Trust
Neil Fergusson reported on arrangements for the installation of the new front door at the Post Office/Information Centre and also on revised opening times for the Christmas period.
Woodland Group
Ro Drowley reported that the Doune Community Woodland Group AGM would be held on 22 November in the Rural Hall. 2 new seats have been installed at the ponds, donated by a resident, and a new information board erected at the jetty. It had been agreed that money from the ponds bequest would be used to provide an education shelter at the dipping pond. Members of the ponds group had assisted in tidying the war memorial area prior to the Remembrance Day service.
Moray Park toilets
There were no matters to report.
The Bridge
There were no matters to report.
There were no matters to report.
Remembrance Day
Alison McAlpine reported that arrangements had worked well and thanks were expressed to all involved, including police and ambulance personnel. It was noted with appreciation that the Woodside Hotel had indicated that it would be happy to provide similar facilities in subsequent years. (Action – Alison McAlpine)
Other business
Bins at corner of Moray Street/Main Street – a resident had complained of difficulties for vehicle access and exit at the junction at the former church when domestic refuse bins were placed out for collection. (Action – Alison McAlpine to consult with David Harding and Elizabeth Wallace)
The matters of dangerous pavements and the display of funeral notices, was held over until the next meeting. (Action – David Harding)
Next meeting
It was agreed that the next meeting would take place on Monday 11 December 2023 at 7.00pm in the Information Centre.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.47pm.