Oct 2021 Minutes

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Participants : Alison McAlpine (Chair), Tony Farrant, Jim McGroarty and Ken Russell.

In attendance : Councillor Gene Maxwell; Neil Fergusson (Community Development Officer); David Clark (Minute Secretary).

Apologies for absence : Michelle Ashford, David Harding, Sue Harvey. Guests : Stuart Tarrant and Ben Clinch (Moray Estates)

1 Minute

The minute of the meeting of 12 September 2022 was approved – proposed by Ken Russell, seconded by Toney Farrant.

2 Matters arising :

a) 5a – Covid/flu vaccination arrangements on website - done

b) 5b – Teith Bridge issues and Deanston shop – no information. (Action – Alison McAlpine to ascertain)

c) 13 – Christmas Fayre – this has been fixed for 9 December (Action – Tony Farrant to continue liaison with Trevor Davis of the Fayre Committee)

d) 17 – Christmas lights – action points done or underway (Action – Michelle Ashford to confirm communication with Lodge St James)


3 Police Report –

for period 12 September -10 October 2022 compiled by Constable Donald King

a) Antisocial Behaviour - no incidents reported

b) Road Safety - Speed detection patrols continue to be carried out

c) Theft - On 25 September a theft of petrol was reported at Deanston Filling Station. Enquiries are ongoing.

4 Councillor's Report

Councillor Gene Maxwell was welcomed by the Chair to his first meeting and he spoke of his early experience as a member of Stirling Council. He confirmed the significant shortfall in the revenue budget but noted the underspend in the capital budget, mainly caused by projects being delayed by the pandemic. These projects remained scheduled and should be overtaken in the coming year.

Cllr. Maxwell agreed to liaise with Cllr. Watterson with regard to progress on matters raised in the walkabout with Council officials earlier in the year and to arrange a further walkabout with councillors and officials. (Action – Cllr. Maxwell)


5 Guests

Alison McAlpine welcomed Stuart Farrant and Ben Clinch from Moray Estates and


invited them to outline proposals for the Doune Estate Long-term Forestry Plan. Stuart Farrant indicated that a 30-day scoping period with the community and local authority would end on 11 November and encouraged public involvement. It was being publicised through The Bridge, Facebook and the Moray Estates website where full details of the proposals can be found.

6 Kilmadock Development Trust Community Development Officer

Neil Fergusson reported that a full report on responses to the proposed Community Plan would be issued shortly. Consultations would continue as follows – Doune workshop in the Rural Hall on Thursday 10 November 7.30-9.00pm; Deanston workshop at the Community Centre on Tuesday 15 November 7.30-9.00pm; Drop-in display of workshop results in the Rural Hall on Saturday 19 November 1.00- 5.00pm.

He reported an encouraging position on funding for the proposed historic plaques and indicated that the work of the selection of sites was progressing.

7 Chair's Report – there was none.

8 Treasurer's Report

The Treasurer, Jim McGroarty reported that the Kilmadock Community Council Bank Account balance at 10 October 2022 was £5,525.28.

He indicated that to date £5,080 has been spent of the £6,500 running costs awarded by the WFT for this year. For Christmas lights a total of £1,292 remains from Windfarm Trust and Lodge St. James grants for the agreed extension of the lights and that a further application to the Windfarm Trust has been made to continue the project. £100 remains for the painting and refurbishing of the Doune former phone box. The defibrillator will be installed shortly. An in- surance premium of £148 for additional activities not covered by Stirling Council has been paid.

9 Secretary's Report – there was none.

10 Planning – there was no report.

11 Rural Tourism Infrastructure Fund – Tony Farrant reported that a further meeting would be held on 20 October.

It was noted that with disappointment that work on the new car park at the former green shed site has been been further delayed because Stirling Council, at a late stage, has engaged a new architect.

12 Toilets – Tony Farrant reported that Stirling Council had still to complete investigation of the drainage issue but it was clear that a further closure and excavation was required. The Development Trust was dealing with insurance issues and an electricity invoice was still awaited from the football club. It was noted that new cleaners had been engaged.

It was agreed to ask David Harding to set up a WhatsApp group of volunteers to facilitate opening and closing and other arrangements. (Action – David Harding). It was agreed that an expression of thanks be sent to the team of volunteers. (Action – Michelle Ashford)


13 Kilmadock Development Trust – Ken Russell reported that new volunteers had been recruited for the shop and information centre. Issues with the electricity supply would be tackled on 21 October when it would be necessary to dig up the road outside the shop.

14 Roads – there was no report.

15 Doune Ponds and Commonty Walk

Tony Farrant reported that further details were awaited from Stirling Council on the poropsal to designate the ponds as a local nature conservation site. The Ponds Group had been successful in its application to the Co-op's Community Fund for one year beginning 23 October. The Group's AGM would be held on 26 October in the Rural Hall.

16 Christmas trees and lights

It was agreed that the lights would be erected on Saturday 3 December. Tony Farrant is arranging for the purchase, delivery and erection of trees.

17 Forestry – there was no report

18 Community Action for Deanston,Tourism and Marketing and Community Resilience – it was agreed to continue consideration of appointments at the next meeting. The need for additional Community Councillors was noted and it was agreed to seek possible names for co-option.

19 Other business

a) Community Resilience – Neil Fergusson advised that Community Resilience funding was available and that application for this would be more likely to be successful if a Local Community Resilience Plan was in place. It was agreed that this should be progressed.

b) War Memorial – Jim McGroarty reported on plans to complete winter planting around the War Memorial in time for the annual Remembrance Service.

c) Remembrance Sunday – Alison McAlpine reported that arrangements, including road closure, were in place for the annual service to be held in St Modoc's Church on Sunday 13 November at 10.30am prior to the laying of wreaths at the memorial. It was hoped that the service would be conducted by the Rev. Alastair Munro who is now associated with Kilmadock Parish Church and that refreshments would be provided at the parish church.

d) Winter Resilience Teams – information has been received from Stirling Council of the opportunity for local communities to be funded, equipped and trained for snow clearing etc duties in areas unlikely to be covered by Council staff. It was agreed to apply to have a local team formed through the Community Council (Action – Michelle Ashford)

e) Defibrillator – Tony Farrant reported that he awaited word from the Woodside Hotel about the installation of the defibrillator.

20 Next meeting

It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on Zoom on Monday 14 November at 7.30pm.

The meeting closed at 9.20pm.