Nov 2021 Minutes

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Participants : Alison McAlpine (Chair), Tony Farrant, Michelle Ashford (part), David Harding, Jim McGroarty and Ken Russell.

In attendance : Councillor Gene Maxwell; Neil Fergusson (Community Development Officer); David Clark (Minute Secretary).

Apologies for absence : Sue Harvey, Dougie Morrison.

1 Minute

The minute of the meeting of 10 October 2022 was approved – proposed by Jim McGroarty, seconded by Ken Russell.

2 Matters arising

a) 2b – Teith Bridge, A84 and Deanston Post Office - no further information was to hand but the matter will be amongst subjects for discussion at the Community Plan workshop

b) 2c – Christmas Fayre - no further information

c) 2d – Christmas lights – all in hand

d) 12 – Toilets – a Whatsapp Group has been formed to assist arrangements

e) 19e – Defibrillator – still to be arranged

3 Police Report

for period 7 October – 14 November 2022 compiled by Constable Lorna Deans

a) Antisocial Behaviour - no incidents reported

b) Road Safety - On 26/10/22 a large vehicle broke down at the junction of Balkerach Street with the A84 causing congestion. Police attended to carry out traffic duties. On 26/10/22 on A84 near to the junction of Balkerach Street there was a minor collision between 2 vehicles.

PCs King and Deans, along with other community officers, have carried out 2 days of road safety checks with an officer from the DVSA (Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency) on the A84. This resulted in 1 immediate prohibition, 2 conditional offer fixed penalty tickets and 6 vehicle defect rectification forms.

c) Theft – no incidents reported

4 Councillor's Report

Councillor Gene Maxwell complimented the Community Council on the arrangements for the Remembrance Day Services.

He indicated that he was a member of Stirling Council's Finance and Economy Committee but its first meeting had still to take place – on 17 November. He indicated that the revenue budget had been significantly overspent because of rising


costs but that the capital budget was underspent, largely due to delays caused by the pandemic. Some projects have been postponed and others dropped.

Amongst current issues he is dealing with are Direct Response Transport and proposed privatisation of dentistry facilities.

On learning that the Muir Hall was unavailable for letting, believed to be because it is being used for Council storage, he undertook to raise and rectify the matter.

(Action – Cllr. Maxwell)


5 Kilmadock Development Trust Community Development Officer

Neil Fergusson reported as follows :

a) Outdoor Gym – Stirling Council is currently confirming prices and purchase of equipment for Moray Park. Funding for a similar project in Deanston is currently being sought.

b) Community Plan – the workshops were now underway and the drop-in day was scheduled for Saturday 19 November

c) Air Quality Project – further equipment will be installed in various locations and current equipment updated.

d) Community Resilience Plan – this was now under consideration by the Community Council

6 Chair's Report

Alison McAlpine reported as follows :

a) Complaints had been received from Deanston residents about the lack of appropiate bus stops and shelters subsequent to the change of bus route. Cllr. Martin Earl is investigating.

b) Comments had been received about slippery pavements caused by a build-up of wet and decaying leaves. This was a particular issue in the Moray Park area but it was noted that it also affected other school walking routes. (Action – Cllr. Gene Maxwell)

c) On issues raised at the earlier walkabout with officials on the general condition of Doune village, nothing further had been received from Stirling Council. It was agreed that a further walkabout was desirable.

d) Remembrance Sunday Service had received many positive comments and thanks were expressed to all responsible for the arrangements. It was noted that a question had been raised about the appropriate order for the laying of wreaths.

7 Treasurer's Report

The Treasurer, Jim McGroarty reported that the Kilmadock Community Council Bank Account balance at 14 November 2022 was £3,254.08.

He indicated that to date £6,121 had been spent of the £6,500 running costs awarded by the WFT for this year and that application for further funds would be required. Further order of Christmas lights at a total of £1,843 had been made. £100 remains for the painting and refur- bishing of the Doune former phone box. Planting at the war memorial had cost £201.


8 Secretary's Report

Michelle Ashford reported as follows

a) A resident had noted that the street sign at North Lea was missing. The Secretary indicated that she would ensure it was replaced. (Action –Michelle Ashford)

b) Comment had been invited by Land Services on the proposed location of a memorial bench at Moray Park football pitch.

9 Planning – the report, circulated after the meeting, showed no significant matters affecting Doune and Deanston.

10 Rural Tourism Infrastructure Fund

Tony Farrant reported that a further meeting had been held on 20 October. Notes on this were to follow. Additional signage for the Ponds and Green Shed site was being worked on.

On the Green Shed site, despite requests for a start date on the project Stirling Council has yet to confirm one, although the money has to be spent by the financial year end They currently advise a 10 week timescale for completion once started.

We have requested the Council to carry out a Sasines search on the area of land between the green shed site and Doune Ponds. The issue was raised over a year ago and still not resolved by them.

The name of Draigen Burn Park and Stride has been proposed after consultation with Kilmadock Development Trust and the Community Council. There was further discussion on the spelling of the name and whether a simple 'Doune Park and Stride' would be preferable. Neil Fergusson undertook to provide further background information on the spelling. (Action – Neil Fergusson)


11 Toilets – Tony Farrant reported that a date was awaited from Stirling Council for work on the drainage issue. It was indicated that the closure of the toilet would only be for one day, the work being weather dependent. The football club has been paid for the electricity used between 1 March and 30 Sept 2022 but compensation had yet to be agreed with Stirling Council for electricity used between August 2019 and February 2022.

12 Kilmadock Development Trust – Ken Russell reported that new volunteers had been recruited for the shop and information centre. The Post Office will move to all- day opening (10-1, 2-5) from 28 November for the Christmas period.

13 Roads – there was no report.

14 Doune Ponds and Commonty Walk

Tony Farrant reported that the Fairy Trail will run from 17 December to 1 January.

15 Christmas trees and lights

Tony Farrant reported that Muir Estates would provide Christmas trees for Doune and Deanston prior to 2 December. Arrangements were in hand for the Christmas lights.

16 Forestry – there was no report. There were no further comments or additions to Moray Estates' forestry plan briefed at the October meeting.


17 Community Action for Deanston,Tourism and Marketing and Community Resilience – there were no reports.

18 Membership of the Community Council

It was noted that the Council was now well below its complement of members and that public appeal for new members to be co-opted had proved unsuccessful. In the light of this it was agreed that a list of names be drawn up of local residents who might be approached to join the Council. Members were asked to submit proposals.

19 Other business

a) Additional storage at Moray Park – a proposal was made to consider the provision of a further storage container in Moray Park for the use of local organisations. It was agreed to assess the need and possibility.

b) War Memorial – recent work at the war memorial had emphasised the difficulty of maintaining the flower beds which are waterlogged and affected by tree roots. It was agreed to ask Stirling Council to grass over the remaining beds and instead provide suitable planters. (Action – Cllr. Gene Maxwell)

c) Safety issue – it was noted that an elderly resident had suffered a serious fall over a doormat on the pavement outside a house near Doune Cross. It was agreed to ask Stirling Council to investigate the issues and appropriate procedure. (Action – Michelle Ashford)


20 Next meeting

It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on Zoom on Monday 12 December at 7.30pm.

The meeting closed at 9.17pm.