June 2021 Minutes

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Participants : Alison McAlpine, Michelle Ashford,Tony Farrant, David Harding, Sue Harvey, Jim McGroarty, Dougie Morrison, Ken Russell , .

In attendance : Councillor Martin Earl; David Clark (Minute Secretary); Neil Fergusson (Community Development Officer).

Apologies for absence : none

1 Minute

The minute of the meeting of 11 April 2022 was approved – proposed by Dougie Morrison, seconded by Ken Russell.

It was noted that the meeting scheduled for 9 May 2022 had insufficient members present to be quorate and no business was conducted.

2 Matters arising - there were none

3 Police Report – there was none

4 Councillor's Report

Councillor Martin Earl was congratulated on his re-election and indicated that the next meeting of Stirling Council would be on 23 June after which the Council would be in recess for the summer. New committees were now appointed. He noted that the proposed local 'walkabout' meeting with Community Councillors and relevant council officers was scheduled for 24 June. Two new Councillors, Gene Maxwell and Elaine Watterson had been elected for this area and a rota would apply for attendance at Community Council meetings.

On the question of the removal of speed bumps in Doune he indicated that traffic management awaited a response from the parent council of the primary school with its views on the proposed alternative measures to the speed bumps.

5 Kilmadock Development Trust Community Development Officer

Neil Fergusson reported on the proposal to instal outdoor gym equipment and indicated that a list of possible equipment was now with Stirling Council and a response was awaited. If additional funding is deemed necessary the most likely source would be an application to the Postcode Lottery.

On the development of the Community Plan it was agreed that a named and addressed mailshot would be carried out to ascertain views and proposals. It was agreed that the electoral register be used for this purpose, provided there was no objection from Community Councillors by Friday 17 June. Community Action for Deanston, Kilmadock Development Trust and Kilmadock Community Council would all be identified as partners in the mailshot. Possible issues around date protection were clarified.


6 Chairperson's Report

The Chairperson, Alison McAlpine reported as follows :

a) The Jubilee Trail had worked successfully although there had not been much feedback so far. The outcome of an application for funding from the Wind Farm Trust was awaited. If unsuccessful, the costs would be borne by Doune Gala.

b) In relation to the proposed 'walkabout' meeting on 24 June, any relevant points of issues should be sent to the Community Council email address in advance.

c) The resignation of Ben MacCorquodale from the Community Council was noted and accepted with regret. The hope was expressed that he may be able to return at some future date.

The Council noted that there were now only eight elected members and the need to attract new members was emphasised. A leaflet drop, the website and the Bridge were all suggested as conduits for recruitment. I was agreed that Alison McAlpine and Michelle Ashford would prepare a document for recruitment purposes. (Action – Alison McAlpine and Michelle Ashford)

d) Appreciation was expressed for the work which had gone into the attractive floral displays in the community. The need for help with watering over the summer months was highlighted.

e) It was agreed that the Annual Stated Meeting of the Council would be held on Monday 12 September at 7.30pm, to be followed by regular business.

7 Treasurer's Report

The Treasurer, Jim McGroarty, reported that the Kilmadock Community Council Bank Account balance at 13 June 2022 is £7,293.48.

The examined annual accounts for the year to 31 March 2022 were presented and approved by the Community Council.

8 Secretary's Report - Michelle Ashford had no matters to report.

9 Planning – Dougie Morrison reported that the following applications had been approved :

a) Extension to dwelling house at 19 Larch Crescent, Doune

b) Upper storey to dwelling house at 10 Birch Court, Doune

c) New dwelling house at plot at 70 Main Street, Doune

d) Removal of hemlock at 10 Main Street, Doune

e) Erection of decking at White Gables, Muir Crescent, Doune

f) Provision of leisure room at Youth Project building, Moray Park, Doune – delegated

10 Rural Tourism Infrastructure Fund

Tony Farrant reported that a meeting would take place with Historic Environment Scotland on 22 June in relation to the increased provision of tourism signage.

David Harding that blockages at the toilets had now been resolved but that repairs to guttering and downpipes was required. Tony Farrant agreed to attend to this. It was also noted that a roof tile was loose on the football club end of the building, posing a potential danger. It was agreed that the Secretary would ask the football club to attend to this repair as a matter of urgency. (Action – Michelle Ashford)

11 Kilmadock Development Trust


Michelle Ashford spoke of the considerable overlap of business between the Trust and the Council and emphasised the need to define the respective roles and responsibilities. It was agreed that she would draft a paper for consideration. (Action – Michelle Ashford)

12 Roads

It was agreed that any matters concerning roads and pavements, arising from the forthcoming 'walkabout' meeting, would be quickly correlated and sent to the respective bodies for action.

13 Doune Ponds and Commonty Walk

Tony Farrant reported that much activity was planned for the next few months – school outings, the Fun Run on 19 June, Family Fun Day on 4 September. In additional community volunteering days would be held on 25 June, 17 July & 13 August, all from 10.00am-12noon.

14 Christmas trees and lights

It was noted that £1,290 remained in the funds for Christmas lights etc.. It was agreed that Dougie Morrison would acquire further lights to extend the provision. It was agreed that a further application to the Wind Farm Trust for funding of approximately £2,000 would be made by the August deadline. (Action – Dougie Morrison and Jim McGroarty) It was also noted that if it is planned to hold a Christmas Fayre application for road closures etc would require to be made in good time.

15 Tourism and Marketing - there was no report.

16 Forestry - Sue Harvey reported that work to clear storm damage continued.

17 Community Resilience – it was agreed that Michelle Ashford and Dougie Morrison would pick up this brief and take it forward with the relevant authorities.

18 Other business

a) Flower beds at war memorial – it was noted that the flower beds had already been planted.

b) Community Service awards – Michelle Ashford suggested that a scheme be drawn up to recognise 'unsung service' in the community. It was agreed that she would prepare relevant information, with the possibility of inviting funding from the Wind Farm Trust. (Action – Michelle Ashford)

c) Doune Moto-Parc – it was reported that further concerns have been voiced by residents in the Argaty area about the nature and scale of development at the Moto-Parc

d) Community events – it was noted that, in the absence of the traditional Doune Gala, the following community events have been arranged – Fun Run and Duck Race on 19 June; shop and office window display on the theme of 'A Day in the Garden', with an associated opportunity to create and display miniature gardens.

19 Next meeting

It was confirmed that the AGM and next meeting would take place on Monday 12 September 2022 at 7.30pm, with the hope that it might be held in person at the refurbished Woodside Hotel if available.

The meeting closed at 9.05pm.