Feb 2021 Minutes

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Participants : Alison McAlpine, Michelle Ashford,Tony Farrant, David Harding, Sue Harvey, Jim McGroarty, Dougie Morrison.

In attendance : CouncillorJeremy McDonald; David Clark (Minute Secretary); Neil Fergusson (Community Development Officer).

Apologies for absence : Wiesek Chodyniecki, Ben MacCorquodale, Dougie Morrison, Ken Russell; Councillor Martin Earl

1 Minute

The minute of the meeting of 10 January 2021 was approved – proposed by Michelle Ashford, seconded by Jim McGroarty.

2 Matters arising – 15 – the letter of thanks to those involved in the Christmas trees and lights has still to be sent. (Action - Michelle Ashford)



3 Membership

A letter had been received from Wiesek Chodyniecki intimating his wish to resign from the Council. This was accepted with regret and it was agreed that Wiesek's various responsibilities would be taken up by other members. The Roads portfolio will be undertaken by Michelle Ashford with assistance where necessary.

4 Police Report – there was no report

5 Councillor's Report

Councillor Jeremy McDonald reported on

a) Budget meetings to be held on 16 February

b) Consideration being given to continued home working by Stirling Council staff

c) A proposed rent rise of 1.1%

6 Kilmadock Development Trust Community Development Officer

Neil Fergusson reported on the proposal to instal outdoor gym equipment and progress towards a survey of potential requirements.

7 Chairperson's Report

Alison McAlpine reported on a suggestion from Councillor Martin Earl that widespread public notice be given about the removal of speed bumps and the reasons for this. It was agreed to promote this through The Bridge and website.

It was agreed to send an expression of thanks to Kenny Lawder who had found and replaced the missing street sign at North Lea.


8 Treasurer's Report

The Treasurer, Jim McGroarty, reported that :

The Kilmadock Community Council Bank Account balance at 14 February 2022 is


Payment for items for the opening of the Moray Park toilets have begun. To date

£1,133 of the £6,500 for running costs awarded by the WFT has been spent. A sepa- rate record of the costs for the toilets will be maintained.

An invoice invoice for the electrical work to the Christmas lights is awaited.

Around £250 remains from the Windfarm Trust for painting/refurbishing of the Doune former phone box. This money is being used to prepare the phone box to take the defibrillator.

9 Secretary's Report

Michelle Ashford reported that she had been asked about the whereabouts of the old boundary signs displaying pistols. It had previously been agreed that these would be retained and stored. Neil Fergusson agreed to confirm that those currently in the Information Centre were the signs referred to.

She also reported that the air quality monitor had now been installed at the Post Office and that information gathered from the monitor would be available to the public, probably via the website.

10 Planning – there was no report

11 Rural Tourism Infrastructure Fund

Tony Farrant reported as follows :

a) The next RTIF meeting would take place on 22 February

b) Moray Park toilets – the lease was now in the hands and the court of Stirling Council who would be pressed to ensure an opening date of 1 March. It was noted that a deadline for opening of 23 March existed in terms of funds which had been granted.

c) There was nothing further to report on parking issues or the Green shed development which has still not been through the planning process. Councillor Jeremy McDonald indicated that he and Councillor Martin Earl would work to ensure that appropriate funding was contained in the new Council budget.

12 Kilmadock Development Trust

Michelle Ashford reported that the February meeting had been brought forward to late January in order for decisions to be taken about banking signatories (in the light of a change of Treasurer) and matters relating to the Information Centre building. It was also noted that there was vacancy for a further member of staff for the Post Office.

13 Community Action for Deanston - there was no report


14 Roads

Michelle Ashford reported that she would take forward action points from the last meeting passed over by Wiesek Chodyniecki viz :damaged drains, dummy policemen, inappropriate and outdated signage.

She also advised that Stirling Council had offered three options in respect of the removal of speed bumps in Balkerach Street - ie remove one speed bump only, remove all speed bumps and replace with chicanes, remove all with no replacement facility. Noting that it had already been agreed that there would be more 20mph signage, it was felt that only the third option was acceptable. Further discussion would take place with the Parent/Teacher Council of the Primary School to ensure that a common approach was maintained.

It was further agreed to pursue the repair of a broken drain cover on the south side of Main Street. (Actions – Michelle Ashford)


15 Doune Ponds and Commonty Walk Doune Ponds and Commonty Walk

Tony Farrant reported that work would continue on clearing up storm damage and may take some time. Training would be held for managing the pond dipping for volunteers and an Easter Egg hunt would be held in person. There is a plan in place to improve the water quality of the main pond with a funding application made.

16 Christmas trees and lights - there was no report


17 Tourism and Marketing - there was no report.

18 Forestry

Sue Harvey reported that Moray Estates would soon commence storm clearance work in the Wood of Doune and in the week beginning 28 February clearance of all remaining trees at Bridge of Teith would be undertaken, with traffic light control on the A84

19 Community Resilience - there was no report

20 Other business

a) The Queen's Platinum Jubilee – consideration was given to the possibility of a Royal Trail around Doune at the time of the national celebration in June, with materials at a cost of £500. It was agreed to discuss this further along with the suggestion of commemorative tree planting.

b) Doune Gala – it was reported that the committee now had only two members. Volunteers are required to assure its future. It is likely that gala activities will be similar to those of 2021.

c) Active Travel Plan – Neil Fergusson reminded members that the application for funding was due to be submitted by 21 February and he invited suggestions for inclusion.

21 Next meeting

It was agreed that the next meeting would take place by video conference on Monday 14 March 2022 at 7.30pm.

The meeting closed at 8.34pm.


Footnote – Subsequent to the meeting the following police report (for the period 7 January – 11 February) was received :

a) Antisocial Behaviour : Overnight on 30 January a vehicle was damaged on Teith Road, Deanston. On 31 January a vandalism occurred at a property on Graham Street, Doune.

b) Road Safety : Overnight on 14/15 January damage was caused to a parked vehicle in Doune by another vehicle. The driver involved failed to report the accident. During this period hand held radar has been carried out in Doune. No offences were identified.

c) Theft :There have been no reported thefts during this period.