Jan 2023 Minutes

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Killin Community Council

Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday 10th Jan. 2023
LOCATION: Killin Primary School

Adoption of following minutes: Proposed by J. Lawrence, Seconded S. Inglis, and passed unanimously at 7th March meeting

1. Chairman’s welcome
The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting

2. Recording of those present, and apologies received

Chair - A Aitken, Deputy Chair – D Fettes, Treasurer - P Farquharson, C Grant – Planning, S Inglis – Roads, J Laurence, H.Middleton, F.Inglis

In attendance: Councillor M Earl, J Calder - Minute Secretary (stand in)

Apologies: none

Press: None

Residents: 7

3. Declarations of interest – none

4. Adoption of previous minutes. Prior to the meeting, some issues had been raised regarding specifics of the Minutes, by one of the councillors. Whilst considered sufficiently accurate, with the essence of the discussions in the last meeting, recorded, it was agreed that we should address the concerns raised in a different and separate, closed door session. S.Inglis proposed accepting the Minutes, assuming we will address the issues at a later date. Helen seconded the proposal.

5. Notes of interest from members of the public A couple of the members of the public, would like to discuss planning applications. Snow and ice as well as the bottle bank will also be discussed later on the agenda as well as the bottle bank.

6. KCC activity report;
J. Calder gave a brief report on the current status of the Warm Hub, on the experience of hosting the Hub in Shutters Coffee Bothy and the venue changes currently happening given that Shutters has closed for 3 weeks in January. The Warm Hub is now being hosted in the Community Room (Mondays), the Sports Pavilion (Tuesdays and Thursdays) and the library (Weds and Fridays). Roughly £600 out of the existing £3,000 has been spent.
C. Grant raised the question of reaching those in the community who are unable for numerous reasons, to manage to get out to the Warm Hubs. Whilst the current grant is intended to reduce isolation and improve mental health, the complexities of potentially reaching out to those at home with eg soup, were being explored regarding the Environmental health and other logistical and distribution issues. Action point; M.Earl agreed to seek out relevant info regarding the relevant environmental health regulations.
Regarding the financial struggles faced by some community members in this cost of living crisis, D.Fettes has secured a grant of £4,200 housing hardship award which is to be distributed by the Citizens Advice Bureau through their sessions at the Sports Pavilion, with the option being of their also carrying out home visiting where necessary. CAB will also distribute the small number of Warm packs, provided currently by Start-up Stirling
Action point: it was agreed that KCC discuss and agree with CAB, how we and other community members approach referring people we know who could benefit from additional, financial support, through those grants.
“Meet the KCC” J. Laurence had applied for and received the £100 grant being promoted for this by Stirling Council and has kindly agreed to host this in Shutters. The event will happen 24th Feb, 7-9pm
SSE work; H.Middleton reported on the SEE work which kicks off Feb/ March and may last to 2024.
Support to Ukranians; A.Aitken reported that there are 26 Ukrainians still in the hotel. The hotel management understand that the contract comes to an end at the end of March. The meeting discussed the challenges related to housing those remaining Ukranians and the need for a plan to facilitate their being offered and their taking up appropriate housing at the end of March.
Action: M. Earl agreed to follow up with Stirling Council regarding steps currently being taken to house those remaining who want to stay.

7. Treasurer’s report and fundraising awards
There is no Treasurer’s report this month as Pamela has been unable to get access to the account. There is however, £13,856.58 the bank; approximately £8,000 is in the account for the Sports Pavilion, £4,000 for the Household Hardship Fund and £2,400 or so left out of the £3,000 Mental Health and Well-being fund for the Warm Hubs and £2,356 for the KCC itself.

8. Police report
Theft of defibullator from Lochearnhead was the most significant crime in the area over the last two months. The police report also reported that the second police officer, due to come to the village had decided against taking up the position and the post has been readvertised. Currently, the police house is also uninhabitable due to water damage. The police report appreciated the recent work of the multi organisational team (MRT, police, the fire brigade and local community members) involved in rescuing those stuck in recent ice and snow.
Action point; Martin Earl to raise the issue of the dearth of police in Killin and Crianlarich with the Police Divisional commander.

9. Planning; The only planning application is for Plot 5 at the Glebe. There were no questions arising.
Another member of the public asked if permission is required for the what has been rumoured to be the demolition of a farmhouse and steading up Glen Lochay. The general consensus was that yes, permission would be required to carry out that demolition. Martin Earl advised individuals who are concerned, to contact the Planning Dept to ensure that the correct procedures are followed.
Another member of the public representing the church attended the meeting to discuss the proposed plans for the church. Proposed changes are; addition of accessible toilets, a new and more welcoming entrance porch on the side of the church with the general aim of making the church a more welcoming building available for multiple uses. Action point; Agreed that specific wording for would be “We (KCC) are minded to support this application, subject to community feedback”. The plans will be made available in the library for members of the community to view for a specific time period. A.Aitken also agreed to add the church planning proposal into his write up for the KCC in Killin News and the Killin Community FB page, and request feedback/comments to be sent to the KCC email address.

10. KAT report – No KAT report as there’s been no meeting since the last KCC meeting
KAT/ National Park; Davy feedback from his discussions with the National Park regarding the Old Mill and the potential for an interpretation centre, or rangers station. Davy received a fairly pessimistic response from the Park as other centres are being closed due to service users generally going digital.

11. National Park

  • A tourist development study is being carried out on the other side of the loch. Now looking at a pilot project re campervans etc in Tarbert. Could potentially be replicated elsewhere.
  • Bracklinn bridge being rebuilt
  • Taken decision that they are introducing beavers in Loch Lomond and some discussion followed around their management.
  • Petition in to the Scottish govt regarding the upgrading of the A82
  • Journeyer planning app has proved to be very popular with users for planning journeys

12. Snow and ice issues

  • General situation on the roads and related to the snow ploughs and management of the snow and ice. The main road between Crianlarich, Tyndrum and Lochearnhead was particularly bad. Some community members went above and beyond the call of duty. Agreed – the problem is that there is no plan. There needs to be a proper agreement between BEAR and the local authority regarding the use of the resources and efficiency of the operation. There is a problem with the “one size fits all” policy and needs to be reviewed
  • ACTION points – the KCC should propose a better plan and agreement between BEAR and Stirling Council, including paying local community members who have effective machinery to help, how to ensure that e.g. the road to the doctor’s surgery is cleared and generally, now to respond to the main problems. Rural communities and related roads should also be considered much more of a priority. Suggestion to check with Anthony and Robert also look for resilience funding to purchase snow clearing machinery.
  • Martin will send info re where this is being raised.
    Recycling and domestic waste issues
  • M. Earl has contacted the Waste Manager regarding the problems related to the recycling points. Ongoing project with the Motorhomes at the public toilets.
  • Action points: Suggest a CCTV camera put up, which would prevent the team from having to come up from Stirling. New stickers to be acquired to label the recycling bins. S. Inglis and A. Aitken to meet to discuss the Motorhome issue again. Martin agreed to take up the issue of recycling bins at the public toilets, this Friday

13. Roads report – no report, just lots of potholes!

14. AOCB

  • Re administration of the bank account and the KCC email account, it was agreed the KCC hold a special meeting on the first Tuesday, 7th Feb 7pm , to discuss these issues. Action point; A. Aitken will try to book the school for this meeting.
  • Dental petition – Callander aiming to get more NHS provision there. Infinity Blu have assured, that they will continue to offer NHS provision in Killin. Action point; M. Earl advised that Killin community support the Callander group by using that practice.
  • It was agreed that a letter of thanks should go to the Killin Fire Brigade to thank them for putting up the Xmas tree and take it down

Next meeting – 7th March, next public meeting of the KCC