July 2022 Minutes

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Killin Community Council Minutes of Meeting Tuesday 5th July 2022

Killin Kirk Community Rooms, Killin

Minutes unanimously adopted at 6-9-22 meeting - proposed by D. Fettes and seconded by S Inglis Present:

Chair - A Aitken, Deputy Chair – D Fettes

C Grant – Planning, S Inglis – Roads, J Laurence – co-opted

In attendance: Councillor E Watterson, M Felgate - Minute Secretary

Apologies: Treasurer - P Farquharson, I Frickleton - Police Scotland

Press: None

Residents: 5

1. Chairman’s welcome

The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting including new Councillor Elaine Watterson who will take turns to attend our meetings with M Earl and G Maxwell.

2. Recording of those present, and apologies received


3. Declarations of interest – none

4. Correction to previous minutes

In last meeting A Aitken mistakenly assumed that the cycling feasibility study was awarded funding as a result of KCC’s joint application for this with KAT and made an action point in the last meeting to speak to P Godzik and KAT about this. In fact, that application was unsuccessful, and KAT applied on its own behalf, successfully, for other funding for this study. A Aitken’s apologies for this to P Godzik and to KAT are noted. The section of the minutes stating that it was a joint application was highlighted in red and circulated before the meeting. It was agreed that this section of the minutes be removed.

5. Adoption of corrected minutes

D Fettes proposed, C Grant seconded – unanimous decision.

6. Notes of interest from members of the public

Two members of the public had come to the meeting specifically to be involved in the discussion of item 14 – the 20mph speed limit proposal.

7. Treasurer’s report

Verbal report from the Chairman in the absence of the Treasurer. There is £3325.20 in the bank account.

8. Resilience planning

A Aitken has had two meetings with Robyn McEwan from Stirling Council Resilience Team who has reviewed and approved the plan. The final draft of the plan had been circulated before the meeting and some finishing changes were suggested by council members to update some of the contact details – these were noted by A Aitken and will be amended by him. Plan approved subject to amendments – A Aitken proposed, D Fettes seconded.


9. Housing issues

A Aitken attended a Housing Pressures virtual meeting hosted by the National park on the 23rd June. It was highlighted at this meeting that Killin has been particularly badly impacted, partly due to increasing purchases of available houses for holiday lets, and has a very long waiting list for council and rural housing. A Aitken is waiting for the promised summary briefing from the meeting which he will circulate to anyone interested when he receives it.

A discussion of the housing issues facing Killin followed with the feeling being expressed that the rule that Killin has to accept a certain proportion of people from other places is part of the problem in creating this issue. There was a discussion about how this rule is not working either for the people placed here or for the community cohesion of Killin. Many of these allocated people, often single men placed in family houses, don’t actually want to live in a rural location like Killin and find they don’t adjust to living here due to lack of transport connections / support services. However, when that is the only housing option that is offered then they take it to the detriment of our community and local families who do want to live here and need family housing provided. E Watterson to bring this up with Stirling Council – that we could do with looking at these rules and the appropriateness of them being applied to people used to living in urban areas being sent to our rural location.

There has been no progress with the Local Lettings Initiative.

E Watterson suggested that we ask a Housing representative to come to one of our meetings to discuss these issues. A Aitken to action this for September meeting.

10. Motorhome issues

A Aitken and S Inglis attended a virtual meeting on the 17th May with David Hopper. In summary, A Aitken is not expecting that any progress will be made for a site in the Station Road carpark this year or any signage directing people there. However , A Aitken to prompt David Hopper to get back to him as he said he would be back in touch by the end of June and has not as yet.

They also attended a Campra (online community for campervan owners) meeting and they will put us down for financial assistance for next year for waste disposal.

11. Police report

A copy of the police report was circulated before the meeting by A Aitken.

12. Planning report

The planning application made for the site next to the new Co-op carpark for houses discussed at the last meeting has been withdrawn.

13. KAT report

C Grant reported that the community consultation is out for the Old Mill for all to contribute to if they wish and that work on developing a proposal for the old Co-op building is ongoing.

D Fettes reported that the new Sports Hub now has a committee appointed and is working with KAT and is in process of applying for a grant for the regeneration of the AstroTurf through the Place Based Investment Grant from Stirling Council.

14. Feedback on 20mph village speed limit

There was a notice from Stirling Council at the last meeting that there is to be a 20mph speed limit introduced from the war memorial to the Killin Hotel. There was a feeling that there should be public consultation about this and A Aitken put it in his report for the Killin News asking for feedback. He received 4


emails in response and there has been verbal feedback to other members of the council – mixed in their opinion.

A general discussion about driving on the main road through the village ensued, the summary of which is -

- We don’t want a 20mph limit through the main road of the village

- We do want better signage / countdown / rumble strips at either end of the village

- We do want 30mph all the way through the village from the war memorial to the golf club – this would involve changing the current 40mph limit at the eastern end of the village down to 30mph

- We do want extra repeater signage of this new 30mph limit between the Killin Hotel and the golf club.

These conclusions were proposed to feedback to Stirling Council by S Inglis and seconded by D Fettes. A Aitken to feedback.

15. Roads report, traffic and parking issues

There was a query about positioning of grit bins and the suggestion of having bulk bags of grit to be placed at Monemore bus stand for community usage. S Inglis to action.

Temporary yellow clearway signs are now in place at the end of the South Loch Tay road. Police should now be enforcing any parking in passing places.

No progress on signage at Dochart bridge or virtual pavement. C Fraser has not responded to A Aitken emails. E Watterson asked A Aitken to email C Fraser again and copy her in.

There is still an issue with some people parking long term on the main street although the previously reported issue with parking from an Airbnb let has not reoccurred. The whole of the main street should be 30 mins max parking with no return within 30 mins. However many signs have disappeared or are illegible. A parking audit is scheduled for next year.

There was concern raised about the fading white lines marking the centre lane for right turn towards Killin at Lix Toll being an accident risk. S Inglis to raise with BEAR for repainting.

16. AOCB

There was a query about whether there were going to be extra pick-ups for litter during the busier summer season and other holiday weekends. A Aitken and M Earl are chasing this with Stirling Council especially for Station Car Park and recycling bins but also to ask about the ‘Big Belly’ bins which also get too full.

There were complaints about the state of the ‘recycling centre’ in the Station Road car park which has become a general tipping ground and is a mess. S Inglis to approach BEAR in the first instance about getting CCTV coverage for this area to try and improve the situation. Then to feedback to A Aitken on success and approach Stirling Council if BEAR cannot help.

E Watterson shared that the monthly grey bin collection is an issue that is being reviewed by Stirling Council. A new senior manager has been appointed to Land Services and it is hoped they will make a difference.

Co-op is still negotiating with National Park and Stirling Council about a sign to point people in the direction of the ‘supermarket’. Killin Community Council have offered them their support in this.

17. Date, time and format of next meeting Next meeting is Tuesday 6th September 2022 – 7pm Killin Kirk Community Rooms