Nov 2021 Minutes

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Killin Community Council

Minutes of Meeting held on Tuesday 2nd November 2021 by Zoom


Minutes Adopted on 4th January 2022: Proposer S Inglis, seconded R Allner. Unanimous agreement.



Chair - Andy Aitken, Vice Chair - Colin Hay, Secretary - Amanda Clark, David Fettes - Planning Representative,
Ron Allner, Charlie Grant, Stewart Inglis, Paul Godzik – KAT representative


Apologies: Treasurer - Pamela Farquharson, Martin Earl – Councillor, Evelyn Tweed


In attendance: Morag Felgate - Minute Secretary, Jeremy McDonald – Councillor,


Press: None

Residents: 1


  1. Chairman’s Welcome


  2. Recording of those present, and apologies received


  3. Declarations of Interest - none


  4. Notes of interest – none


  5. Adoption of previous meeting minutes and AGM minutes ‐ adopted. Proposer A Clark, seconded D
    Fettes. Unanimous agreement.


  6. KCC Activity Report

    KCC committee have been working on getting public opinion on resolving the campervan/motorhome issues
    in the village, corresponding with authorities about road safety and flooding issues at the new Co-op site,
    arranging better signage for Maragowan caravan site after issues raised at last meeting, and continuing to
    communicate with council on progress on resolving issues along the south side of Loch Tay. Unfortunately
    the application to the Green Recovery Fund was unsuccessful.


  7. Treasurer’s Report

    The Treasurer was absent, but A Aitken has spoken to her today. There is very little KCC money in the
    account and there will need to be a moratorium on spending apart from essential admin for the next 8
    months. This was queried by a couple of people but the accounts have been audited and it seems like this
    has not been clear before as KCC were holding a lot of money in the account for various projects which made
    it look like there was more money available than there really was. A Aitken to speak to Alicia from the Killin
    & District Volunteer Car Scheme to apologise that we will no longer be able to fund a screen for their cars as
    previously offered. C Hay & G MacKenzie to stop postcard production and A Aitken to put information in
    Killin News article instead. Proposed A Aitken, seconded S Inglis.


    J McDonald recommended informing Stirling Council that we are low on funds and advised that the admin
    grant for the community council should be going up. He also suggested having a separate account for other
    funds so that it is more obvious in the future how much money we have and also that we could do some
    charity fundraising activity if we still wish to pay for a screen. R Allner suggested that this could be done at
    the switching on of the Christmas lights. R Allner & A Clark will take this forward.


  8. Police Report

    A copy of the police report was circulated by A Aitken. KCC wished to note their condolences for all
    concerned in the tragic incident at the Ardeonaig Hotel.


  9. Planning Report

    From the last meeting, what is requested is a pavement on land that the Co-op owns from the new Co-op
    site along that side of the road up as far as the entrance to the sewage works. A Aitken tried contacting
    Stirling Council and the Co-op to explain the situation and J McDonald tried to arrange a meeting with a

    Road’s Officer. The feedback is that Stirling Council do not want the expense of putting in the section of
    pavement requested, the National Park suggested that the Co-op should apply for an alteration on their
    plans which the Park would pass. The Co-op have been hard to contact, but may donate the piece of land for
    the Council to put a pavement on. J McDonald has had no answer to his request to arrange a meeting in
    Killin with Carolyn Ford of the roads department. He suggested that we need to put in a bid for this
    pavement in next round of budget.


    The Coach House has an application in for change of use to residential. Concerns were expressed about the
    trend of the loss of business premises in the village and a lack of places for people, both locals and visitors,
    to eat, and a lack of staff for the places that are trying to stay open.


  10. Motorhome Issues

    A summary of the discussion had is that nobody likes the size and positioning of the new ‘no overnight
    parking’ signs in the village. We did request signs, however, they have been put up in all the car parks, but
    not in the original location causing the issue by the falls of Dochart, and they are agreed to be out of
    proportion and unwelcoming to tourists. An article was put in the Killin News and on Facebook to garner
    public opinion on the signs and suggest ways forward to deal with this situation. There have been 2


    S Inglis had read the articles on campervans and motorhomes which M Earl had sent through links for and
    shared that they were worthwhile reading in relation to our issues.


    There was much discussion around making the Station Road car park motorhome and campervan friendly,
    what facilities to put in and whether this should be charged for or not. A sub group was agreed to be set up
    including C Hay, S Inglis and A Aitken to progress a feasibility study for this and liaise with J McDonald to put
    in a bid for this in next round of budget.


    As a side issue in the Station Car Park – there are issues with a mess in the recycling area and vandalism in
    the public toilets there. There have been numerous attempts to get a camera installed here to help with this.


  11. Maragowan Signage

    A Aitken has talked to Maragowan caravan site staff and they are happy to put up an appropriate sign on a
    lamppost when we tell them where we want it to avert the issues discussed at the last meeting of visitors
    turning up the glebe. S Inglis will help with this.


  12. Festive Season Plans

    There will be an event for the turning on of the new Christmas lights and the Christmas tree. It was
    suggested that perhaps this could co-ordinate with the new Co-op opening, but the date of 26th November
    may be too early. A Clark and C Hay will liaise about dates when A Clark has a date for the lights being
    delivered and may co-ordinate with Santa in Pantoland event which will be on the 11th December.


    A Clark has been contacted by an anonymous donor who wants to fund the lights extending the rest of the
    way up the main street to the war memorial. This will be put in place for next Christmas.


  13. KAT report

    Report from P Godzik. The community right to buy application is in for the old Co-op site. They have funding
    to do the development work to make a business plan for it for community use. Concerns were raised that
    this would stop someone else with a business plan from buying it. P Godzik confirmed that KAT would not
    block this, KAT’s concern is to keep the main street buildings for business and community use rather than
    residential. There has been a meeting with Stirling Council about the future of the Sports Pavilion which was
    set up by M Earl. There has been an officer allocated to liaise with KAT about future use and development
    and capital funding. There is progress with new play equipment for the park due in large part to F Boath and
    her fundraising efforts which have been praised.


  14. CAP update

    The Community Action Plan is complete and A Clark commended it to us as a useful document to use to help
    us take forward some projects in the village. There will be a printed and laminated copy available in the
    library for all to access. KAT will be having a session about the CAP and P Godzik will issue invitations to KCC
    to this event when he has a date.


  15. Roads and parking (including new Co-op entrance)

    A Aitken queried whether we need to continue pushing for the section of pavement up from the new Co-op
    site as a number of the community he has spoken to don’t see the need for the extra section of pavement as
    large sections of Manse Road and Craignavie Road have no pavement with no issues. It was discussed that
    there will be greater footfall here and that it is a safety issue as previously discussed and A Clark said that we
    need to represent the concerns of the community brought to us and continue to press the issue for the
    pavement to be extended here. R Allner & A Aitken will move this forward and meet with Stirling Council
    when J McDonald arranges the meeting with Carolyn Fraser.


    C Grant raised issue of flooding here also which is an ongoing issue. A Aitken has been working on this and
    has had people here to investigate this from Scottish Water & Stirling Council. The issue that he has come
    across is that the Co-op are hard to communicate with and will only deal with him through their agent. He
    thinks that KCC have now done all we can on this issue to highlight it to the Planning department and the Co-
    op and that hopefully the Co-op will now see that it is an issue they need to deal with and take it up with
    Stirling Council and Scottish Water themselves. P Godzik advised that there is a condition in the planning to
    do with surface water and drainage which the Co-op will need to comply with – A Aitken will investigate this


    C Grant got an email from M Earl and took round a councillor to see the junction of Manse Road and Stewart
    Road and nearly had an accident there with him. There are now road markings at this junction to make it


  16. AOCB – A Vote of thanks for A Clark and her work on for the KCC and on the CAP and as secretary was
    proposed by C Hay as this was her last meeting as Secretary.


  17. Date, time and format of next meeting - Next meeting is Tuesday 4th January 2022, 7pm, no format
    confirmed as the school is not available. A member of the public present suggested the library as a possible