July 2021 Minutes

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Killin Community Council
Minute of Meeting
Tuesday 13th July 2021
By Zoom

Minutes approved with correction of name (P Farquharson) unanimously on 14-09-21. Proposed by A
Clark and seconded by R Allner



Chair - Andy Aitken, Vice Chair - Colin Hay, Treasurer – Pamela Farquharson, Secretary - Amanda Clark, David
Fettes - Planning Representative, Ron Allner, Charlie Grant


Apologies: Stewart Inglis, Co-opted member – Gregor MacKenzie


In attendance: Morag Felgate - Minute Secretary, Martin Earl – Councillor, Jeremy McDonald – Councillor,


Press: None

Residents: 2


  1. Chairman’s Welcome


  2. Recording of those present, and apologies received


  3. Declarations of Interest - none


  4. Notes of interest – 2 members of the public are present who will be bringing up points later on as they
    appear on the agenda.


  5. Adoption of previous meeting minutes and AGM minutes ‐ adopted after correction requested by the D
    Fettes, that wording be clarified in item 18 in previous meeting minutes, where wording made it sound as if
    he was organising the pump track himself – but is the Sports Hub and Cycle group that are doing this. M
    Felgate will correct the minutes. Proposer D Fettes, seconded C Hay. Unanimous agreement.


  6. KCC Activity Report

    Feedback on South Loch Tay meeting and signage for South Loch Tay road and village carparks – still in
    progress. Stirling Council has been informed by A Aitken which car parks we want signs in. Various funding
    applications have been made. CAP about to be published. Festive Lights now ordered. Christmas tree lights
    currently under quotation.


  7. Treasurer’s report and presentation of accounts

    There are two sets of accounts to approve due to the fact there was no AGM last year. There is £10,404.39 in
    the bank including £6860 funding for ‘In Your Element’ children’s holiday activities. There are two payments
    from ADYEN which are unaccounted for. The new accounting app is up and running.


    The only question about the accounts was whether the Episcopal Church was paid for the Christmas tree
    lighting this year. They had not been paid and it was agreed that the amount should go up to £40 per year
    and that they would be paid £80 for the two years’ use this Christmas by P Farquharson. A Aitken proposed
    and R Allner seconded.


    A Aitken proposed accounts be accepted and R Allner seconded. Unanimous.



  8. Police Report

    A copy of the police report was circulated by A Aitken. D Fettes queried whether the report was complete as
    he had reported antisocial behaviour at the head of the loch and police had been in attendance, but this was
    not included in the report.


  9. Planning Report

    Concerns were raised by D Fettes, R Allner, and a member of the public about the lack of a pavement on side
    of the road around from D Fettes’ house to the new Co-op site and continuing on around towards the Old
    Mart. People foresaw this as a major problem with the increase in foot and road traffic here once the new
    Co-op is opened and that people would be walking in the road. There were queries over the ownership of
    the land and at least part of it is in private ownership and used as a garden boundary wall and parking area.


    R Allner was keen to get someone from Stirling Council to come out and see the problem area. J McDonald
    would like to see a map of the problem area. A Clark forwarded map to J McDonald. M Earl to send on a map
    he is getting of the area with ownerships marked on it. Since there is no representative from Stirling Council
    at this meeting, it was suggested by M Earl that we email Stephen Bly to request a Roads Officer to meet us
    in Killin to see the site and discuss the lack of a pavement and the process required to resolve this situation.


    Flooding issues for Station Road – D Fettes had a meeting with M Earl and Scottish Water. They have been
    carrying out a complete survey of the drains and D Fettes feels like the situation is moving forward now.
    Waiting for Stirling Council to clean a manhole – scheduled but not happened yet.


    The Community Council have been asked to comment on the change of use application for Morenish place
    (old MacGregors / Post Office site) from commercial to residential. A Clark was at the KAT meeting where it
    was discussed and was asked by KAT to ask the community council to send in a letter. The issue is a concern
    for the loss of retail space in the village and it is claimed in the application by the Hogg Trust that they are
    seeking the change of use because there was no interest in the unit being used as a retail space. However,
    the community council have communications, one written and one verbal, from two people who were
    turned away when they enquired about using it for retail. There was also concern expressed about setting a
    precedent and that this application might then be used to pass other changes of use from retail to


    M Earl advised us on the planning process and that we need to provide the information we have because
    where a change of use is sought, evidence of the efforts to retain the existing use should be robust and if we
    have information that the planning department should have to help them in their decision making, we
    should pass it on to them.


    D Fettes to write a letter to the planning authority communicating the fact that two people we knew of had
    been turned down in their enquiries to use it as a retail space and our concerns about the setting of a
    precedent. Proposed by C Grant and seconded by P Farquharson & A Clark who was keen that we represent
    the people who had come to us with this issue.


  10. KAT report

    Feedback from KAT meeting by A Clark & C Grant who had attended – the planning issue already discussed,
    and that it is helpful to have someone from KCC at the KAT meeting – greater understanding and


    D Fettes had a query over whether KAT still held the lease for the park as he thought that it had gone back to
    Stirling council, but people raising funds for playpark had heard something different and EAK were planting
    trees in the park having asked KAT, but Stirling Council didn’t know about it. D Fettes will let A Clark know
    the people who need the ownership of the park clarified and she and P Godzik will clear this up with them.


  11. CAP update

    A Clark got a grant for publication and that the document is currently in production and will be with us in the
    next couple of weeks.


  12. Festive Lights Fund

    A Clark, Mike Beresford & R Allner are meeting on Thursday about the festive street lights. A Clark will send a
    message round after this meeting to update everybody.


    A Aitken gave thanks for the Angling club donation of £1000. A Aitken & C Hay and getting Christmas tree
    light quotations and will be share these with the council. C Hay proposed that in the future we would just
    have one fund for all festive lights rather than two separate street lights and Christmas tree lights. This was


    On a side note – R Allner updated the council that the Fireworks committee have arranged for the fitting of
    the new lights on the bridge and the island.


    A Aitken reminded the council that all quotations should come through the committee and viewed by all
    members before choosing a preferred contractor/supplier for any projects undertaken by the community


    C Hay suggested that we should thank Mike Beresford, R Allner and A Clark for all their work on the street
    lights. Proposed by A Aitken & seconded by D Fettes.


  13. Green Recovery Fund and other funding applications

    A Aitken & P Godzik have prepared an application for feasibility studies for the cycling tracks and the Old Mill
    place plan from the Green Recovery Fund and need community council approval. A Clark thanked them for
    doing this with short notice. Unanimously agreed.


    D Fettes was successful in his funding application to recreation fund for activities for local children during the
    holidays. They have been able to offer 122 half-day outdoor adventure activities through this funding and
    hope to do more with some money they have left over. A Clark thanked him for this.


    The cycle hub is going forwards but not fast. A Aitken suggested it would be helpful to have a representative
    from the hub at our KCC meetings. Both P Godzik and D Fettes are a part of this group and D Fettes agreed
    to cover this between them, it was also agreed to invite Chris MacKenna –A Aitken to action


    Youth group work going forward – starting in mid-September.


    Following on from the discussion in the last meeting about the council no longer continuing to cut the grass
    in the graveyard, members of the community have set up their own maintenance group and met with a
    representative of Stirling Council to discuss funding & maintenance and are working with KAT’s help to be
    able to keep up the maintenance standards that they would like to see there.


  14. Covid-19 restrictions & Tourism issues 2021

    Ongoing issues on the South Side of Loch Tay - A Aitken has received communications from Firbush about
    their issues with messy camping and congestion on the South Loch Tay road. A member of the public present has also been trying to engage with Stirling Council about getting human waste cleared up from the problem
    site adjacent to Firbush but feels that they are passing the buck between the National Park (which this site
    does not fall under) and SEPA and nothing is being done about a potentially serious public health hazard
    with all the watersports that happen in that part of the loch. This hold up is being blamed by these
    organisations on questions over the ownership of the land. M Earl agrees that the ambiguity of the
    landownership is the issue. M Earl has the map with the landownership marked on it to get this situation


    There is continuing frustration with the situation of the parking in passing places and the member of the
    public and the community council would like to see clearways introduced on the Stirling side of the South
    Loch Tay road. M Earl reminded us that the process is that Stirling council will put the signs in place first and
    see whether they work / don’t work before they will consider putting in a clearway. D Fettes encouraged us
    that there is progress on this and that there is signage going up. Once we have these signs in place, then we
    can start reporting to Stirling Council whether they are making an improvement or not.


  15. Roads and parking

A member of the public asked for progress on the issue he raised at the last meeting of no give way signs at
the junction of Manse Road and Stewart Road. He was informed that Stirling Council officers have been to
see the site and have no plans at present for any kind of traffic control at this junction. They have had no
other complaints. This situation will be reviewed.


He also raised the issue of vegetation growth on the Angling club land between the bridge and obscuring
visibility across the bridge. A Aitken to speak to D McRobbie – Angling Club Chairman about this.


A query was raised by A Clark about getting the lines in the McLaren Hall car park repainted as haphazard
parking has been causing issues recently. Believes a ticket has been raised with Stuart Bly about this. The car
park is owned by the McLaren Hall but leased by the council. A Clark will email them again about this issue.


M Earl gave an update on a query from last year about a gritting route. It has been agreed to change the
gritting route which used to end at ambulance station, this will now extend around to the doctor’s surgery.
This will be a priority route from this winter onwards. This will not cover the one-way street as the gritter
will not make it down this street.


C Grant brought up the issue of speed limits in the village. There was a discussion around whether we should
try for a 20mph speed limit throughout the village. Consensus for further investigation. A Clark thinks that
we are overdue for our traffic audit and will contact Carolyn Fraser and will request a review of speed limits.


  1. Breadalbane Park

    The meeting discussed in the previous minutes was held and Stirling Council are now suggesting the fringes
    of the park for wildflowers. It would only be cut once a year. This was discussed. C Hay suggested the area

    around Fingal’s Stone instead – A Aitken noted this to take to Stirling Council. A Aitken proposed rejecting
    Stirling Council’s suggestion, and to say that we will consider it again in the spring of next year. Seconded D


    A member of the public asked a question about the litter picking in the park as she is picking up litter every
    morning on her dog walk. People from Council no longer seem to come into the park to pick up litter.

    Also not picking up rubbish bags along the South side of Loch Tay – M Earl to check that they should be doing


  2. AOCB - none



  3. Date, time and format of next meeting - Next meeting is Tuesday 14th September 2021 by Zoom unless
    A Aitken is able to hire the school by this time.