April 2024 Minutes

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Members present        Fiona Rennie, Andrew Donaldson, Michael Bowdidge, Heidi Bryce, Hilary McGregor, Calum McLean,


Apologies                    Elizabeth Jones (Chair), Caroline Carrick, Susie Henderson, Lachlann Mackenzie, Police Scotland


In attendance              Graeme Fraser (KCFC), Jim Ptolomey (KCC Planning Consultant) Cllr McGarvey

16 members of the public,

Emily Semple (Minute Secretary)


How to contact us        Go to www.killearncc.org.uk and click on the contact button.



The minutes were voted as a true record of the meeting.



No updates.



As Police Scotland was unable to attend the meeting, Fiona gave the following Police Report:


  • A person was arrested and charged with assault and possession of an offensive weapon in a public place after striking another with a bottle to the head at the Campsie Glen Holiday Park. The injured party received medical attention for his minor injury.

Road Safety

  • A person has been charged and reported with failing to stop and exchange details after being involved in a road accident with another vehicle.


  • Please be aware that a number of attempted Housebreakings have occurred within Killearn and the surrounding villages in the month of April. Please remain vigilant and continue to report any suspicious behaviour. More information in next month's

Incidents of Note

  • A person fell on Dumgoyne Hill breaking their leg and had to be airlifted to Queen Elizabeth Hospital for We would like to thank our colleagues at Lomond Mountain rescue team / the Scottish ambulance service and Coast guard for their assistance.
  • A member of the community contacted Police that they had received an email involving an elaborate inheritance scam, fortunately, the person identified the email as a scam and no money was transferred.


  • Person attended at a resident’s house with a high viz jacket advising that he had been carrying out work in the area and offered to lay some stones and asked £3000 to do so. Resident declined to pay and reported the matter to the Police.


The full police report is available on KCC website www.killearncc.org.uk



Graeme announced that the new village hall website was now live with the new format, making it easier to navigate. Website updates will gradually filter through all other groups. Access the website here: https://www.killearnvillagehall.co.uk/


A new Cycling Killearn interpretation board is to be installed alongside the bike racks outside Killearn Village Hall. Thank you to Sarah Deas who is working to get this initiative live.

The Spring Tea Party is being held on Sunday 28th April from 2.30pm until 4.30pm, in the village hall and over 130 older residents have been invited.

The Tea Party marks the end of the “Warm Space” initiative which has been running in the Village Hall on Sunday afternoons (2pm - 4pm) to encourage local residents to meet others, play board games and enjoy a cup of tea. Approx. 15-20 people have been attending each weekend.

The War Memorial Rededication service will also be held on Sunday 28th April, at 3pm. This will be a short 15 minute service.

It was clarified that with both events happening in tandem, it is hoped that those coming to the Tea Party will feel able to attend the service and then return to the hall afterwards for another cup of tea and cake !.



Planning Schedule

2x new applications on 17th April:

  • 24/00187/FUL Jackson Vet Surgery - Change of use application to a house (no change to the frontage)
  • 24/00221/FUL 41 Station Road - Retrospective planning warrant has been submitted. It was noted that there was no prior consultation from Stirling Council stated on the forms.

The full Planning Schedule is available on KCC website www.killearncc.org.uk


41 Station Road

Further discussion over the development of 41 Station Road - it was advised to be specific on what is being objected to. Jim explained that “Environmental Impact” and “Design to surroundings” are the main considerations for planning objection, focussing on the Front Facade, Porch and Landscaping.


For reference, the material considerations for planning objection are:

  1. National and European Policy
  2. Structure or Local Plan
  3. Environmental Impact (Negative effect on character or appearance, especially in conservation area)
  4. Design/Relationship to surroundings


  1. Access, Water, Drainage or Flooding
  2. History of site


Following several adverse comments from the community, the CC voted to object to this proposal.

Mainly the grounds for objection fall into categories of the Environmental Impact, having a negative effect on the character and appearance of the property and the area, and in Design and Relationship to surroundings.

Specifically, the Changes to the Front Elevation facing the main road are a major detraction from a fine substantial traditional house and its neighbouring properties.

Tree Preservation Area

Amy Russell, the planning officer concerned, has communicated that the garden of 41 Station Road is not within the conservation area and the trees are therefore not protected.

Jim has since written to Ingrid regarding the extension of the tree preservation area around and within Killearn, adding specific note to 41 Station Road.

Extension of Conservation Area

Awaiting a response from the Council planning department, following the request in December 2023. KCC recommended that the merits and downsides are to be clearly understood and explored beforehand. In order to gain a wider view from the local community, it was recommended to add this to the Local Place Plan consultation in June.

Local Place Plan

The closing date to respond to the survey has been extended and when data has been compiled, it is planned that a community consultation event will take place


The survey can be accessed online at www.bit.ly/kcplace. Paper copies are also available by contacting KCC at contactus@killearncc.org.uk


Garden Extensions

A member of the public raised concern over gardens being extended from Drumbeg Loan into the agricultural land and queried whether there had been any application for change of use.


It was advised that a specific request/case be submitted to KCC to allow for further clarification.


Speed bump at Drumtian Road

Response received from Stirling Council to request for some form of signage / warning around the speed bump on Drumtian Rd. after someone fell off their bike at the bump and was badly injured. See response below:

“I have ordered two signs for the hump. I am waiting for them to be delivered, then I can pass them to operations to erect.”


Update on 20 mph limits - Community Council Enquiry 2304378

The officer in question has come back with the following statement: “as the staffing situation hasn’t changed since this response was sent out, nothing has been progressed”


Eroding pavement at the Coop


No response. Cllr McGarvey advised KCC to approach the council again from a safety and risk perspective to speed up the process.


Feedback from Stirling Council

When a defect such as a pothole or broken bollard or fly tipping or report of an antisocial behaviour incident is made apparent - Members of the public are being directed to the “Report it” page on the Stirling Council Website. https://www.stirling.gov.uk/report-it/


The member of the public should then be allocated a reference number, advised of this number, and secure a response or action by the 5 working day SLA.



Fiona reported on correspondence relating to the following issues:

Proposed Housing at Lampson Rd for RSHA

There is a requirement to name a new street that is being built alongside Lampson Road, Killearn, and would welcome any suggestions that you may have, in accordance with current street naming policies, ie. have a local or historical association, or be drawn from a previous land use or some geographical feature.


See below a link to a copy of Stirling Council’s current policy for further information: www.stirling.gov.uk/media/skcpztj0/addressing-guide-march-2023.pdf


Stirling Studios

A new film making facility that brings a positive initiative to the local area


Potentially Vulnerable Areas (PVAs) for Flood Risk Management in Scotland 2024

From Monday 25 March – Monday 24 June, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) is running a Consultation on Potentially Vulnerable Areas (PVAs) for Flood Risk Management in Scotland 2024.


Key messages

  • Flooding is a threat now. Our climate is changing and with it we are seeing more chance of stormy weather and flooding, sometimes in areas that have never experienced flooding before.
  • Potentially Vulnerable Areas (PVAs) are places of significant flood Recognising where the PVAs are means we can target efforts to reduce flood risk where they are needed most.
  • The 2024 PVAs will bring a smaller, community-based approach to how we target our efforts to tackle flood risk in Scotland.


The consultation will be open from 25 March until 24 June 2024. Visit https://consultation.sepa.org.uk/evidence-and-flooding/potentially-vulnerable-areas

to have your say.



Public Toilets

A member of the public raised concern over the opening timings of the local public facilities. Highlighting that Balfron will close at 15:45. Cllr McGarvey requested an email to him directly for further action.


Open times specifically for Balfron and Killearn as below:

Buchanan St, Balfron, Glasgow, G63 0TR                            7:00am to 3:40pm Station Rd, Killearn G63 9NA                                                                                  7:30am to 3:50pm


Pls see details on the SC website: https://www.stirling.gov.uk/service-updates/public-toilet-information/



Jessie Anne Malcolm explained about new local initiatives and encouraged residents to take part. i.e.


Conversation Cafés

Palliative and end of life care helps improve the quality of life for someone who has a life- limiting illness, by offering services, advice, information, referrals and support. We need you to provide views from both personal and professional perspectives to help us develop our strategic thinking around community palliative and end of life care services.


Please get involved by coming along to a session or (see below for dates and locations) https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/whats-on/stirling/stirling-community- enterprise/conversation-cafe-stirling/e- obkpja#:~:text=Palliative%20and%20end%20of%20life,there%20are%20important%20co nversations%20involved.


  • 25 April Stirling Community Enterprise, 146 Drip Rd, 2pm – 4pm
  • 3 May Callander Kirk Hall, South Church St 10am – 12pm


Connected Community Sessions

Working with community members, previous Area Forums and Community Councils, we undertook a review of Area Forums last year. Using the feedback gathered, we are looking to explore different engagement approaches to build community capacity through thematic approaches. The themes identified were Health and Wellbeing and Sustainability.


Block 1 Health and Wellbeing

  • Thursday 18 April @ 30-8pm Cowie Hub
  • Tuesday 7 May @7-9pm Bannockburn Hub
  • Tuesday 18 June @ 7pm-9pm Cornton Community Centre


Block 2 Sustainability

  • Monday 12 August @ 30-8pm Balfron High
  • Thursday 19 September @7-9pm (TBC)
  • Monday 28 October @ 7pm-9pm McLaren High


*Please note that these are 3x consecutive meetings.


A local resident commented that the geography of these sessions was not geared to the more rural communities and asked that the council reconsider the approach to help encourage a more inclusive approach.




Cllr McGarvey gave no report but outlined that he is always happy to take questions and pursue requests.



Andrew presented the following Treasurer’s Report:








Current balance of funds





No further business.

Fiona expressed apologies to those online for the technical issues experienced.



The next KCC meeting will be held at 8.00 pm on 15 May 2024 in the Garden Room at the Village Hall.


The meeting ended at 9.35 pm.