May 2022 Minutes

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Members present Heidi Bryce, Caroline Carrick, Hilary McGregor,

Jim Ptolomey (Chair), Fiona Rennie

Apologies Andrew Donaldson, Susie Henderson, Elizabeth Jones, Police Scotland

In attendance Doug Ashworth, Graeme Fraser KCFC, Cllr Rosemary Fraser, Cllr Paul Henke, Jessie-Anne Malcolm (NHS Forth Valley), Euan Shaw

11 members of the public,

Christine Bauwens (Minute Secretary)

How to contact us Go to and click on contact button.

The KCC meeting on 18 May 2022 was held via Zoom.

Jim welcomed Cllr Rosemary Fraser and Cllr Paul Henke as newly elected councillors to the meeting.



The minutes were accepted as a true record of the meeting.



· CC1180 – Police Matters


Police are continuing to monitor speeding in the village and have begun a programme for managing parking issues at Dumgoyne and Finnich Glen.

· CC1187 – Question Time

Residents were reassured that an open meeting to discuss the proposed cycle path between Killearn and Balfron will take place once details of a route have been agreed with landowners. Date to be confirmed.

· CC1189 – Any Other Business – Well Green

Seeding and drainage work will now be started at Well Green. A 1937 plaque commemorating the coronation of King George VI, together with another plaque commemorating a previous jubilee for Queen Elizabeth, have been uncovered and will be positioned at an appropriate place on the green.



As Police Scotland was unable to attend the meeting, Fiona presented the following Police Report:


· Male arrested after kicking the bus stop shelter in Main Street and causing a disturbance at a nearby house.

· Youths identified from CCTV smoking cannabis within the grounds of the primary school. Police have spoken to them in presence of their parents.

· Report of deer hit and killed by vehicle. There was no injury to any occupant within the vehicle.

· Continuing speed checks within the village have been carried out.

· No thefts reported in the Killearn area this month but oil was stolen from a tank in Milton of Buchanan and thefts have occurred from insecure premises in Blanefield.

The full police report is available on KCC website



Graeme informed the meeting that KCFC are very happy to support the Fun Run Mile which will take place on Saturday 4 June as part of the 10K event.

Grateful thanks were expressed to Frank Deas and his team for all the work undertaken for the planned local Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations from 2 – 5 June.



Doug reported that contracts are not yet in place for full-fibre broadband to the primary school. He has accepted MSP Evelyn Tweed’s offer of a meeting with BT and work continues with plans for an ultrafast broadband scheme in the Trees estate, although Euan noted that demand from residents has slowed.



Valid Planning Applications Received


22/00217/PPP Erection of 3 dwelling houses at land south-east of Stockiemuir Cottage, Killearn

KCC to comment there is no specific reason to have three houses and that it changes the character of the rural setting.

22/00248/FUL Siting of static caravan for use by farm manager at Carbeth Home Farm, Killearn G63 0LF

KCC supports farming needs in the area and considers this would be an economical way in which to provide additional accommodation, but would comment that the unit should be screened from Ballochruin Road and the A875.

Decisions of Appointed Officers


21/00792/FUL Provision of beer garden to rear of Old Mill, Killearn Retrospectively Approved.

Please see KCC website for the full planning schedule.


Other Planning Matters


· Development of Former Killearn Hotel

The project is going to according to schedule with Phase 1 flats due to be completed in August and Phase 2 flats later in October.

· RSHA Development at Lampson Road There are no further updates available.

  • Former Killearn Hospital Site

Section 75 agreement has almost been reached. As work progresses, Cala Homes has agreed to liaise closely with KCC and is expecting start to works around August/September.



It is not considered safe to allow pedestrians and cyclists to access Catter Burn Bridge because of cracks in the pavement, indicating weak points and movement. Evaluation of tenders is scheduled to take place at the end of May with project award expected in mid- June.

An update was provided by a local resident noting that due to insufficient ground work being undertaken, repair work to the Branshogle Bridge is now not scheduled for completion under the end of August.

Extreme frustration was expressed at the meeting at the lack of progress with the two bridges and the constant putting back of completion dates. It was requested that the new councillors try to assist and report back as soon as possible. Councillor Henke noted that he had received an explanatory update from SC and that he would pass it on.

The meeting was informed that work is ongoing at the zebra crossing at Main Street adjacent to Well Green. It has not been possible to erect the column to the rear of the footway due to the presence of a stone culvert which is only 400 mm beneath the surface. The beech hedge to the front of the adjacent property is encroaching onto the footway and cutting this hedge back to the rear of the footway will provide the space required to allow wheelchair users and pedestrians with prams/buggies to pass. SC’s Tree and Woodland Officer has advised that no work can be undertaken to cut the hedge back until an ecological survey has been undertaken to ascertain if there are any birds nesting in the hedge. If there are nesting birds, the hedge cannot be cut back until August. Again, frustration was expressed at the meeting at the lack of planning and design on the part of SC.



Following the recent local elections, Rosemary Fraser (SNP), Paul Henke (Conservative) and Gerry McGarvey (Labour) were elected to serve in Ward 2 Forth and Endrick. KCC looks forward to working with them in the future.

Contact details for the councillors are:

Rosemary Fraser Email Tel 01786 233116 Paul Henke Email Tel 01786 233119 Gerry McGarvey Email Tel 01786 233122




Fiona explained that Elizabeth was unable to attend the meeting, but that she had arranged for the completed Accounts for 2021 – 2022 to be circulated to KCC members. These have been signed off by the auditor and will be presented at the AGM next month.

It was confirmed that KCC will provide some funds to cover expenses for local volunteers teaching English to Ukrainian refugees and welcomed the initiative. Funds will also be provided for decorations and printing costs for invitations to the Jubilee Tea Party being organised by the Thursday Club, The Guild, Guides and Brownies for older residents.



There were no questions from members of the public.



Fiona reported on correspondence received including the unavailability of the BT phone box for adoption, lodging of a licensing application by Turnip the Beet for off sales, Wed – Sun inclusive, 10.00 am – 6.00 pm, and acknowledgement of work done by litter pickers.



Local residents were encouraged to clean up after pets and to take litter home. There is a noticeable increase in litter by the side of local roads and all are urged to help by taking litter home and encouraging others to do same.

Following reports from farmers re walkers damaging walls in the woods bordering fields with lambs, it was emphasised how important it is to look after our village.

Frank updated the meeting on the planned Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations.

· The Advent Windows Team have repaired and repainted the phone box at Well Green

· KPS nursery class have worked with Colourful Killearn and planters have been positioned at the top of Beech Drive and at Abbeyfield

· Residents have received a flier, delivered by the Courier delivery team, with details of the celebrations. Extra copies are available at the Old Mill, the Village Hall and Oakwood Garden Centre.

Thursday 2 June

Killearn Primary School - Seven Decades of Royal Service exhibition. Procession from Primary School to Village Hall late afternoon.

Various stalls, displays, children’s quiz and food at Village Hall 7.30 pm – 10.00 pm with lighting of the bonfire at 9.15 pm in The Glebe.

Friday 3 June

Intergenerational event for older residents to enjoy afternoon tea in the Church Hall.

Saturday 4 June

The annual Killearn Beer Festival and Killearn 10k event.

Sunday 5 June

Big Lunch and street parties throughout village. Outlying residents are invited to join for lunch at the Killearn Kirk or Village Hall venues.


Trees will be planted in the autumn in the Kirk grounds and at Well Green, in addition to burying a Time Capsule to commemorate this special occasion.



The next KCC meeting will take place on 15 June 2022 at 8.00 pm with the AGM held beforehand at 7.45 pm. Zoom details will be issued nearer the time.

The meeting ended at 8.50 pm.