Mar 2022 Minutes

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Members present Caroline Carrick, Andrew Donaldson, Elizabeth Jones, Hilary McGregor, Jim Ptolomey (Chair), Fiona Rennie

Apologies Doug Ashworth, Heidi Bryce, Susie Henderson,

Police Scotland, Euan Shaw

In attendance Cllr Alistair Berrill, Graeme Fraser KCFC,

18 members of the public,

Christine Bauwens (Minute Secretary)

How to contact us Go to and click on contact button.

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the KCC meeting on 16 March 2022 was held via Zoom.



The minutes were accepted as a true record of the meeting.



· CC1164 – Any Other Business – Nursery Provision

The meeting was informed that the proposed expansion of nursery provision for children at Killearn Primary School Nursery will go ahead.



As Police Scotland was unable to attend the meeting due to it being held via Zoom, Fiona presented the following Police Report:

  • No anti-social behaviour reported.

· Due to winter road conditions, a couple of vehicles came off the road but there were no injuries sustained.

· No thefts reported in Killearn but males were acting suspiciously at a house in Blanefield and appeared to be put off by the CCTV on the premises.

The full police report is available on KCC website



Graeme reported on the latest issue of the Killearn Courier which has been delivered recently, and the Fireworks event proposed for later in the year. Thanks were expressed to Colourful Killearn for the spring flowering tubs which have been planted around the village. The Jubilee Committee also reported on the following plans to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in June 2022:


· Bonfire in The Glebe on Thursday 2 June. This will be held in the early evening to accommodate families with young children, with the lighting of a beacon later in the evening as part of the national celebrations.

· Big Lunch on Sunday 5 June. Street parties/events held around the village with Killearn Kirk and The Village Hall also providing centralized venues for those living in outlying parts of the village.

· Building on the Happiness Project. the possibility of an Afternoon Tea event, bringing together the older residents of Killearn and children from the nursery schools.

· Investigate using the BT phone box on Main Street to decorate each window to represent a year of the Queen’s reign. It was suggested BT be asked to replace the broken windows of the phone box which have been vandalised.

· Possible tree planting in the village as a reminder of the Queen’s Jubilee for future generations.

· Any other suggestions from the public would be welcomed. Please contact KCFC c/o



As Doug and Euan were both unable to attend the meeting, Jim updated the meeting on broadband matters. A response is still awaited from BT regarding the R100 voucher scheme. Approval has been given to upgrade the mobile phone mast at Finnich Toll to support 5G.



Please see KCC website for the full planning schedule.

Valid Planning Applications Received


21/00792/FUL The Old Mill, 6 Balfron Road, Killearn G63 9NJ

Retrospective application for change of use to form outside eating and drinking area (Beer Garden) within existing rear garden space, by forming hard landscaping areas, as an extension to the existing Public House. Last drinks at 9.30 pm with no drinking outside after 10.00 pm. Sunday opening at 12.30 pm.

KCC in support of this application.

22/00083/FUL 1 Buchanan Road, Killearn G63 9RW Single storey side extension of dwelling house.

KCC commented on this application as it is out of character with surroundings.

22/00072/FUL Land at former Glenshee Cottage, Balfron Erection of 3 dwelling houses.

KCC commented on this application as it is out of character with the village.

Forestry Planting and Felling Proposals


NQ/2022/20 Well Green, Main Street, Killearn.

Felling and removal of trees and tidying up of area prior to improvements to be made by Killearn Trust.


Other Planning Matters


· Development of Former Killearn Hotel

Developer Matt Gingles informed the meeting that the project is going to schedule. The first six flats will be ready by mid - end July 2022, with the remaining ten flats ready by mid - end October 2022. The roof is currently going on and will be slated by the end of April.

· RSHA Development at Lampson Road There are no further updates available.

  • Former Killearn Hospital Site

There are no further details available. Work is ongoing regarding the proposed path connection to the village.



Fiona presented the report, highlighting the following:

Work is due to start on 28 March for two zebra crossings in the village at Main Street, near The Outdoor Classroom and at Main Street near Branziert Road/Drumbeg Loan. SC agreed it was not appropriate to have a third crossing on Balfron Road.

The kerb on the path to the park beside the cemetery has been removed and a drain installed. A member of the public requested the lower half of the path be made smooth to match the upper half, thus enabling those with mobility aids to use the path. It was agreed KCC write to SC regarding this. (Action JP)


As the path near Birch Road in the park has not been adopted and SC is, therefore, unable to provide lighting, it is hoped the light at the Football Changing Room can be repaired to provide some illumination.

It was noted that SC still has not re-painted the road markings near the former Bank building at Main Street/Balfron Road. It was agreed KCC write again to SC. (Action FR)


SC summary of 20 mph speed monitoring in the village shows that average speeds have reduced.

The closure of Catter Burn Bridge has been extended to the end of June 2022.

Gartness Road between A81 and A811 closed to repair damage and install formal passing places. Further to SC notification of 30 mph restrictions on this road, it was requested KCC ask about road signage for this area. (Action FR)


KCC is still in communication with SC regarding the cars parked on double yellow lines on Main Street beside the Disabled Bay.

KCC is planning another walk around the village to identify issues requiring attention and will report back to SC with findings.




Cllr Berrill reported on two recent SC meetings held on 3 March. The routine meeting addressed anti-social behaviour and the debate on grey bin collection. The annual budget meeting approved a 3% increase in Council Tax for the coming year.

Members of the public are encouraged to participate in two SC consultations currently being held on SC response to Storm Arwen and SC response to the Covid crisis.

Tenders are to be returned by end of March for repairs to Catter Burn Bridge and it is hoped a contractor will be on site in May. Repairs to Branshogle Bridge are due to be completed by the end of April.




£267 for Christmas Lights from KCFC and Killearn Trust.

£600 from bridge repair contract community benefit


£40 for admin costs

Current balance:




A member of the public requested attention be given to the state of the West Highland Way path between Drumbeg Loan and Station Road. It was agreed KCC contact SC about laying surface stones to make the path more useable and also to raise the issue of litter in the area. (Action JP)




Residents were reminded that work starts in the Cow Field on 21 March to repair the sewer pipe bridge.



Due to the invasion of Ukraine by Russia and the ensuing refugee crisis, residents of Killearn are keen to help if/when refugees arrive in the area. Aileen May is looking to set up a language class for adults and children and is currently investigating possible accommodation, PVG documentation, links with local schools and contact details.

Anyone interested in helping or finding out more information should visit Killearn for All Facebook page for more information. Cllr Berrill agreed to enquire whether SC has any facility or officer to co-ordinate any assistance offered.

As a result of vibration from heavy traffic between Killearn and Strathblane, many of the drystone dykes are being damaged. It was agreed KCC contact SC to ask if there is any help available for this. (Action JP)




The next KCC meeting is scheduled for 20 April 2022 at 8.00 pm. Details of how to join the Zoom meeting will be issued nearer the time.

The meeting ended at 8.50 pm.