Apr 2022 Minutes

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Members present Andrew Donaldson, Susie Henderson, Elizabeth Jones, Hilary McGregor, Jim Ptolomey (Chair), Fiona Rennie

Apologies Heidi Bryce, Caroline Carrick, Police Scotland

In attendance Doug Ashworth, Graeme Fraser KCFC, Cllr Jane Hutchison, Jessie-Anne Malcolm (NHS Forth Valley), Euan Shaw

14 members of the public,

Christine Bauwens (Minute Secretary)

How to contact us Go to www.killearncc.org.uk and click on contact button.

The KCC meeting on 20 April 2022 was held via Zoom.



The minutes were accepted as a true record of the meeting.



There were no matters arising from the minutes.



As Police Scotland was unable to attend the meeting due to it being held via Zoom, Fiona presented the following Police Report:

· Following a disturbance outside a licenced premises in Killearn, a male was struck over the head with a bottle. Although no serious injury was sustained, a positive line of enquiry is being followed.

· SC Enforcement Officers have attended the Finnich Glen area and issued parking tickets to numerous vehicles. This is an ongoing issue and the police will continue to manage the situation.

· Driver of vehicle which drove into a hedge on the A81 near Killearn was charged with a couple of offences.

· Report of theft of vehicle from a property in Killearn after perpetrators opened the house door and stole the keys of the vehicle.

Concern was expressed about work vehicles parking on double yellow lines near the former Killearn Hotel building site. The project developer and local police are aware of the situation and are working together to solve the problem.

The full police report is available on KCC website www.killearncc.org.uk




Graeme reported that plans for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations are progressing well. More information is available under Any Other Business.



Doug reported on the ongoing problems with internet speeds at Killearn Primary School. A temporary mobile broadband connection has been installed until a full-fibre solution is progressed, providing 100 Mbps download speeds and much better upload speeds.

Details about the lack of progress on the R100 Broadband upgrade and approval of interim vouchers are to be discussed at the next meeting of the Economy and Fair Work Committee. Although the interim broadband voucher scheme has now closed, assurances have been given that applications already submitted will be processed in due course.

An update from Kate Forbes, Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Economy, has been received on connectivity improvements for R100, 4G, 5G and Project Gigabit. This information is available on KCC website www.killearncc.org.uk



Please see KCC website www.killearncc.org.uk for the full planning schedule.

Other Planning Matters


· Development of Former Killearn Hotel

The project is on schedule. The first phase of the development will be completed by August 2022, with the remaining flats ready later in the year.

· RSHA Development at Lampson Road

Although there are no further updates available, it is hoped to start work in the early summer.

  • Former Killearn Hospital Site

Developer, Cala Homes, hopes to commence work in the early summer.



Fiona presented the report, highlighting the following:

Repair work to the Branshogle Bridge has taken longer than anticipated and is now due to be completed by the end of June.

An extension to the road closure at Catter Burn Bridge has been granted for a further three months, until the end of June. A contractor will be on site in May although it is not known when the bridge will re-open.

Work has begun on the two zebra crossings in the village. When the road marking contractor is working on these, it will also repaint the road markings at the junction of Balfron Road and Main Street.


KCC has carried out a road and pavement survey in the village to identify issues requiring attention. Grateful thanks were expressed to Teresa Prescott and Gordon Bauwens for their help with this. It was noted that pavements on Station Road, Main Street and Buchanan Road urgently need repairing.

Further to enquiries about the condition of the West Highland Way path between Drumbeg Loan and Station Road, the meeting was informed that this particular area is on third-party land and not in SC ownership. However, SC plans to undertake a condition survey this summer and will then be able to identify issues that require attention.

Disappointment was expressed at SC response to KCC’s request that the lower half of the parks path beside the cemetery be made smooth to assist those with mobility aids to use the path. SC has deemed the path fit for purpose and, therefore, does not warrant any resurfacing. It was felt that the path was definitely not fit for purpose and KCC agreed to write again to SC questioning its criteria on this decision. (Action FR)




Cllr Hutchison reported on the situation with Branshogle and Catter Burn bridges. An SC briefing will take place on 21 April regarding the Ukraine crisis, to be followed up by a press release for all community councils. The names of Lesley Gallagher and Jonathan Sharp were given as the SC contacts for support for Ukrainian issues. The Kings Highway active travel project is progressing. Regretfully, Stirling did not succeed in its bid for UK City of Culture.

Cllr Hutchison announced that she was not standing for re-election at the forthcoming local elections in May. KCC expressed grateful thanks for her support and work in the local area and wished her well for the future.




£0.20 bank interest


£40 admin costs

Current balance:


KCC accounts are now with the auditor in preparation for the AGM.



A member of the public asked about the recent survey information published regarding the cycle path between Killearn and Balfron. It was explained that this was only an initial survey, not representative and limited in scope, and that a much larger consultation will take place in the future. Further information to be given when available.



Fiona reported on the following correspondence:

· Befriender recruitment taking place for the Stirling and Clackmannanshire areas. Further information available from Jean Fergus, Wellbeing Scotland. Email jean@wellbeingscotland.org or telephone 07546 500337.


· Closure of Fintry Road for Balfron 10k Run on 1 May, 10.30 am – 12.30 pm.

Residents were reminded that the new garden waste permit stickers should be put on brown bins from 24 April.



Jim informed the meeting that Cllr Alistair Berrill is not standing for re-election in May. KCC expressed best wishes to Cllr Berrill and grateful thanks for all his support over the past 19 years.

Although unable to attend the meeting, Aileen May wished the following update to be given regarding the Killearn volunteer programme in support for Ukrainians. About 40 volunteers have offered a wide range of skills from tea making, admin and provision of transport, to music, art and language lessons. A number are qualified in TESOL. SC will act as the umbrella volunteer group and will organise and pay for PVG documentation and provide induction training for volunteers. Two hosts in Balfron are collating lists of families coming to the area and Aileen will liaise with them to find out what support is needed and match up with volunteers. Local schools have also been contacted.

Frank Deas spoke to the meeting to provide information about the plans for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations.

The Bonfire in The Glebe will be lit at 9.15 pm on Thursday 2 June to coincide with national celebrations. The Kitchen Window will be open for food and Killearn Primary School’s Seven Decades Project will be on view in the Village Hall. Quizzes for both children and adults are also planned for the evening, with the latter as a fundraiser for the Ukraine DEC appeal.

Plans for the Big Lunch on Sunday 5 June are progressing with templates for menus and invitations being prepared for download. The church bells will ring to start the communal lunch and street lunches at the same time.

Tree planting at Well Green and in the grounds of the Kirk will take place later in the year. The Primary School are also involved with planters, wild flower patches and have been invited to participate in tree planting in Station woods.

Detailed information about the celebrations will be provided to local residents via fliers and on social media.

Thanks were expressed to Frank and his team for all the work done to make this celebration a success.



The next KCC meeting is scheduled for 18 May 2022 at 8.00 pm. Details of how to join the Zoom meeting will be issued nearer the time.

The meeting ended at 9.00 pm.