Sept 2021 Minutes

Adopted minutes of meeting held on 15 September 2021





Members present Heidi Bryce, Caroline Carrick, Andrew Donaldson,

Susie Henderson, Elizabeth Jones, Hilary McGregor,
Jim Ptolomey (Chair), Fiona Rennie


Apologies Doug Ashworth, Jessie-Anne Malcolm NHS Forth Valley,
Police Scotland


In attendance Cllr Rob Davies, Graeme Fraser KCFC,

Crispin Hayes Cycle Paths Services Ltd, Euan Shaw,
35 members of the public,

Christine Bauwens (Minute Secretary)


How to contact us Go to and click on contact button.


Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the KCC meeting on 15 September 2021 was held
via Zoom.




The minutes were accepted as a true record of the meeting.




  • CC1078 – Roads and General Maintenance Report


    There is an ongoing dialogue with KCC and Susan McDougall of SC
    regarding the 20 mph scheme for Killearn.


  • CC 1081 – Question Time


    Further to KCC contacting Edmonstone Estate, some of the spreading
    pontium (rhododendrons) have been cut back in the copse above Lettre



    Jim welcomed Crispin Hayes, Principal Consultant, Cycle Paths Services Ltd to the
    meeting to present the design proposals for the cycle path project between Killearn
    and Balfron. Crispin outlined the proposed route along the King’s Mile, through a field
    to the woods behind Heron’s Court, across Ballochruin Road, behind Boquhan, along
    Jenny Gunn’s Loan and across the bridge to Balfron. Following discussion and
    several objections from the floor raising safety, security and privacy issues, KCC
    offered to facilitate a meeting with local residents to try to find a way forward.




    As Police Scotland was unable to attend the meeting, due to it being held via Zoom,
    Fiona presented the following Police Report:


    Adopted minutes of meeting held on 15 September 2021


  • Road rage incident at Finnich Toll involving two males. Enquiries continue to
    trace the offender.

  • Accident on A875 near Glengoyne Distillery involving a vehicle which crashed
    into a tree. The driver suffered minor injuries.

  • Delivery vehicle struck from behind by a dirt bike whilst parked in Drumore
    Road.The bike rider rode off without stopping and was not showing a
    registration plate. Ongoing enquiries to trace bike and rider.

  • Continued problems regarding vehicles parked near Finnich Glen. Vehicles
    have been moved and Council Enforcement Officers have issued tickets.

  • Continued speed checks at Station Road and Balfron Road following
    complaints of speeding vehicles.

  • Enquiries are continuing into theft of alcohol at Killearn Co-op.

  • Vehicle stolen from property in Lampson Road using a cloned key or similar.

  • Report of suspicious males looking at gardens was investigated but no issues

  • Attempted burglary from sheds in Strathblane recently.

  • Warning of telephone frauds in other villages. Residents are advised to see
    police advice on full police report.

    A local resident requested that cyclists adhere to the 20 mph speed limit within the
    village and that the police issue fines when that is exceeded.


    The full police report is available on KCC website


    CC1089 – KCFC UPDATE


    Graeme expressed grateful thanks to those involved in producing the latest issue of
    The Killearn Courier which was distributed during the summer.


    The Killearn Heritage Trail website is being well used and many people are walking
    the route.


    Appreciation was expressed for the beautiful flowering tubs in the village.


    Village Hall activities are starting up again with weddings and day to day activities


    Graeme explained that due to the ongoing uncertainty about COVID, the annual
    Fireworks Display has had to be cancelled. Alternative plans for something in the
    Village Hall are being discussed instead.


    KCFC AGM will take place next month, but details to be given at a later date.


    CC1090 – BROADBAND


    As Doug was unable to attend the meeting, there was no formal report this month.
    Euan, however, informed the meeting that the proposed broadband scheme for the


    Adopted minutes of meeting held on 15 September 2021


    Branziert and Drumbeg Loan is going forward but that poor connectivity at Killearn
    Primary School is still an ongoing issue.


    CC1091 – PLANNING


    Following the summer recess and the backlog of planning items, Jim explained that
    he proposed only to highlight those items he felt were of particular significance and
    pointed residents to the KCC website to see the full planning schedule.


    Planning Schedule


  • Valid Planning Applications Received


    21/00552/FUL Erection of 4 no Dwelling Houses at Land at Former Glenshee
    Cottage,Boquhan, Balfron

    KCC objected to this application and awaits a decision.


  • 21/00553/FUL Alteration to Existing Dwelling House, Including Removal of
    Steeply Pitched Roofs, Construction of Additional Storey and Shallow Pitched
    Roof, Enlargement of Terrace on Entrance Level and Construction of New
    Double Garage and Driveway at Ronachan, Drumore Road, Killearn

    G63 9NX

    KCC objected to this application as being out of character with the
    surroundings. Notwithstanding this, the planning officer has recommended
    approval subject to conditions.

  • 21/00563/FUL Erection of 3 no Dwelling Houses at Red Cottage,
    Blane Smiddy Road, Killearn G63 9QQ

    KCC commented on this application regarding over development of site and
    the previous objections to the removal of an oak tree to gain access to
    houses. No decision has yet been made.

  • 21/00510/FUL Erection of Dwelling House at Land 580m South East of Little
    Carbeth, Drumtian Road, Killearn

    KCC commented on this application as this was originally submitted for a
    farm manager’s house. Notwithstanding this the planning officer’s
    recommendation is for approval.

  • Planning Enforcement

    EN/21/040/UHW Formation of Access and Creation of Hard Standing with
    Erection of Gate at Main Street, Killearn G63 9RJ

    KCC commented on this case as it took away the right of way.


    The full planning schedule is available on KCC website


    Other Planning Matters


  • Former Killearn Hospital Site

    SC has now fully quantified and priced the works involved to install a new
    footpath along Station Road, from Killearn to the Cala Site. SC is currently in
    negotiations with Cala Homes regarding a possible funding contribution
    towards the footpath construction as outlined in the Planning Application.


    Adopted minutes of meeting held on 15 September 2021


  • Development of Former Killearn Hotel

    The former hotel has now been demolished and it is hoped building work will
    begin towards the end of September. Phase 1 is due to be completed in 44
    weeks with the full completion in 52 weeks.

  • RSHA Development at Lampson Road


    There is no further information on this development.




    It was noted that there are regular complaints about speeding in the village and lack
    of support to police the new 20 mph speed limit. KCC is in ongoing discussion with
    SC regarding this and other road safety requests. KCC has been informed that a SC
    site visit will be undertaken this week to check that everything has been installed
    correctly. SC will also be installing a mobile Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS) unit in
    Killearn on a temporary basis to highlight vehicle speeds to drivers.


    KCC agreed to report some residents’ concerns about consequential speeding on
    rural roads and their claim of a lack of evidence from SC traffic statistics over a 30
    year period to support 20 mph speed limits.


    As a result of the closure of the Fintry Road B818 near Branshoggle Bridge and also
    the recent closure of Ballochruin Road, more traffic is driving through Boquhan at
    speed. Local residents requested the current 40 mph speed restriction be temporarily
    lowered to 30 mph and that speed monitoring cables be used to give an accurate
    picture of the problem. KCC has submitted a letter to SC on behalf of residents in
    Boquhan which Susan McDougall, SC Transport Planning Officer, has acknowledged
    and will discuss with colleagues. It was agreed Cllr Davies take this matter forward.


    The meeting was informed that the repairs to the bridge near Branshoggle on the
    B818 will take longer than first anticipated. An update is awaited from SC but it is
    hoped the work may be completed by the end of the year or by the first quarter of
    2022. The suggestion of using a temporary bridge was discussed and it was agreed
    KCC write to Susan McDougall in support of this idea. (Action JP)


    Branziert Road will be closed on Monday 20 September for water repair works.




    Cllr Davies reported on the following:


  • Issues arising from closure of bridge at Branshoggle.

  • Concern about inadequate provision of good broadband connectivity to
    enable Killearn Primary School pupils to use Chromebooks. The meeting
    learned that Euan Shaw had been approached by SC back in March to
    investigate improving the situation at the school. Euan made a preferential
    offer of assistance on 6 March with full details for a special 6 months
    minimum term contract instead of the usual 24 month contract. KCC was
    extremely disappointed to hear that Euan has received no feedback from SC
    and that nothing has been done to improve the connectivity to the school. It
    was agreed that Cllr Davies investigate the situation further with SC
    Education Department.


    Adopted minutes of meeting held on 15 September 2021


  • The first face to face Councillor Surgery was held in Killearn Village Hall this
    week since the first lockdown. It is hoped to have monthly meetings in the
    future, prior to community council meetings.

  • SC meeting on Thursday 16 September to discuss improving live streaming
    of Council Meetings.

  • Full SC Meeting to be held on 7 October.

  • Changes to the bin collection will take place as from next week. Drymen and
    Balmaha will have bins uplifted on Thursday instead of Sunday in order to
    ease weekend tourist traffic problems in the area.

  • SW Area Forum due to meet on 20 September has been cancelled.



Elizabeth informed the meeting that the current bank balance as at the end of July is

£926.32. The grant of £834.49 is in the process of being issued by SC.




There were no questions from members of the public.




Fiona informed the meeting that everyone should have received a new bin collection
calendar from SC explaining the changes to the service. Otago classes focussing on
movement and balance have restarted at Killearn Kirk Hall. Local residents who may
have old photographs of Killearn Police Station from 1950s/60s are requested to
contact KCC on behalf of a former resident.




In view of the ongoing COVID pandemic, the future format of KCC meetings was
discussed. It was noted that more people have attended the online Zoom meetings
compared to those held at the school and that generally, Zoom seems to be
accessible to most people. Concern about the continuing surge in infection rate was
expressed and that meeting physically was perhaps not to be recommended. It was
agreed, therefore, to continue via Zoom for the foreseeable future while trying to
ensure that those residents who do not have access to Zoom are still included.




The next KCC meeting is scheduled for 20 October 2021 at 8.00 pm. Details of how
to join the Zoom meeting will be issued nearer the time.


The meeting ended at 9.45 pm.