February 2024 Minutes

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Gartmore Community Council

Date of Meeting: Wed 7th February 2024 Venue: Gartmore Village Hall

Present: Janet Billett, Mike Houghton-Evans, Colin Scrimgeour, Ian Dinwoodie, Chris Webster, Helen Webster (minute taker)

Apologies: Wayne Glasse-Davies, Police Scotland


In attendance: Martin Earl, Stirling Councillor, Trossachs and Teith


Press: none

Members of Public: 2


Declarations of Interest‐ none

  1. Adoption of previous minutes - Proposer : Colin Scrimgeour Seconder: Mike Houghton-Evans
  2. Matters Arising – none


3.    Planning – no new planning applications


Land at Dalnacreoch/Green Routes, Gartmore Shop and Erection of Guest House at Crinigart Woods are still current. Solar Panels on Gartmore Village Hall have been approved


Gartmore Shop – concern was raised as to why the planning application was taking so long to approve as there were no objections. ME suggested writing to the Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park Planning Authority to ask.

Action : ID


Benview Development update : the developers are aware that a meeting with Gartmore is still pending but there is nothing further to report at this stage.

4.    Reports‐ External

  1. Police Scotland‐ Overnight between 19th and 20th December 2023 damage was caused to a parked vehicle in Gartmore. After enquiry, this remains undetected. If anyone has any policing issues that they wish to discuss, please contact Callander Police Office on 101 or email TrossachsTeithCPT@scotland.pnn.police.uk
  2. Elected Member‐ Budget update – meeting will be held on Feb 29th to determine cuts. Cuts required for Stirling Council have gone up to 15 million. JB queried why a house in Jellicoe Avenue has remained empty as this could be bringing in ME asked for details of the house and he would investigate.

Action : JB and ME


Environmental Waste Services Booking systems – suggested for Polmaise and Callander. The booking system will start on 1st May 2024.


  1. National Park- meeting held with Housing Minister Paul McLennan to discuss the overall situation for affordable The Local Development Plan will commence its consultation process soon.


Reports‐ Internal

  1. Treasurers report – The balance of Gartmore Community Council Treasurer account on 6th February 2024 was £1358.07. Total expenditure over the year currently stands at

£282 for general expenditure and £200 on Minute Taker costs.                                                                    The Shop Steering Committee fund held by the CC remains at £905. There were no outstanding invoices.


Comment - Shareholders of Gartmore Community Shop agreed to have the Community Council hold the remaining funds from the sale of the shop for three years to try and facilitate another shop service within the village. The funds have not been received to date.


  1. Subgroups‐ Shop Steering Group going Working with the Black Bull board and hope to have a meeting soon to discuss whether there is an opportunity to create a retail service within the Black Bull. A pilot service might be possible.
  2. Chair‐ the church wall (owned by Stirling Council) is bowing outwards towards the JB has requested a site visit by Stirling Council.
  3. Community Council Business – parking on the pavement legislation was raised. Stirling Council will need to meet to discuss the degrees of implementation. There is no date set yet for this legislation to be enforced in Gartmore. JB suggested that an item be put into the Gartmore News to

ask villagers to review car parking in the village. The Gartmore Local Place Plan is already reviewing car parking areas. ME suggested having an external person to discuss the issue with villagers at a meeting.


  1. AOB – a motp had emailed asking again for the Community Council’s reply that was sent to the LLTTNP regarding change of use of the village shop. CS will draft a response that this issue has already been addressed and dealt with.


10.  Items raised by members of the public –

Drains - a response was received that the drains would be cleared in the                                                                      whole village when this is scheduled by Stirling Council.

Bus Shelter - No update has been received on the repair or replacement of the bus shelter

11.  Date, time, and venue of next meeting –

Wed 3rd April, 7.30pm Gartmore Village Hall