August 2024 Minutes

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Gartmore Community Council Date of Meeting: 7th August 2024, Gartmore Village Hall


Present: Janet Billett, Mike Houghton-Evans, Ian Dinwoodie, Chris Webster, Wayne Glasse-Davies Apologies: Colin Scrimgeour, Police Scotland


In attendance: Elaine Watterson, Conservative, Trossachs and Teith Councillor, Stirling Council; 

Peter Sunderland Manager, Gartmore House Estate, Helen Webster (Minute taker)


Members of Public (motp): 22



  1. Declarations of Interest – none


  1. Adoption of previous meeting(s) minutes

 Proposed - Chris Webster, Seconded - Mike Houghton-Evans


3. Matters Arising

  1. a) Appointment of Treasurer – Proposed - Ian Dinwoodie, Seconded - Janet Billett


4. Matters for immediate attention- 

Re historic cup and ring marked stone at risk in Drum Wood: an access road through Drum Wood has been created allowing clear felling to begin. CW was tasked with informing the appropriate agency of the need to protect the unmarked Bronze Age monument at risk from forthcoming forestry operations. 


SC Archaeological Dept suggested CW contact the National Park Authority who in turn referred him to their consultants West of Scotland Archaeological Services (WOSAS). They were aware of the stone's existence but not its exact location. 


Over the years, the cup & ring stone has become covered with moss and soil and is no longer visible, so they were pleased to receive Google Map Sat Nav coordinates from CW. However although they had included a requirement (when granting planning approval) that the land owner protect the stone from damage, they would not supervise felling operations and that it was the responsibility of the owner or their agent to make sure no damage would be done. The land agent Erik Odendaal was delighted to receive the exact location coordinates and gave permission for CW to fence off the location with hi-vis barrier mesh fencing attached to aluminium poles. 


CW shared phots of the site to both Mr Odendaal and WOSAS and informed them that he discovered the stone extended for at least twice the area that had previously been exposed and in his opinion is likely to contain more carvings, so suggested an archaeological survey would be useful. Mr. Odendaal agreed that the wider area would be protected. A date has not yet been set for felling to commence.


5. Planning –

  1. 2024/0138/DET Gartmore House (new access road/paths) – Peter Sunderland explained the proposal for the new road had been prompted by the access from the A81 becoming hazardous. Gartmore House Estate had bought Sow Park a number of years ago. Approval by the Roads Dept has been given. 


ID asked about the location and what was being proposed to improve the existing road down to the wood chip area. PS said another road is planned to make a more direct route from the campsite to the village bypassing Gartmore House and improvements with passing places made to the existing route down to the wood chip site into the entrance courtyard of Gartmore House. 


WGD asked if improving the existing route passed Crinigart would be possible.  PS said that the shortest road was the preferred option. 


A motp asked why a very wide road was planned when the existing road is single and not necessary.  PS said it was preferred by planners. 


A motp asked how big and how many buses would use the track.  It was thought no more than 4 at a time. 


WGD asked if there should be a bridge over the road?? PS’s reply?


A motp was concerned as to how the S bend near Cobleland could be improved.  If more buses were to use it, this wouldn’t help.  EW said she would look into traffic calming measures and signage.  ACTION : EW


A motp asked if traffic calming measures had been requested for the entrance off the A81.  PS said that there are issues with the ramp up to the entrance.


EW asked if directions could be given so that Gartmore House guests don’t follow google maps directions which currently take people through the village.  PS said that they do that already.


Peter Sunderland was thanked and left the meeting.


A motp asked if the CC were going to put in a concern.  The CC do not need to make comment.  M’sotp can comment and give concerns individually.


A motp expressed concern that the existing route which passes the woodchip would definitely need to have trees removed to widen the road in any way.


A motp thinks the CC should put in concerns to the National Park.  MHE suggested that a note be submitted to the National Park saying that there were concerns, then all individuals could put in their own objections.  There may be a planning meeting if the planners feel it necessary.  An motp said that some decisions are made by Delegating Officers and not by committee.  EW confirmed this was the case.  She reiterated that the strongest way forward was for individuals to submit their concerns.


A motp expressed concern that the new road ends at the former Bees Wood which has yet to be replanted.  The motp thought perhaps this was done with future development in mind.  The CC has no knowledge of any future plans.


A motp asked if the CC had ever placed an objection. JB replied that they had put in notes before asking questions to get more information on a planning application but on the National Park form, this can only be submitted as an Objection. 


  1. 2024/0201/HAE - 10 Cayzer Court (erection of single storey extension + flat roofed structure) - no concerns


  1. Benview development (status unknown, decision closed) – this planning application has closed


6. Reports‐ External-

  1. Police Scotland – attached

 If there are any issues to discuss, please contact Callander Police Office                           101 or email


  1. Elected Member – EW said the Councillors are in recess but during this time, the general elections were conducted.  There will soon be a by-election. There is a new Chief Executive. The city of Stirling will be celebrating 900 years next year. There is a new booklet for Older Peoples Communities. This gives emergency numbers and other advice. September

is Dementia Awareness month. She is raising awareness of being eligible for Pension Credits. If there are any issues to discuss, contact Elaine at  


  1. National Park – not in attendance


7. Reports‐ Internal

  1. Treasurer's report

The balance of Gartmore Community Council Treasurer account on 7th August 2024 was £9165.10. The application for the administration and minute taking grant 2024-2025 has been submitted and accepted. Expenditure from Community Council funds since June 5th 2024 was £60 on minute taking and £30 for Hall room rental. Direct Community Council funds now stand at £240.10.


Other transactions: A payment of £60 was made from the Shop Steering Committee fund to M. Houghton-Evans for the coffee morning float. The Shop Steering Committee fund held by the CC now stands at £460.00. £30,000 was transferred from the Shop Sale Fund to a new savings account. The savings account statement of August 3rd 2024 showed a value on July 27th 2024 of £30,072.40. The remaining £8,465 of the Fund is currently being held for any short-term cash purchases. There were no outstanding invoices on 7th August 2024.  W. Glasse-Davies Treasurer



  1. Community Council Business- JB pointed out that next year Gartmore will be 300 years old and

we should celebrate in some way.  Gardens Open Scheme has been applied for in June.


9.  AOB- Parking


The CC had approached the 3 councillors and asked them to take this forward on their behalf.  Stirling Council have come back and said ‘no exemptions’.  EW supports the unhappiness about the parking on pavements law.  There needs to be 1.5m of pavement.  The individual exemption requests have been gone through by EW and Martin Earl. EW and ME said that to date, there hasn’t been a problem with parking on the pavement.  Rural areas are quite different to urban areas.  


EW and ME (on the transport committee) will continue to fight for an exemption.  She urged members present to write to their local MP.


A motp said there wasn’t enough room at the bottom of the village with two cars, one on each side of the road and the bus trying to get through.


The CC wrote to Stirling Council asking for a period of time to find a solution.  Adjustments to the pavement is one solution and there are others.  They asked for Roads Dept Officers to come out and properly discuss how to move forward.  If the buses were to stop coming through the village, there would be a case for Equality Discretion to be applied for.


A motp thought that the Police were enforcers of this law but it was confirmed that it is a

Government legislation.  She asked what other Councils were doing?  The CC were not aware of what they were doing.


A motp thought his email reply for an exemption was inaccurate in its measurements.  Even a photo showing that plenty of pavement space would be provided did not make a difference.


JB suggested that a line was painted on the pavement as a temporary solution to show up to which point people could park on the pavement.  A meeting could achieve this.


A motp expressed concern that some vehicles were driving down the pavement as there was frustration at not getting through the space now provided.


It was clarified that individuals applying for an exemption would be for the whole village not just for outside their property.


Members were advised that they can write and complain to the Chief Executive.  EW asked that any letters written should have all three local Councillors copied in so that they were kept in the loop.


Nobody wants double yellow lines so a solution is being sought to try and improve the situation and avoid this.  This idea was muted several years ago but not implemented. A motp did not think that yellow lines were a viable option.


It was not known how long it will take to arrange a meeting with Roads Dept planners.


A motp asked if there was any point in replying to the exemption rejection email he got to inform them of the measurement inaccuracies and he was encouraged to do so.  MHE has already raised questions based on this motp’s email reply.


CW pointed out that the pavements could be narrowed at the bottom end of the village to give the extra space.  The CC will include this in their presentation to Stirling Council.


A motp raised the question – can anyone put in an exemption to the parking on the pavement?  She was advised that anyone can.



10. Questions and Items raised by members of the public-


A motp asked if yellow lines could be put on the roads next to the houses near Cobleland.  Individuals had requested this but no response has been received.  Any complaints like this from villagers are put forward to Stephen Bly, Community Council Enquiry Co-ordinator.


A motp said that some time ago, there was an accident at the Ward Toll junction that had been reported and the area was looked at and deemed not to be an issue.  Another accident has happened this week – how can we help prevent further accidents?  This area is in Drymen

Community Council’s remit and they should be contacted.  Buchlyvie Community Council and Forth and Endrick Councillors could be asked to get involved.  The motp asked if Gartmore Community Council would support this and it was confirmed they would.



11. Next Meeting: 2nd October 7.30pm Village Hall