April 2024 Minutes

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Gartmore Community Council Date of Meeting: 3rd April 2024 Venue: Gartmore Village Hall


Present: Janet Billett, Mike Houghton-Evans, Colin Scrimgeour, Chris Webster, Wayne Glasse-Davies.


Apologies: Ian Dinwoodie,


In attendance: Gene Maxwell, SNP, Trossachs and Teith Councillor, Stirling Council


Press: None


Members of Public: 1


Declarations of Interest‐ None


  1. Adoption of previous meeting(s) minutes

Proposer : Mike Houghton-Evans Seconder: Colin Scrimgeour

2.    Matters Arising –

  1. MHE enquired about the council house in Jellicoe Avenue which has been empty for a year. There appears to be work going on and GM agreed to chase the matter up. ACTION : GM


  1. Implementation of the law against parking on the pavements was discussed. It was agreed that this should be reviewed after the Local Place Plan is published.


3.    Matters for immediate attention – none


  1. Planning


  1. 2024/0039/HAE Planning application to erect an extension at Ronley, Park Avenue – No objections were raised.
  2. 2023/0094/DET Green Routes application to install parking and temp building at their site in Gartmore since May 2023 has still not been finalised by the National It was agreed to enquire why this process was taking so long.



5.    Reports‐ External

  1. Police Scotland‐ a man was arrested at Trossachs Holiday Park and on another occasion, a caravan had been stolen. Report attached.

If there are any issues to discuss, please contact Callander Police Office 101 or email TrossachsTeithCPT@scotland.pnn.police.uk


  1. Elected Member – GM reported on the recent budget cuts by Stirling Council and stated that some amenities had been saved for example, libraries not closing, bus routes remaining and Council Tax not Enquiries surrounding the recent fire at Langgarth House are ongoing. The Tourist Information Centre in Aberfoyle will be closing and new tenants will be sought.
  2. National Park- no report given


Reports‐ Internal

  1. Treasurers report

The balance of Gartmore Community Council Treasurer account on 2nd April 2023 was £1318.07.

Total expenditure over the year currently stands at £297 for general expenditure and £240 on Minute Taker costs. The Shop Steering Committee fund held by the CC remains at £905. There were no outstanding invoices on 2nd April 2024.


  1. Subgroups‐ Shop Steering MHE reported that twice weekly coffee mornings weren’t attracting as many socially isolated people as hoped so this will be discussed further by the group. After a meeting on 3rd April, it was hoped to have co-production between representatives of the steering group and the Black Bull to try and move forward with the project if agreed by the full Black Bull Board. The Black Bull are under strain due to having no manager and entering into their busiest period. Depending on a number of factors, a pilot scheme might be trialled and this would require a release of some of the finances from the shop sale (held by the CC).
  2. Chair‐ no report

8.  AOB

  1. WGD raised concern that the road leading to Gartmore is badly

GM will enquire.                                                             ACTION : GM

  1. JB to follow up church wall repair ACTION : JB
  2. MHE mentioned outreach services for social care in rural areas that Gartmore Village Hall could provide a venue for
  3. In response to a complaint from a motp, the CC have met and agreed a response
  4. There has been no update on the status of the CC’s earlier request to Stephen Bly (Community Council Enquiry Coordinator, Stirling Council) regarding the implementation of 30 or 40 mph signs at all approaches to the village before the 20mph signs. GM agreed to follow this up.


  1. Discussion on the progress of the wood thinning and felling operations in Wee Wood and Drum Concern was raised about the site of ancient cup and ring markings in Drum Wood and the need to ensure the new owners were aware of their existence. WGD will forward contact details to CW to pursue. ACTION : CW



9.  Items raised by members of the public

Speeding and parking around the Cobleland campsite area was raised. A 20mph zone was proposed by the motp. A restricted parking zone was also mentioned. GM agreed to follow up on this.



11. Date, time, and venue of next meeting

Wednesday June 5th, 7.30pm, Gartmore Village Hall