June 2023 Minutes AGM

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Annual General Meeting of Gartmore Community Council
Wednesday 7th June 2023, 7.30pm, Gartmore Village Hall
Those Present: Janet Billett (Chair), Wayne Glasse-Davies, Colin Scrimgeour, Chris Webster, Mike
Houghton-Evans, Ian Dinwoodie, Moira Heath, Carol Irvine
Gene Maxwell, SNP, Trossachs and Teith Councillor, Stirling Council
Adoption of previous AGM minutes held on 29th June 2022 – Minutes agreed by the members
Proposer – Wayne Glasse-Davies
Seconder – Colin Scrimgeour
Chairman’s Report – Janet Billett
“I would like to thank everyone who has given their time and talents to support the Community of
Gartmore. We are grateful for the support we receive from our local councillors and to our local
police for their contributions and attendances. Thanks also to Katie Goldie and Gerry McGarvey who
stepped down during the year and we welcome Mike Houghton-Evans and Chris Webster as co-opted
members. At the last elections, all six of us stood to be re -elected and Mike and Chris became full
elected members of GCC.
As a Community Council, we remain impartial and, when necessary, declare a conflict of interest, and
step aside for that part of the discussion. We cover a lot of different things in our meetings -
planning, road issues, blocked drains, to name but a f ew and also assist members of the community
and advise them where or who to contact. The Gartmore Community Council is here to serve all
members pf the community and we would encourage people to come to meetings and contact us if
we can help in any way.
Again, I would like to record my gratitude to all who serve this community. ”
Treasurer’s Report - Wayne Glasse-Davies
“In the financial year 2022-2023, Gartmore Community Council received a maintenance grant of
£321.57 (£159.97 plus the direct payment of £83.89 for indemnity insurance, and £162.00 Minute
Taker grant) from Stirling Council. This was a reduced grant due to low expenditure in the previous
year: the maintenance grant was reduced by £137.42 and the Minute Taker grant by £88. In 2022-23
our expenditure exceeded the maintenance grant, so we can expect the level of the grant to be at least
maintained for 2023-24.
Gartmore Community Council expenditure was on Village Hall rental for meetings, on the Minute
Taker, on communication costs to enable the Minute Taker to contribute remotely, on printer ink and
the annual donation to the Lady Haig Poppy fund.
A table microphone for remote conferences was added to our list of assets.
The signed annual accounts are provided separately. The balance of Gartmore Community Council
assigned funds was £435.11 at the end of the financial year on April 5th 2023. The account is also
hosting funds for a) the Shop Services Steering Committee and b) an SWA grant to restore roadside
bulb planting damaged by SWA works i n Gartmore, which will be assigned to invoices from the
Gartmore Horticultural Society in due course. These are shown as liabilities on the Balance sheet, but
will disappear when spent.
In conclusion, this has been a fairly active year financially, and the Community Council account
retains a positive balance.”
A member of the public (MOTP) queried the £500. MHE explained that this was a successful grant
application to set up a shop services steering group and this money is held in the Community Council
bank account and accounted for separately. The same was for the bulb planting money given by
Scottish Water.
Appointment of Office Bearers – An Inaugural meeting had been held on 28th April 2023 and agreed
that the following members would remain in position
Chairperson – Janet Billett
Vice Chair – Mike Houghton-Evans
Secretary – Colin Scrimgeour
Treasurer – Wayne Glasse-Davies
Planning – Ian Dinwoodie
Community Council Member - Chris Webster
AOB – there was no other business
Date of the next AGM will be 5th June 2024