Oct 2022 Minutes

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Gartmore Community Council

Minutes of Meeting Wednesday, 12 October 2022

Gartmore Village Hall, Gartmore


Present: Janet Billett (Chair), Wayne Glasse-Davies, Colin Scrimgeour, Ian Dinwoodie, Chris Webster

Apologies: Mike Evans, David Mackie (LLTNP)

In attendance: Cllr Martin Earl

Press: No members of the press were present at meeting

Residents: Ian Roe

1. Declarations of Interest- No declarations

2. Adoption of previous meeting minutes- Minutes agreed by the members Proposer – Ian Dinwoodie

Seconder – Colin Scrimgeour

3. Matters Arising


No matters arising.

4. Reports- External Police Scotland Police Report

No activity to report.

If there are any issues to discuss, please contact Callander Police Office on 101 or email TrossachsTeithCPT@scotland.pnn.police.uk



No activity to report.


5. Reports- Internal Sub Groups Community Trust:

No update was provided on this occasion.

6. Community Council Business – Treasurer’s Report


The administration grant and Minute Taker funding for 2022-23 was received on September 7th. The total was £321.57, made up of £159.57 administration grant and £162.00 Minute Taker grant. The administration grant was reduced by last year’s underspend of £137.42, and the Minute Taker grant by last year’s underspend of £88.00. The costs of enhanced indemnity insurance (£83.89) and asset insurance (£10.62) were deducted at source.

A donation of £500.00 to the Village Shop Replacement Project has been paid into the Community Council account. This will only be spent on Village Shop Replacement Project business on instruction from the Steering Committee.

The balance of the CC Treasurer account on October 12th 2022 was £1311.10, of which £500.00 is for the Village Shop Replacement Project. Recent Community Council expenditure has been on a microphone (£27.99) and a one-year Zoom licence (£143.88). The Community Council assigned balance is currently £811.10, including future Minute Taker payments (£240.00), so that £571.10 is available for allowed expenditure. There were no outstanding invoices on October 12thth 2022.



Item 1 – Bridge over burn at Sow Park



The bridge in this area is rotten. Community members have brought this to Gartmore Community Council (GCC) after previously approaching LLTNP and nothing being done about it. Pictures have been taken and sent on to LLTNP. It has been confirmed that this is on a Core Path. LLTNP to contact the owner to obtain permission to perform maintenance on the bridge but as the owner is not known this may be difficult. GCC were unsure as to whether there should be signs put up warning people about the bridge and does this create issues of liability.

Sow park

Cllr Ear suggests that LLTNP should take ownership of this issue, put up signage and come up with a suitable remedy.

Action – A communication will be drafted to be sent out to LLTNP on behalf of GCC.

Item 2 – Minutes of Extraordinary Meeting


Janet sent out minutes of an extraordinary meeting of GCC that took place.

Proposer – Colin Scrimgeour Seconder – Ian Dinwoodie

Discussion took place regarding vexatious complainers and what action should be taken regarding them. It was advised that if community members are unhappy with how complaints have been dealt with or how community councils are run they can be directed to Stirling Council for them to investigate as they have a role to play in governance of community councils.

It was noted that if there is ever a concern regarding Conflicts of Interest within any community council meeting, members can recuse and remove themselves from the discussions as they are taking place. It was also noted that this is already common practice within Gartmore Community Council meetings.

Item 3 – Parking Complaint


Complaints have been made to GCC regarding people parking where they shouldn’t be at the end Jellicoe Avenue where the road joins Main Street. It was suggested that it may be new school staff who are unfamiliar with the area.

There were also complaints raised access coming from the main square onto Main Street being hindered by the location of a parked campervan which obscuring the school crossing and is leading to people having to move out onto the road to see if the road is clear. Double parking round the main square is also causing access issues.

Ian Roe raised concerns regarding on street parking making it difficult for buses to get around Gartmore. It was suggested that the bus company would need to raise any issues they are experiencing with Stirling Council Roads Department.

Action – A notice will be printed in Gartmore News reminding people where they should not park and asking people to use their own parking areas. Janet will also speak to the school.

Item 5 – Junction at Benview


This has been raised with Cllr Martin Earl. The junction is going to be assessed to determine whether or not the fence that has been installed is suitable or whether it hinders the vision of road users.

Item 6 – Steering Group


A community café has been set up three times a week, run by volunteers, and is gaining popularity. The café will continue to run throughout the year.


There will be an egg box with an honesty box set up to allow for community members to continue to buy fresh eggs and will coincide with community café days. There are discussions taking place regarding other products/services that can be set up such as daily papers.

A new solar panel powered noticeboard is being applied for.

There are discussions taking place as to how this group proceeds. The steering group is not looking to set up a shop so a number of ideas are being suggested. A community consultation will take place to discuss how people feel about losing the shop and whether they would want or need one.

The group is currently running on donations at present but will apply for funding in November to allow the progress to continue.

GCC have agreed to underwrite some of the steering group costs. Item 7 – Short Term Lets Registration Scheme

Stirling Council passed Short Term Lets Registration Scheme and fee structure at the Full Council meeting that took place on 6 October. It will be reviewed after a year. There are concerns that the legislation will have an impact on a lot of Bed and Breakfasts in the local area.

Item 8 – A81 Roadworks


Roadworks are taking place on A81 for two weeks which led to bus network pulling the bus service between Gartmore and Aberfoyle for the duration of the works. The Roads Service Manager was contacted, paid a visit to the site and has now arranged for a shuttle bus to run during this period. Cllr Earl thanked the Service Manager for his quick response.

Action – GCC to send email to Service Manager to thank him for resolving the issue.

Item 9 – Memorial Sunday Wreath


Cllr Earl has brought the wreath that will be shared by GCC and Stirling Council Councillors. Colin Scrimgeour to lay wreath on Sunday, 13 November on behalf of Councillors and GCC.

Item 10 – AGM Minutes


Discussion took place as to whether the minutes of the GCC AGM should be published in Gartmore News. It was decided that a bullet point summary would be posted in Gartmore News and full, adopted minutes would be published and put on noticeboard.


Item 11 – Surface Integration of Heritage Areas


Chris Webster suggested a project to integrate the area at the front of Village Hall to the memorial shop and Black Bull by having the same surface. It was mentioned that this had previously been considered but had not progressed as objections were received. This type of project would not fall under the remit of GCC, this would be a project for Gartmore Community Development Trust.

7. Next meeting - Wednesday, 7 December 2022 – 7.30pm, Gartmore Village Hall.