Apr 2022 Minutes

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Gartmore Community Council

Minutes of Meeting Wednesday, 6 April 2022

Gartmore Village Hall, Gartmore


Present: Janet Billet (Chair), Gerry McGarvey, Ian Dinwoodie, Katie Goldie, Colin Scrimgeour

Apologies: Wayne Glasse-Davies, Police Scotland

In attendance: Willie Nisbet (LLTNP), Cllr Martin Earl, Cllr Jeremy McDonald

Press: No members of the press were present at meeting

Residents: Andrew Park

1. Declarations of Interest- No declarations

2. Adoption of previous meeting minutes- Minutes agreed by the members Proposer – Katie Goldie

Seconder – Colin Scrimgeour

3. Matters Arising


Speeding on A81

This matter had previously been brought to Gartmore Community Council by Brian Patterson (community member) who raised concerns regarding the noise of speeding motorbikes along this stretch of road. Cllr Martin Earl had discussions with Police Scotland as to whether or not anything could be done from a legal standpoint. It was found that it would not be possible for Police Scotland to carry out carry out hand held radar checks as there is nowhere suitable along this particular stretch of road that allows officers to stand which gives them line of sight or anywhere suitable to pull over motorists.

Police Scotland and DVSA are going to be carrying out vehicle road worthiness checks in the area this month, including motorcycles. If there is a positive outcome from this operation then this will be carried out more frequently.

Other options to tackle this issue were discussed such as average speed cameras and stationary police vehicles but none of these were deemed suitable. Cllr Jeremy McDonald has previously discussed with Police Scotland the use of drones flying over areas of concern and using what can be seen to pull over motorists at a safer location along the road. Cllr McDonald will raise this with Police Scotland again.


An option that did have potential was situating a cut out police officer but this would not be supplied by Police Scotland. It would also need to be placed somewhere safe, moved around and taken away at night or it may be vandalised or stolen.

Gartmore Community Council will research prices for cut out police officers. Street Parking – Touring Caravan

A community member had raised concern over the legality of a touring caravan being parked half on the pavement and half on the roadside of Jellicoe Avenue.

This would be raised with Police Scotland in the first instance with a car park down from its current location being mentioned as being a more suitable option.

4. Reports- External Police Scotland Police Report

Road Safety - Police have been carrying out speed detection duties in the wider area. We are unable to use the hand held speed detection device in a national speed loimit area for safety reasons so have to select 20/30/40mph areas to do this. We have previously spoken to the Camera partnership regarding the camera van but were advised that the location of the A81 at Gartmore and Braeval did not fit their criteria.

Theft – There have been no reports of theft during this time.

Other Incidents/Activity of Note – Due to the recent rise in theft of fuel from domestic and commercial tanks it is important to put measures in place to protect your fuel tank and make it extremely difficult for thieves to target your fuel. Please find below some tips to avoid becoming a victim of such a crime:-

· Locate your tank in a safe location remembering that many thieves use Google Maps to find satellite images of fuel tanks.

· Consider locating your tank behind a garage or shed and away from roads. Positioning it close to your business or home will ensure it is in clear view.

· Locate inside a security gate or cage with a good quality, robust fence or cage to make life difficult for thieves.

· Install an alarm. Consider fitting alarms to external gates surrounding your fuel tank or to the inside of a shed or outbuilding that is housing the tank.

· Fit a fuel theft lock, thieves often come armed with tools so it is worth investing in quality locks, locking fuel caps and anti-siphoning deterrents to slow down the criminals and reduce the likelihood of success. Locks with a CEN or BSEN 12320 Grade 6 classification indicate maximum security (Grade 1 is the least secure).


· Install outdoor security lighting positioning your tank in the bright light is an effective solution worth considering. With the majority of thieves striking at night, installing automatic security lighting will help stop criminals from targeting your fuel tank.

· Install CCTV cameras on your premises to dissuade anyone from targeting your tank as well as catch a thief in the act, providing the police with the evidence required to bring those to justice who choose to ignore the deterrent.

· Putting up signage to highlight the security measures you have installed can help deter those up to no good. These could include: ‘Private Property – Keep Out’, ‘Warning CCTV in Operation’, ‘All Vehicles are Left with Minimum Fuel’, ‘Security Patrols in Operation’, ‘All Vehicles Fitted with Security Devices’, etc.

If there are any issues to discuss, please contact Callander Police Office on 101 or email TrossachsTeithCPT@scotland.pnn.police.uk



Gates at Cedars Park Avenue – Approved.

Gilbert Park – Change of use from residential to equestrian - Refused.

Myrtle Cottage - Approved

Community members have raised concerns regarding the erection of a wall on a conservation street and whether or not the resident had received planning permis- sion to do so. Cllr Earl suggested checking with the relevant planning authority. Janet would contact LLTNP and make a query on behalf of the community.

5. Reports- Internal Sub Groups Community Trust:

Matters relating to Gartmore Community Trust business were discussed.

6. Community Council Business – Treasurer’s Report


The balance of the CC Treasurer account on 2 April 2022 was £813.44, down from

£954.34 on 6 February. This is due to expenditure on expenses, Village Hall rental and the purchase of a wheelbarrow for salt/sand transport next winter.

There were no outstanding invoices.



Item 1 – Nature Scotland


Following the letter of complaint sent to Nature Scotland after the last community council meeting took place in February, a response had been received in which Nature Scotland upheld the complaint.

It was admitted that no checks had been carried out on the validity of public safety, sufficient evidence had not been gathered and due diligence had not been carried out. It was cited that limited resources was to blame for these duties not being completed. Katie had responded to Nature Scotland asking for them to check the location of the squirrel boxes but had yet to receive a response.

Cllr Earl advised that if no response was received within ten days then all correspondence should be forwarded on to the organisation CEO setting out what GCC would like regarding checking that the squirrel boxes are in place.

Action – If no response is received within timeframe set out, Katie will forward this on to CEO of Nature Scotland.

Item 2 – Replanting – Woods at Archway Cottages – Andrew Park attended the meeting on behalf of residents at Archway Cottages to share concerns regarding the required replanting of trees as set out in the felling application and the deer fence that would be installed to protect these trees. The residents are hoping that the deer fence can be moved further back from their properties.

Mr Park was advised that how the felling application is implemented is not a matter for GCC but that it is implemented is. The residents would need to discuss this matter directly with Peter Sunderland.

Item 3 – National Park and Local Council Elections – Willie Nisbit informed GCC that both National Park board and local council elections were due to take place in the coming months. This could potentially mean that of the 17 board members currently sitting with LLTNP board, 11 could be leaving (6 local councillors and 5 LLTNP) and new officers taking their place. The current convener of the board is also planning to retire in March 2023.

This could be a period of upheaval for LLTNP board.

Item 4 – Cllr Jeremy McDonald Stepping Down – Cllr McDonald is stepping down at the next local elections. He has requested that in order for community councils to assist new councillors in their role that they make a bulleted list of what is important for Gartmore community and take new councillors out for a walking meeting to give them the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the area that they are representing. Cllr McDonald was thanked for his service.

Item 5 – Lady’s Walk – It was mentioned that the path at Lady’s Walk was in need of clearing. As this matter is currently being challenged no action could be taken until this was resolved.


Item 6 – Change to Stirling Council Community Engagement – Under the new changes to community engagement it was noted that GCC can request for an officer to attend a meeting on a particular matter by contacting Steven Bly.

7. Next meeting - Wednesday, 1 June 2022 – 7.30pm, Gartmore Village Hall.