March 2024 Minutes

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25 March 2024

Date: 25th March 2024 Time: 19:30

Location: Gargunnock Community Centre

In attendance: David Millar (DM), Carolyn Johnston (CJ), Christine Phillips (CP), Mike Buckley (MB), Julie Cole (JC), Lovat MacGregor (LM), Tom Jamieson (TJ)

Residents: Maitland Clerk, Niall Tracey, Anne Christy, Gregor (GM)

Minute taker: Mark Dickson

Local Councillors: NA


  1. Apologies

Cllr McGarvie

  1. Adoption of previous minutes (DM)

Proposed JC, seconded CJ

  1. Declarations of interest (DM)


  1. Matters arising (DM)
    • Council Cuts – ‘The Big Conversation’ (TJ)

The bus cuts were rejected by the Council. Library services will be reduced but no plans to close any facilities. Parking charges to be increased in town. There will be a reduction of local grants and the removal of the P5 swimming programme.

  • Village Shop (CP)

Clearance of ivy and debris around the shop has begun though uncovered a large amount of bottles. CP suggested a call for volunteers to help clear this.


ACTION: CP to work with MB to agree a date and advertise for volunteers to assist in the clear up of bottles around the shop.


Tenders currently out for contractors to undertake the work. Estimate selection and award at the beginning of April. Applications have been received for Development Officer position (self-employed/contractual post)


Plan to work with a Bat expert, on health & safety grounds to make the roof safe. This may involve the removal of the roofing slates under the supervision of the Bat expert


Gargunnock Estate Trust has generously provided the required £56k match funding, we are very grateful for their help and support


Correction to minutes 5/2/24: Regarding the village shop the Development Officer will not be employed by GCBS, rather appropriate contracts drawn up for the Development Officer role on a self-employed/contractual basis


  • Roads (LM / CJ)

TJ and CJ held a meeting with Angela McGibbon from Stirling Council concerning the A840 junction. The funds will be used to draw up a plan for upgrading the junction. Estimated cost for the improvement is £150k. SC said there were no justification for double white lines as the junction was visible. SC claimed the work would have progressed sooner though their department is currently short staffed. The construction will be pushed back to 2025/26.


Excessive speeding seems to be getting worse (cars travelling 30-50 mph in the village). LM has highlighted the issue with the Community Police Officer and is waiting a response. The GCC agreed to revisit the idea of installing traffic calming signage – these would have to be solar panelled as Stirling Council made it clear they would not fund or provide power to any units for Gargunnock as it was considered an ‘affluent village’.

ACTION: DM to chase up Police Scotland and work with LM to price up traffic calming signage for the three entrances to the village and engage with Cllr McGarvie


  • Planning (JC)

Nothing to report

  • Local Place Plan (DM)

Survey completed. 36 responses received (half of which from households). General concerns include:


  • Roads and speeding
  • Need for more affordable/social housing
  • More youth activities
  • Issues with bus cancellations


DM to analyse the results which can then be presented back to the village and organise a workshop with themes/issues for everyone to engage.


  • Website & Communications (MB/ DM)

DM working on a draft website design (content/layout) which will be shared with the CC ahead of identifying and working with a website developer.


  1. External report
    • Police report (DM)

Minor RTC on the back road to the village (wing mirror clipped off and offending driver left scene w/o exchanging details)


  1. Finance reports (TJ)

Balance sitting at £1728. TJ to work look into getting them audited.

  1. Residents’ forum

ACTION: CJ to follow up SC Road Department on the build-up of water (possible blocked culvert) near the bridge.

  1. AOB

(i) Notice Board (CJ)

Question over what content we allow for the Community Notice Board. It had previously been agreed that we would ask businesses for a donation to the CC for advertising goods/services. TJ pointed out that the notice board should be reserved for local notices and not become an advertising board. MB highlighted the resurrection of shop will resolve this issue.

CC agreed that no commercial products/services should be advertised on the community notice board and that it should focus on community activities/events (proposed by TJ, seconded CP – no objections).


  1. Village Fast Fibre (GM)

The village has succeeded in reaching the requisite number of households committing to superfast broadband to enable fibre to be rolled out to Gargunnock. Expected that work should be completed this year.

This will benefit the communications infrastructure for the whole village.


Thanks were expressed to Gavin from the GCC for all his hard work in delivering this great initiative for the community.

  • Village Fountain

The issue of restoring the fountain and area surrounding in the centre of the village. Previous investigation into the matter found that the fountain and surrounding area is listed and that Historic Scotland needs to be involved in any work on the feature.


ACTION: CJ to ask Historic Scotland and get a ROM quote from the local stonemason Alec Milne for the works and cost of restoration.


  1. Tennis Court


There is potential to restore the old tennis court at The Manse and make it available for the community. DM has restarted talks with Gargunnock Estate to facilitate this.


Next meeting: Mon 3rd June – Annual General Meeting

Membership of GCC in full




Contact Details







David Millar (DM)


07553 016754







Carolyn Johnstone (CJ)







Christine Phillips (CP)


07919 917792







Tom Jamieson (TJ)





Social Media/ Comms Wind Farm Panel Rep



Mike Buckley (MB)


07967 830144



Planning & Licensing Cycle Path Lead



Julie Cole (JC)


07773 391747




Roads & Transport



Lovat MacGregor (LMG)


07971 513 144