February 2024 Minutes

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05 January 2024
Date: 05th January 2024
Time: 19:30
Location: Gargunnock Community Centre
In attendance: David Millar (MD), Carolyn Johnston (CJ), Julie Cole (JC), Mike Buckley (MB),
Douglas Barr (DB), Tom Jamieson (TJ)
Anne Christy (AC)
Local Councillors: NA
1. Apologies (DM)
Christine Phillips and Lovat McGregor
2. Adoption of previous minutes (DM)
Proposed CJ, seconded JC
3. Declarations of interest (DM)
4. Nomination and agreement for new Treasurer (DM)
Tom Jamieson nominated for the position of Treasurer by TJ, proposed by JC, seconded by
MB and unanimously welcomed onto the GCC by all members. DB to continue working
with TJ to submit this year’s account to allow for smooth handover.
GCC recognises the need for TJ to be made a signatory on the GCC bank account. The GCC
voted to allow Tom Jamieson to become a signatory (proposed by CJ, seconded by JC and
agreed by all members present)
5. Matters arising (DM)
(a) Council Cuts – ‘The Big Conversation’ (TJ)
Stirling Council (SC) facing budget cuts of £13m. No information provided on the
accounts to allow scrutiny. Services facing potential cuts include:
Land services (flood prevention, road improvements)
Local bus services (X10 bus and school transport)
Education cuts (nurseries – Arnprior not mentioned)
Swimming classes
Music and PE
Community Centre grants (Gargunnock not mentioned)
Public toilets
Road and bin collections
SC did not provide any real detail on what service cuts would entail.
(b) Village Shop (JC)
Around £81k of match funding needs to be raised. Conveyancing of the shop is
estimated to be completed later this month. Two bat surveys need to be
conducted in May 2024. Bats need to be absent/safely removed for works to
proceed on the roof. Expressions of interest have been sent out and tender
process for the works is due to start this month.
Due to the roof being in poor condition, presenting a health and safety issue for
access for bat specialists, there is the potential for the process to be expedited.
Job posting for the shop manager has been drafted and is ready to launch.
Additional legal services are being sought for support in drafting employment
contracts and building works.
(c) Roads (CJ)
Station Road – positive meeting held with a representative of Gargunnock
Estates from Galbraith who was unaware of the issue at the junction. Details
have now been passed onto Trustees of the Estate. It has been confirmed that
the wall is not listed. This new information has been provided to SC. GCC asked
Cllr Heck for support in pursuing this issue and determining how it will proceed
and if any other measures can be taken to mitigate the risk of a serious accident
at the junction.
Potholes on the back road have been addressed, ones on Main Street have been
marked for works.
Markings on the road outside of the school – no further update from SC.
(d) Planning (JC)
NTR in the village. Shellock windfarm has been sold to Vantage. No update on
the Earsburn windfarm expansion.
(e) Local Place Plan (DM)
First survey has been distributed to the Community to get feedback on what
people like/dislike and would like to see improve. Responses have started to
come back in. Survey will remain open until 01 March.
Once responses have been collated and analysed the results of the survey will
be presented back to the Community as part of the first stage of developing our
Local Place Plan.
(f) Website & Communications (MB/ DM)
The Gargunnock Trust have agreed to work with GCC to make a single website
for the village. First draft of the structure/content of the website is being
developed and will be shared prior to working with a developer.
ACTION: MB and DM to work on draft structure/content of the website
6. External report
(a) Police report (DM)
None received.
7. Finance reports (DB)
See separate report
8. Residents’ forum
Parking issue on Main Street – caravan is causing an obstruction and blocking vision at a
junction for vehicles turning.
9. AOB
(a) Village Fast Fibre (GMc) – succeeded in getting commitment of £500k from UK
Government to roll out the fibre network (subject to 144 households signing up
for the upgrade). 80 households have signed up already and leaflet drops have
yet to take place.
Next meeting: Monday 8th April 1930 hrs
Membership of GCC in full
Position Name Contact Details Membership
Chair David Millar (DM)
07553 016754
Vice-Chair Carolyn Johnston (CJ)
07854 783155
Secretary Christine Phillips (CP)
07919 917792
Douglas Barr (DB)
Social Media/ Comms Mike Buckley (MB)
07967 830144
Planning & Licensing Julie Cole (JC)
07773 391747
Roads & Transport Lovat MacGregor (LM)
07971 513 144
Cycle Path Lead Julie Cole (JC)
07773 391747
Mike Buckley (MB)
07967 830144
Co-Opted Tom Jamieson tfj1@btinternet.com Co-Opted