June 2021 Minutes

Gargunnock Community Council
Approved Meeting Minutes

Monday 14th June 2021



Present: Jon Sutherland, Christine Phillips, Douglas Barr, Julie Cole, Lovat MacGregor, David King.

Apologies: Police Scotland, Charlie Fitches

In attendance: Councillor Jane Hutchison, Councillor Alastair Berrill, Fraser Sinclair (Minute Taker)

Residents: None

  1. Declarations of Interest‐ None

  2. Adoption of previous meeting(s) minutes‐ The minutes of April’s meeting were
    accepted. Proposed by Douglas and seconded by Julie.

  3. Matters Arising





    Current Status



    Gargunnock CC

    Determine funding
    and source for
    separate CC

    Discussion about how to
    progress, for the extra
    monies to order and install
    the noticeboard. Stirling
    Council have provided £1,500
    and if not progressed then
    monies would need to be
    returned to the Council.

    Douglas offered to explore
    with the company about
    getting the quotes revised
    and seek if any money can be

    taken off.

    Douglas: Revised
    quote post Covid.


    cottage gate.

    Leckie estate
    owner had
    locked gate on

    right way.

    Leckie Estate has new owner,
    lock has been removed.

    Issue closed.

    (no pun intended)



    Car Chargers

    Electric car charger
    installation on
    council property in
    the village.

    Lovat advised he was
    involved in discussions
    regarding this and will follow
    up with the team about when

    the likely date will be.



    Road safety at
    Station road
    junction with

    Proposed traffic
    calming measures
    have not been

    Meeting had with Carlyn
    Fraser regarding alternatives.
    The Community Council
    would support Option 4
    which was to remove the BT

    Jon: Publicise in
    Bugle &
    Noticeboard that
    near misses can
    be reported to





    installation to open the

    Councillor Berrill mentioned
    that it was at E&H Committee
    on Thursday 10 June – the
    committee item has been
    deferred. The petition is still
    live and to go and look at
    Option 4. Cost comparison
    will be done.

    Councillor Berrill advised to
    keep active of any
    incidents/reports that they
    need reported to Police.



    clearing from
    Burn at the

    Council will not
    clear citing that
    they do not own
    the land.

    Email discussion with Lovat
    and other parties involved.
    The Council own the specify
    area of land. Disposition
    found – sold 1965 to the
    Council. Documents and
    maps showing that the land
    owned by Stirling Council
    goes to the banking of the
    Gargunnock Burn. Flooding
    Risk Management Act –
    guidance to local authority on
    how to manage a flooding
    area. If deems that Stirling
    Council are responsible to
    remove the vegetation.

    Lovat: Forward
    to Councillor




    Councillor Berrill and Lovat
    discussed that the documents
    have been submitted to
    Stirling Council and they have
    not taken ownership.



    Cycle Path to

    Gargunnock Trust

    Cycle path going along. Jeff





    and Gavin from the



    assistance from

    Community Trust – the route



    Community Council

    has been decided. Assistance



    to notify Elected

    for the crossing at



    members with

    Meiklewood. £60,000 from



    regards to

    Sustrans to carry out



    engagement from

    feasibility studies. Council



    Stirling Council.

    have been informed of




    progress. Linking Stirling to




    Drymen and Croftamie. Need




    a support from the Council –




    Councillor Hutchison has




    asked if it could be emailed




    over to the details as she is
    having a meeting tomorrow
    and would be beneficial.

    Julie asked about the funds
    that was given from
    Government to Safer Cycling,
    Walking projects. Councillor
    Hutchison advised she would
    look into whether this is still
    active or whether it has been
    elsewhere.financially and
    practically. Written to Local
    Members and MP. Needs to
    be put forward to Scottish




    Grass Cutting
    at the Rest

    David King
    permission from
    Stirling Council to
    cut grass for


    David gave the background to
    the Rest Garden to update
    Councillor Berrill and

    Councillor Berrill
    to follow up with
    management in
    Council to seek if
    this issue can be





    Two positions open

    Two applications for the two

    vacant positions. Co‐option
    process to be followed.

    Jon to clarify with


  4. Reports‐ External

    1. Police Scotland‐ Nothing significant to report.

    2. Elected Members:

      Councillor Berrill ‐Engage Stirling – all consultation, mental health and wellbeing for
      parents and carers, if any comments to be made.

      External lighting of The Tolbooth.

      Consultation on Closure of Buchanan Primary School.

      Special Council in May – to look at the procurement for a new council system. Council on
      24th June. Requisition meeting

      Councillor Hutchison – Planning concerns at Boquhan which will be covered in the next
      item. Julie said that emails have been received but Planning would keep Gargunnock in
      the loop as it has not officially applied for planning yet. Councillor Hutchison provided an
      update from Kippen Community Council discussions on it stating the CC was against it.

      Environmental Health Impact Assessment. Exploratory application.

      The council discussed and all agreed that Gargunnock need to be involved.

      Action: Julie will write to the company and ask that they are engaged and sent any
      updates of progression.

  5. Reports‐ Internal

    1. Chair Update:


      Leckie Estate meeting – met new manager. Redevelop the Eco System. 4 tree houses
      built in Arboretum.

      David attended the South West Forum – main discussion was Resilience Planning.
      Contacting the Council ‐ request for any other issues to be raised at the Community
      Council so it can be discussed and recorded in minutes before going to Council.

    2. Secretary Update:

      Gargunnock Spaces Transport Planning, 20mph reminders being installed.
      Administration Grant – Steven Bly had been asking about Insurance for any assets –
      none needed for Gargunnock.

      Admin Grant and Minute Taker finances – Douglas will apply before the deadline before
      the end of July.

    3. Treasurers Report:

      The bank balance remains over £2000 – no spend.

      Scotways – cancellation of membership. Have come back and confirmed.


    4. Planning Update

      Few applications for house extension or improvements. Nothing major to note – apart
      from the previous discussion regarding Boquhan Estate.

    5. Roads and Transports Update

      No update. Comment that no idling signs were requested.

  6. Residents Forum


  7. AOB

    David asked about the ring‐fenced monies for the pavement improvement on Leckie Road,
    Councillor Hutchison to follow up.


  8. Date, time and venue of next meeting.

2nd August 2021 – The Garden Room, Community Centre.