April 2021 Minutes

Gargunnock Community Council
Meeting Minutes

Monday 26th April 2021
MS Teams


Present: Douglas Barr, Julie Cole, Charlie Fitches, David King, Christine Philips, Jon Sutherland.

Apologies: Lovat MacGregor, Police Scotland.

In attendance: Pam Campbell (Stirling Council), Cllr Robert Davies.

Residents: None

  1. Declarations of Interest: None

  2. Adoption of previous meeting(s) minutes: The minutes of March 2021 meeting were
    approved as an accurate record. Proposer- David King, Seconder – Christine Philips.

  3. Matters Arising

    There was no update at this meeting, these items will be carried on to next meeting.





    Current Status



    Gargunnock CC

    Determine funding and
    source for separate CC


    Proposed to be shelved for



    cottage gate.

    Leckie estate owner
    had implemented

    locked gate on right

    Leckie Estate has new owner,
    lock has been removed.



    Car Chargers

    Electric car charger
    installation on council

    property in the village.

    Two chargers to be installed
    opposite pub.



    Road safety at
    Station road
    junction with

    Proposed traffic
    calming measures have
    not been implemented.

    It was recorded that the
    Roads Dept were talking to
    residents and with adjacent
    landowners - none of these
    actions have happened.

    Jeremy watched 11 Feb E&H
    Committee and SC stated that
    they were unaware of recent
    accidents. Situation is being
    revisited by Stirling Council.

    Lovat has asked Police
    Scotland for incidents on
    A811 at the junction at
    Station Road in the last ten
    years to seek if that would

    give any data for leverage to





    pursue some form of road
    safety mitigations at the




    clearing from
    Burn at the

    Council has stopped
    clearing the vegetation
    citing that they do not
    own the land.

    Lovat updated that Stirling
    Council have confirmed they
    own the land on either side of
    the burn, but do not own the
    burn itself

    Lovat to
    again to
    that the
    be cut down
    by their Land



  4. Reports‐ External

    1. Police Scotland- Police Scotland circulated report to the Community Council prior to the
      meeting, there were no actions.


    2. Elected Member- Cllr Davies gave an short update on the roads report including the bridge
      between Fintry and Balfron. David asked Cllr Davies for help on behalf of Gargunnock
      Community Trust on the proposed cycle route starting at Stirling going through Gargunnock -
      This will be summarised in the Residents forum section.

    3. S tirling Council - Pam gave a short update, it was noted that Pam was leaving Stirling Council
      and everyone wished her well for her new position.

  5. Reports‐ Internal

    1. Chair - No update due to the changes.

    2. S ecretary - Email received on 6th April for Administration Grant and Minute Taker Funding to
      be completed by 31st July. A ction to complete.

    3. T reasurer- Douglas reported one outgoing of the GCC insurance

    4. P lanning-

    5. R oads & Transport- New housing planned for Kirk Lane. The retrospective planning for the
      gates on Leckie Road is outstanding. Julie thanked Pam for providing the maps with Community
      Council boundary.

    6. D efibrillator Report- Charlie reported that six defibrillator and signs are planned for the village.
      Planned additional locations are Manse Brae, School, Main St and Millbrae.

  6. Residents Forum


    1. Cycle path to Stirling : Gargunnock Community Trust and Sustrans.- David raised the issue that
      Community Trust meetings with Stirling Council on the project is not being attended by Stirling
      Council Representatives. Pam asked who expected to attend from the council, it was reported it
      should be Kevin and Ann (surnames missed). Pam said she would forward the meeting link again.

      Cllr Davies indicated that the backlog of infrastructure repair work might be taking priority.

      Action. Cllr Davies and Pam to confirm relevant Stirling council member attendance at meeting
      with Community Trust on the Project

  7. AOB

    1. Grass Cutting in Rest Garden by member of Public - Stirling Council has reported that
      insurance is required for to use machinery on Council property. Douglas to check with the
      insurance broker that is possible, Pam commented that Balfron CC has similar.

  8. Date, time and venue of next meeting. Monday 14th June 19:30 via Zoom.