February 2024 Minutes

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Fintry Community Council

Approved Minutes  14th February 2024


Menzies Hall




           Present/apologies for absence:





Fintry Community Council Reps

Michele Bennett (MB - Chair

Moira MacKay (MM)

Ian Rodgers (IR)

Susan Rodgers

Stirling Councillor

Cllr McGarvey

Members of Public (MoP)





Helena Rodgers

Ronnie Garvie

Jackie Garvie



           Declaration of interest in any items of business



           Approval of Minutes of last meeting:







 C ounc il lo r’s Report



Cllr McGarvie doesn’t have much to report but will take questions from the FCC.

Stirling Council Budget

MB states that she had a MOP inquire about infrared heating in council housing. The MOP wrote that the system that the council has installed is not very cost effective. Cllr McGarvie requests to be emailed with the inquiry so that he can take it up further. 

Cllr McGarvie states that the budget from Stirling Council may not be completed on the 29th Feb as previously thought, it will be published sometime within the week afterwards. 

MB says that that is a shame, as the nursery group are keen to know the budget plan, and decisions cannot be made until the budget is published.

Stone Walls

MB states that the stone walls at the Cross Park are collapsing and this is a danger to the public. In the middle of January, MB called Stirling Council to request the affected area be cordoned off. She has called multiple times, but nothing has come of it. Cllr McGarvie requests to be emailed photographs so that he can follow this up and get someone out to look at the crumbling.

DRT Service

MB raises the issue of the DRT service in Fintry. She found out firsthand that the DRT does not come after 6pm on Saturday and was advised later that it was a provider issue. Therefore, there are no weekend DRT services for Fintry. All weekday services finish at 6PM, and the DRT service times do not compliment the bus services like they were meant to. MB states that this is not good enough.

Cllr McGarvie agrees that the DRT is not functioning for its purpose if it is unable to meet the link with the bus service. He requests to be emailed about thing so he can record the issue and bring it up further.

Discussion held about the impacts of the lack of DRT service, the DRT should possibly be made more attractive for service companies to take on. Cllr McGarvie states that that is not an area he is well informed on and requests MB to email him with collated experience and evidence pertaining to the DRT.



Police Report - report submitted  


No police report received


Treasurer’s Report 


No update 


Resilience Update


Drain clearances

MOPs have requested for drains to be repaired and drained at Kippen Road, from the end of the Mill House to the end of the estate. MB will arrange

Cllr McGarvey requests to be emailed about this. He states that concerns about drains, and their clearance, have been raised at other Community Council meetings and this may indicate that something is going wrong.

National Resilience Conference

MB was asked by Stirling Council to attend the National Resilience Conference in March which takes place in Manchester.




71 Main Street – approved with conditions

81 Main Street – approved with conditions

Licencing forum will be held on Tuesday 20th February 10.00am M.M will attend.





Footbridge garden area repaired. The FCC thanks Willie Sangster for his work

Zebra Crossing

Fintry is down to get a Zebra crossing put in place at the bottom of Quarry Road

Cicily’s Way dry stone wall

IR to contact a Dyker to work on Cicily’s Way, SR to give the contact details for another. MB states that because the dyke is funded by a grant application, the FCC will require two quotes

There is a possibility of getting the community to help with the dry-stone wall.

MB and SR are to go and look at the dyke area and see what grant funding could be applied for.

Hopefully Cicily’s Way will be complete by December.

The lade

MOP reported that a tree is down in the Lade MM to contact Culcreuch Owners

Bus Shelter

Repairs to the bus shelter will be carried out over the summer.





Shelloch has gotten back to IR – they are due to start immediately, it was due to commercial sensitivities that they did not put out any information.






Flying fox equipment to be installed during the summer holidays.  The bark is also to be topped up, paths are to be constructed and the swings are to be painted. Then, a toddler area is next phase.

The FCC are to apply for individual grants for the toddler's area as it is more likely that small grants are given by different funding bodies than to receive a single big grant.

Post Office

MOP asked about the post-delivery as they are being skipped over by the post van. There seems to be some issues of spotty delivery, but most other people seem to think that the postal service operates fine. MB requested MM to write to the post office.

Cllr McGarvie asks where the post-delivery comes from. MB states that it comes from Balfron, and Cllr McGarvie encourages the FCC to contact Balfron Post as there were similar issues in Aberfoyle where the post was sitting undelivered. MM to chase this up. 

King’s portrait

The government is offering portraits of the King, the Hall Committee are to be contacted so they can decide whether or not to apply.

Councillor Surgery Poster

There has been a poster received for the Councillor’s surgery. This is to be advertised on Fintry Buddies.

British Deaf Association

The FCC have been asked if they would attend the British Deaf Association on the

28th Feb. MM, RG and JG to be asked if they can attend.

Foundation Scotland

MB/JG will be meeting Foundation Scotland in the next month.

Location of January meeting

MOP requests that the January community council meeting be confirmed. The FCC confirms that due to low temperatures in the hall, after the start time of the meeting had passed, the FCC meeting was instead held in the Fintry Inn. This was mistakenly not updated in the January minutes.




Date of next meeting


13th March 2024