September 2023 Minutes

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Fintry Community Council
Approved Minutes
13th September 2023 19:30 Menzies Hall

  • Present/apologies for absence:
    Group/Organisation Representative
    Fintry Community Council
    Michele Bennett (MB – Chair)
    Ian Rodgers – (IR – Vice Chair)
    Moira MacKay (MM)
    Ronnie Garvie (RG)
    Jacqueline Garvie (JG)
    Stirling Councillor Cllr Frazer
    Members of Public
    (MoP) 3
  • Police Apologies
  • Apologies Helena Johnstone
    Sue Wallace
  • Declaration of interest in any items of business
    Moira Mackay Grant Application
    Michele Bennett Grant Application
  • Approval of Minutes of last meeting:
  • Councillor’s Report
    The councilor asked if the CC had started its place plans, the CC advised that were in the early stages of our place plan
    The Council is also working on a regional scheme relating to heating and building. Councillor Fraser will send over details of this.
    The Council wish is to create a regional heat network for buildings using energy from Waste
    Short term lets. There appears to be a significant shortfall in the number of businesses registering for the new government short term lets register This is a concern in a tourist area such as ours, leading to a lack of available short Term tourist accommodation
    Stirling Council has advised us that £13 million in savings need to be found from their budget. The C.C raised concerns regarding the nursery provision.
    C.C raised the fact that the Council hasn’t installed our bench at the cross Councillor Fraser will chase up.
    Council dog wardens
    Numerous anonymous calls have been made to dog wardens, resulting in several Visits to various Culcreuch Avenue residents. This has been raised with the councilor, As there is a strong feeling that this is an act of general malice, directed towards Residents in this street
    It was raised by the CC that they were under the impression that’s Stirling Council’s Policy, was they didn’t respond to anonymous enquires the C.C also raised the fact That the form for reporting any dog issues was open to abuse. Cllr Frazer will be Taking this forward and reporting back.
  • Police Report -
    Community Council: Forth and Endrick, Fintry Community Council
    Period: June/July/August 2023 Compiled by PC Graeme McNulty
    Ward Plan Priorities
    PC Matt McCammon
    On 14 August 2023 PC Matt McCammon joined the Community Policing team at Balfron Police Office for the Forth and Endrick ward. Matt arrives in his new post with nine years Policing Service, having previously worked in the Callander and Stirling areas.
    An attempted theft of a motor vehicle was recorded during the period of this report. There have also been a number of thefts/ attempted thefts of motorcycles and hens/ chickens in nearby villages. Please remain vigilant and report suspicious activity.
    Road Safety
    Reports of a male driving in a careless manner within the village. This was investigated by Police however unfortunately nobody will be reported to the Procurator Fiscal in this instance.
    Police witnessed a a ale driving in erratic manner through Fintry. The car eventually stopped in nearby Kippen and the driver found to be drunk. He was arrested and charged and will appear at Stirling Sheriff Court at a later date.
    Antisocial Behaviour
    A vulnerable male was reported missing from the area. With assistance of various Police units,including a Police dog, Lomond Mountain Rescue Team and Fintry Community Resilience Team, the male was traced safe and well and returned to safety. Thanks to all for a great example of
    team work leading to a positive result.
    Another male came into difficulty when out walking and wish assistance of Police, Scottish Ambulance Service and Lomond Mountain Rescue Team was returned to safety.
    What basic steps can I take to protect my home?
    Having your home broken into is not common. There are however many ways that you can help secure your home. They don’t all cost money – some are common sense and good housekeeping.
    First, think about basic good housekeeping routines that aren’t
     Keep your home locked at all times
     Many thieves do not need to break in at all because a door or window has been left open
    or unlocked
     Don’t leave keys on the inside of door locks, under mats or anywhere else they can be
    easily found
     If you have a ‘thumb turn’ lock on the inside of a door, ensure that it cannot be accessed
    from outside
     See details on letter-plates, glazing and adjacent windows advice below
     Don't put your name or room number on your keyring if you live in shared
    accommodation, if it is lost or stolen, the thief will have information that could direct
    them there
     Don’t keep house keys and car keys on the same key ring
     Don't keep a lot of cash in the house
     Mark your property with a UV marker pen or Security DNA marking Kit - these can be
    bought online or in some stores
     Look for the Secured by Design accreditation on the product and register - you can place
    an invisible imprint of your postcode and house number on your possessions
     You can record and register details of your valuables, serial numbers and features or marks, on devices on the national mobile property register on the immobilise website -this includes mobile phones, cameras, laptops and tablets
     Don’t leave valuables where they can be seen through a window - for example, around the tree at Christmas time
     If you have a wall calendar, avoid having it shown near a window from where appointments can be seen - people may see when there will be no one in.
    Community Engagement and Reassurance
    It is important to you to have community officers who you know, who are accessible and who address local problems.
    PC’s Graeme McNulty and Matt McCammon are the Ward Officers for the Forth and Endrick area.
    They are based at Balfron Police Office and can be contacted at the office, on 101, or at It is recommended that this email address is used by the local community for email contact however this should not be used to report crimes.
    Please remember that we regularly publish useful information and updates on social media, including appeals for information, updates about road closures and crime prevention advice. Our
    Facebook and Twitter pages can be found at;
  • Treasurers Report
    Audited Accounts 31st March 2023 completed and approved
    Insurance certificate received from Penny kid
    Admin Grant from Stirling Council received £433 less insurance makes it £370
    Kingsburn grants are to be limited to 2 applications a year from Constituted groups this was how it was originally set up and due to the demand
    7 Student travel Grant applications received - Approved
    2 Tuition grant applications received - Approved
    It was agreed C.C may need to ring fence more money depending on applications.
    Grant applications
    Strathendrick Rugby Club grant - £ 500 approved
    Hall Committee Hall grant £855 approved
    2nd of January ceilidh 2024 £510 - Approved
    Individual grant for Christmas decorations for the village Christmas tree £250 approved
    Individual grant for Seeds and compost for the Community Garden £250 approved
    Grants from the bowling green
    Lawnmower repairs after checking with foundation Scotland this request is looked at as maintenance therefore not in their grant criteria
    To purchase Strimmer/hedge trimmer £350 - Approved
    Christmas lights £500 application needed on behalf of the Community Council it was agreed that this would be ready for the next meeting in October
  • Resilience Update
    The resilience action plan was activated on the 17th July for missing gentleman where we liaised with central Scotland police, Trossachs Search and Rescue loch Lomond Mountain
    rescue. Also, a big thank you to local residents for assisting in the search
    Supplied sandbags to houses due to flooding.
    Our flood forum meeting will be in October to work on our plan to put in place potential barriers for natural flood management and application will be going into Scottish office for more feasibility studies funding.
    Had a meeting with TCV last week re carrying on flood surveys with members of the public monitoring certain areas. TCV will contact the members direct
    We have an application in for Community trees which will include fruit trees and trees to assist with flooding so we will be having a community planting day.
    The Community Garden is almost completely harvested our crop was excellent this year.
    We will be delivering soup etc throughout the winter months
    Next year we will be growing for the elderly, hardship and families with babies
    Hall Defib is missing have asked Trossachs search rescue to see if they can find it through the ambulance service.
    Application has gone into SSEN for Generator, Shed and Resilience shed for the hall.
  • Planning
    Application received for an erection of dwelling house at land to north east of 10b main street Fintry.
    Proposed – roofing of Stewarts House 14 main street. approved with conditions
    Erection of 1.5 dwelling house at land adjacent to south east of Buckingham cottage approved with conditions.
    Application received for erection of 2no dwelling plots 1 & 2 at garden ground south west of the mill house
    Application received for Conversion of first floor flat no77 main street Fintry Playpark
    Phase one of the playpark is complete which included the new climbing frame & shoot along with Springers
    Phase two Zip wire is in the process of going out to tender through Stirling Council so the Community Council can make savings on the vat.
    Phase three toddlers’ area has just been sent out to various companies for updated quotes.
    Replacement wood chip has been ordered for existing areas
    The painters are due out in the next few weeks to paint the existing swings
    We are also working with the Scottish office re grant funding for the installation of access paths within the park.
    The spend on the playpark to date has been £22,886.15
    Including the Zip Wire £ 33,886.15 once installed
    Climbing frame £13,446.15 (+ installation + wood chip Council supplied)
    Slide £8,340.00
    2 Springers £1100.00
    Zip Wire £ 11,000.00
    The whole value of project was initially around £84,000 but we expect it to be more due to price increases.
    We are now expecting the toddler’s area to be installed March / April 2024
  • Roads/Paths
    The Council has assured the drains in the main street and Kippen Road will be cleared.
    Bus Shelter main street repairs have written to Roads Department to advise that the roof is leaking there going out investigate. waiting on an update.
    The reinstatement of the Speed activation signs main street the council are in dispute with supplier as its broken down 4 times since installation. The C.C have chased this up unfortunately the traffic management team were seconded to working on the world cycling championships and the officer concerned is on holiday at the moment and will give update
    on return.
    C.C Have chased up the street lighting awaiting on roads coming back to us. Fintry was due to get new street lighting this year in Culcreuch avenue, Kippen Road and Menzies.
    The Community Council is still awaiting a response from traffic Calming team regarding our traffic survey. We did get a holding letter.
    We have also written to traffic section regarding doing a speed survey at the clachan end of the village
    Cycle race was a great event for the village
  • Correspondence
    Letter received asking the CC to look into the spray paint within the village after a recent cycle race. IR taking forward.
    Correspondence in asking for a Play Park update MB to respond
    Correspondence re sand bags (see resilience)
    Correspondence received regarding Himalayan balsam it was found to be on private land.
    We received a letter of thanks regarding the installation of the new bench on Cicely’s way.
    Letter received re Bus Shelter see roads
    Letter received re lack of leaflets for homeowners affected by Cycle race. It was down to the UCI organisers to disrepute leaflets not Stirling Council.
    A thank you letter received from Mrs Brave regarding Culcreuch castle thanking MM for all her help.
    Email received asking advice on Student travel grant MB responded.
    Email received from Marek Wasniewski re wind farm grants etc IR will take forward
    Letter received regarding Balgair heating system IR, RG will take forward.
    Letter received re speeding and the possibility of a pavement being installed from kilunan to the village. MB to take forward with Road Department.
    Phone Box Was listed on 23rd June 1989 by the Community Council
    It’s a category B LB12513 Built by Sir Giles Scott 1935 there is only 1700 hundred left in the country.
    After discussing with historic Scotland, they advised they would not be favourable in removing the listed category B on the phone box.
    Stirling Planning department advised we would have to have written permission from historic Scotland to make any changes and also planning permission as it’s in a conservation area.
    It has also been raised by some members of the public about domestic abuse victims only life line.
    The Community Council intend to keep the phone box live. Fintry Museum are interested in helping to look after the box, including repainting. Sam (Fintry museum Representative] will
    bring more detail on this subject to our next meeting
  • A.O.B.
    The community Council has been invited to the Rural Stirling Housing Association’s Annual General meeting after discussion with rural housing it was agreed that we would have a meeting to discuss our place plan and requirements for Fintry in relation to affordable
    housing (Hendy Spence, Susan Rodger, Ronnie Garvie, Moria MacKay and Michele Benett) will attend.
    Fintry Primary School Woodland
    The Primary school has written to the community Council asking for the community council to take over the woodland and finance the area. The C.C agreed this would not be possible.
    After discussion with the Headteacher who advised that the school was walking away from woodland after discussions with Stirling Council. The Fintry Development Trust are looking to purchase the land.
  • Date of next meeting
     11th October 2023