May 2023 Minutes

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Fintry Community Council Draft Minutes

8th May 2023


Menzies Hall


  • Present/apologies for absence:



Fintry Community Council Reps

Michele Bennett (MB – Chair

Sue Wallace (SW – Treasurer) Hybrid Moira MacKay (MM)

Ian Rodgers (IR) Ronnie Garvie Jacqueline Garvie

Ian Denver Stirling Council

Stirling Councillor

Cllr Henke

Members of Public






Helena Johnstone


  • Declaration of interest in any items of business



·       Approval of Minutes of last meeting:



Inaugural Meeting


Iain Denver Stirling Council Chaired Meeting


Nominations for positions as Representatives on the Council are called.

Ian Denver Stirling Council states that there were 22 Community Councils created by Stirling Council, and that these councils raised it as a serious concern to Stirling Council that some of them were not ready to begin work. There were to be more elections held in order to keep the Community Councils running. Issue of not enough nominations was raised as a concern by various councils to Stirling Council.


MB Proposed as Chair by RG, seconded by JG. MB accepted the position.

IR Proposed as Vice Chair by MB, seconded by RG. IR accepted the position. MM Proposed as Secretary, by JG, seconded by IR. MM accepted the position.

SW is nominated as Treasurer by MB, seconded by MM, SW accepted the position.

RG nominated as Planning Correspondent by MB, seconded by IR. RG accepted the position.

Nominations signed off by ID on behalf of Stirling Council.

Agreed by all that there is to be no change to meeting scheduling.


●    Standing Orders

Continuation agreed and signed off by MB. 2 other signatures given by IR, RG.


Prior to the meeting ID states that he had sent information on the operation of Community Councils along to MB. This included details of the control of finances and the constitution among other information.

MB, JG, MM sign off on this.

ID presents the Council with an inaugural grant. ID officially hands over the meeting to MB.

MB speaks about the need of greater support for Community Councillors from Stirling Councils duty of care policy in dealing with abuse from members of the public which had been agreed at the last Rural Forum (which MB had attended) had not yet materialised. ID to take forward.


Councillor’s Report

Councillor had nothing to report


Police Report

Police are no longer creating a report just for Fintry. There is instead a report for all the villages, including Fintry.

Report received- nothing reported in Fintry.




Police Service of Scotland Community Council Report


Community Council:

Forth and Endrick Ward Community Council


April 2023 – Compiled by PC Graeme McNulty


Reporting Period:

Ward Plan Priorities


Treasurer’s Report

Student travel grant application for £250 had been received but it was agreed that this person had already received a grant last term and would need apply again in August at the beginning of the new term.

Student tuition fee application was received for £250 SW raised that the students must apply themselves for these grants in this case it had been the parent that applied but due to fact that we had not advertised this the grant was approved in this case.


Fintry flower show grant was approved for Compost and plants during in April 2023

Grant for an outdoor bowling coronation was approved at the previous meeting (Tuesday 8th March 2023. It was agreed that this must be repaid by the Bowling Club as the event did not take place. This was agreed by the members of the Community Council, and the bowling green are to reapply for any future grant.

Funding for flying fox zip wire £11,000 voted on and agreed. This equipment will be maintained by Stirling Council after installation.

Buses to Glasgow and Edinburgh were approved for June, July and August 2023.

Outdoor Bowling Green applied for a £500 grant for music at a free event on the 18th of June 2023. Grant is granted by the Community Council.

Path repairs and maintenance budget approval was given for £1200 and £180 to be used for repairs to the river path and replacement Banister.


Resilience Update

Loch Lomond Fishers Trust flooding report is now complete we will arrange to take this forward through the flood forum.

Prescriptions ongoing



MOP requested to have the development site east of Menzies terrace be removed from the local plan. RG to take forward.


Stewart House on Main Street had placed a planning application in order to re-roof a dwellinghouse. This was approved.


Formation of raised deck at the mill house kippen road approved with conditions


Erection of dwelling house installation of heat pump and formation of new driveway access at garden ground to west of mill house has been approved with conditions.


Change of use from agricultural land to site for business and storage use, a building for class 5 storage use, and a building for agricultural use, formation of new access, fitting of solar panels on building roofs, installation of private treatment plant and soakaway for foul drainage, and planting of trees and hedging.

The Community Council has received letters in regard to the new development along with numerous telephone calls.

The Stirling Council Planning department has agreed the Community Council has until 2nd of June to respond to the planning application due to local Community Council Elections and the Community Council having to stand down for 4 weeks.

MB pointed out that the community Council had been unable to look at the planning application at yet due to the fact they’d had to stand down.

A public discussion however was agreed to be held.

The applicants introduced their application, stating that it would be an extension for their business.

MB states that the Community Council cannot engage on Facebook other than posting and so were unable to comment online.

Applicants request a summary of statements from the Community Council.

RG questions whether the application is solely for business purposes, the applicants state that it is.

MOP raises a question around the portrayal of the businesses size online as large and multinational, and the potential contradiction of the planning application presenting the applicants as running a small family business.

MOP raises questions around noise level generated by the potential development.

MOP states that he had worked previously with the applicants and believes that the development will not be loud.

Question is raised over the need for the applicants to own agricultural machinery and apply for this in planning considering the nature of their business.

One MOP questions the statement of agricultural intent.

Applicant replies and states that the shed in the development would be used for tractor, bailer etc.

MOP questions the necessity of industrial units to be located in a rural area. MM questions impact on transport size and frequency.

Applicant responds and states that there would be possibly 2 outgoing vehicles per day, on delivery vehicles already operating in the area.

RG questions the purpose of the building.


Applicant answers that they make handheld illuminated devices, which are, for the most part, small volume.

Applicant states that they had found the UK market unconducive, and so usually ship out to Middle Eastern buyers.

MOP questions the use of a greenfield site location for industrial purposes.

MOP questions the applicant’s potential intent to expand and the ruination of the visuals surrounding the cemetery.

MOP questions the impact of the application on the stress of a seriously ill MOP as the development is close to her home.

MOP questions the potential impact on people using the Cecily’s Way path

RG states that he sympathises with the applicants, but disagrees with the fact that the application is for personal reasons.

Point is raised that many people may not even know about the development yet.

RG and MB state that they must further examine the planning legislation and that the Community Council cannot comment until this is done.

MB states that she will put information on Facebook in order to inform the community of the development.

MB will likely organise a public meeting for this planning application.

Helena Johnston, Ian Rodger and Moira Mackay have all stated that they will not be involved in this planning application MB accepted this.



MOP has requested the Community Council contact Balfron Police regarding speed checks in the village. (MB will action)


Noted that the river path near the Sports Club has three sections needing repair. SEPA will not allow any repairs. MB states that the bank will be lined with willow sticks to prevent flooding and further erosion as this method is SEPA approved Loch Lomond Fisheries Trust will carry out the works.


The banister at the bottom end of the river walk will be getting replaced.


Traffic calming sign reported as out of order on main street this has been taken by contractors to carry out repairs


Creation of a path from the church to the Denny Road IR is to discuss with local farmers

Traffic survey the survey received 45 responses. The survey results show that speed bumps were requested at the Cross, Main Street and Kippen Road

MOP raised the concern that speed bumps may damage old house foundations.


MB raises the concern that perhaps the results of the survey are heavily in favour of a certain kind of speed bumps because some of the methods of traffic control may be unfamiliar to respondents.

MB will write Stirling Council asking for Fintry to be put on the rolling programme for traffic calming measures for the village

MB to ask for another speed assessment site at the bridge.

LINK TO TRAFFIC SURVEY RESULTS: ARkAv0_51uZCdxJ_MSC/edit#gid=1405838049



Grant applications received for student travel expenses. (See Finance)

Email received in regard to the Coronation Event grant at the outdoor bowling green (see finance)

Letter has been received from Andy Thompson from Strathblane Library MM taking forward Rural Forum meeting will be attended by MM, MB

We have received 5 letters in regard to a recent planning application see planning.



Fintry nursery parent council with Education Services (Parent Council, FCC)

The FCC attended a budget meeting. Savings made elsewhere permitted service reinstatement but for 1 year only.


Local place plan group will start meeting in June 2023.Susan Rodger, Hendy Spence and Rosie Sims as well as members of the Community Council are to attend.

Clementine Welsh Mckeich, a former theatre nurse at Killearn Hospital who died in accident at Killearn hospital who lived in Culcreuch Ave Fintry had her name put forward to Killearn Community Council by MB to have a street named after her in the new Killearn hospital Cala development.

MM suggested Dr Roy could also be a suitable nominee.

RG produces a letter where he questions the Scottish government's new recycling plans and questions the impact of it on elderly people in the village. MB and MM to bring this up at the next Rural Forum.


Date of next meeting

  • 14 June 2023