January 2023 Minutes

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Fintry Community Council Minutes

18th January 2023


Menzies Hall





  • Present/apologies for absence:





Fintry Community Council Reps

Michele Bennett (MB - Chair Moira MacKay (MM)

Ian Rodgers (IR) Terry Baitrum (TB)

Stirling Councillor

Cllr McGarvey

Members of Public (MoP)





Sue Wallace (SW) Natalie Russell (NR)




  • Declaration of interest in any items of business


Councillor McGarvey in relation to Earlsburn extension.

  • Approval of Minutes of last meeting:


Councillor’s Report


Cllr McGarvey advised that he would be carrying out in person surgeries before the Community Councils Meetings.

Local Place Plans – Cllr McGarvey advised that he would be in discussion Development Planning regarding asking for a Local place plan toolkit which

will assist Community Councils to prepare local place plans.

Treasurer’s Report


Treasurer’s Report January 2023



1. General Fund Account

The current balance is £10.857. Money has been spent from the food for all grant see below.

Food for all Grant




Food Boxes Kids Gifts




Volunteer Expenses




Hall Hire








Wood for Compost store








Plants and Seeds




Wood for Planters




Post crete












2. Foundation Fund


The current balance is £28,865.

The current budget and spend to date are shown below.


Foundation Scotland Budget





Commissioned Service

Community Transport Scheme




Commisioned Activity

Continued Path Maintance




Commisioned Activity

Maintance of resilience fund assets




Commisioned Activity

Flood Prevention Project




Fintry Special Project

Community Garden & Resilience Fund




Fintry Special Project

Menzies Hall Resilience Hub




Fintry Special Project

Hardship and Resilience Fund




Fintry Special Project

Prescription Collection service




Micro Grants-A

Individual Grants £250-500




Main Grants

Constituted Groups £500-2500




Student Study Grant

Student Study Grant




Administration Fee

FCC Admin work





Post code lottery grant









Two grant applications received for Student travel grants both voted on and approved.

The FDT have advised that the Community Council are classed as business and therefore we cannot calm the £25.00 back from the log scheme for the hardship families that we’ve purchased logs for.

Resilience Update



16th December 2022 The Resilience Team were called out and the resilience plan was activated for the flats in the main street the water tanks in the attics had burst bringing down ceilings and flooding all flats we arranged for hot food and alternative accommodation along with fresh water and food packs to be supplied for the following week until water reinstated etc.

30th December 2022 the resilience team were called out to assist with hydro sacks to protect property from water penetrating house due to flooding.

14th January the resilience was called out to assist with hydro sacks for property being flooded.

Prescriptions on going.

Hydro sacks – Stirling Council have a new supply of hydro sacks which will last up to 5 years they are maybe willing to supply some to us.

£265.00 will cover the supply of 50 hydro sacks.

Seniors Christmas party was a great success on bringing people together




Knockraich planning application for creation of flat approved with conditions

Old Balglass application for demolition of sun room to create two storey extension Peatland restoration north of east of easter Crenate approved

Erection of two dwelling houses at east of Cashel house refused

Enforcement cases

Alterations to ground level main street case closed.

Earlsburn –

Representatives from Earlsburn wind farm came to give a talk regarding their proposed planning application which will be processed through the Scottish Government the proposals are for an additional 11 Turbines at 180m in height includes onsite sub station and energy storage equipment to be in operation for 35 years.

The currant land which at moment is grazing land, plantation forestry and blanket bog will continue during the life of the wind farm they also advised that there are involved in another project which is peat land restoration in local area.

The grid connection will supply 60,000 homes with electricity

Estimated project Timeline is January 2023 until 2026 wind farm operational

The application is submitted and consultation period will end on March 22nd 2023

The Community Council along with Carron , Gargunnock, Cambusbarron and Kippen Community Councils will receive funding if this project is approved by the Scottish government funding would not be available until 2027 at the earliest.

Please note that Councillor McGarvey left the room during the Earlsburn update





Road Closure B822 Kippen – Fintry from the 30th January 2023 end date 15th February 2023 8.00am until 5.00pm

Phase 1 30/1/23 – 8/2/23 Road closed at the firs

Access to Stirling via Arnprior Turn off

Phase 2 6/2/23 – 15/2/23


From Hillview to entrance Culcreuch Castle hotel carriageway upgrading works

Path to clachan from Fintry Stirling Council has advised that the deep clean works will be carried out once the weather is better.



Email from two members of the public re travel grant see finance



Strathcarron fundraiser MM/SK MM advised that they were still to have a meeting

Date of next meeting


  • 8th February 2023