Dec 2022 Minutes

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Fintry Community Council Minutes

14th December 2022


Menzies Hall

· Present/apologies for absence:





Fintry Community Council Reps

Michele Bennett (MB - Chair Moira MacKay (MM)

Ian Rodgers (IR) Terry Baitrum (TB) Sue Wallace (SW)

Stirling Councillor

Cllr R Frazer

Members of Public (MoP)





Natalie Russell (NR)




  • Declaration of interest in any items of business


· Approval of Minutes of last meeting:



Councillor’s Report


Cllr Frazer advised that she would be carrying out in person surgeries before the Community Councils Meetings.

Cllr Frazer confirmed the Branshogle Bridge is now open.

Cllr Frazer advised that all school lunch debts had been cleared by Stirling Council but Unfortunately another scheme to provide soup and a roll for all children was not passed.

Cllr Frazer advised that grants for warm places were available. (MB confirmed she would be applying)

Cllr Frazer there is training and financial support available to train local people to assist with gritting and snow clearing.

Cllr Frazer discussed the requirement for local B&B businesses to be registered with Stirling Council.

Cllr Frazer advised there would be a joint ward meeting to discuss the Place Plan

Cllr Frazer shared that jobs are potentially available locally to assist with provision of care packages provided by the local council. The Council are to make improvements to the service and ensure carers can visit as many people as they can in one vicinity to try and reduce travel times.

  • Police Report - report submitted


Forth and Endrick, Fintry Community Council







December 2022 - Compiled by PC Steven Graham

Reporting Period :


On 26 November 2022, Police Sergeant Sarah Stephenson commenced her new role as Community Sergeant for the Forth and Endrick ward as well as supervisor for the Community Policing Teams at Callander and Dunblane. Sarah arrives new in post with eighteen years Policing service, having previously Policed in the Callander area and also has links to the rural Stirlingshire area having previously resided in Lochearnhead and Callander. Prior to this post she was a Response Police Sergeant based at Callander and has previous community Policing experience from her days working in Stirling.

Antisocial Behaviour –


There are a couple of disputes involving neighbours within the village. Enquiries are continuing and advice has been given meantime.

Ward Plan Priorities


Text Box: Road Safety

There have been no RTCs since the last meeting.

An abandoned caravan which was found on the Crow Rd. Council contacted in order to have it uplifted.


There have been no thefts in the Fintry area since the last meeting.

We were made aware of some suspicious activity in gardens in the village. We will give the area some extra attention through the night however please report anything suspicious to the Police via 101 or 999. These reports are always taken seriously and investigated. If everything turns out to be in order then there is no harm done.

Registration numbers of cars are particularly helpful in tracing any potential thieves and also gives a line of enquiry should the perpetrators make off.




On 26 November 2022, Police Sergeant Sarah Stephenson commenced her new role as Community Sergeant for the Forth and Endrick ward as well as supervisor for the Community Policing Teams at Callander and Dunblane. Sarah arrives new in post with eighteen years Policing service, having previously Policed in the Callander area and also has links to the rural Stirlingshire area having previously resided in Lochearnhead and Callander. Prior to this post she was a Response Police Sergeant based at Callander and has previous community Policing experience from her days working in Stirling.

Antisocial Behaviour There are a couple of disputes involving neighbours within the village. Enquiries are continuing and advice has been given meantime.

Road Safety There have been no RTCs since the last meeting.

An abandoned caravan which was found on the Crow Rd. Council contacted in order to have it uplifted.


There have been no thefts in the Fintry area since the last meeting.

We were made aware of some suspicious activity in gardens in the village. We will give the area some extra attention through the night however please report anything suspicious to the Police via 101 or 999. These reports are always taken seriously and investigated. If everything turns out to be in order then there is no harm done.

Registration numbers of cars are particularly helpful in tracing any potential thieves and also gives a line of enquiry should the perpetrators make off.

Additional information as per previous reports.


Treasurer’s Report

1. General Fund Account

The current balance is £14,380. Includes a second grant from Stirling council of

£3000 to cover Christmas party Warm Spaces

2. Foundation Fund


The current balance is £29,593.

The current budget and spend to date is shown below.

Foundation Scotland Budget





Commissioned Service

Community Transport Scheme




Commisioned Activity

Continued Path Maintance




Commisioned Activity

Maintance of resilience fund assets




Commisioned Activity

Flood Prevention Project




Fintry Special Project

Community Garden & Resilience Fund




Fintry Special Project

Menzies Hall Resilience Hub




Fintry Special Project

Hardship and Resilience Fund




Fintry Special Project

Prescription Collection service




Micro Grants-A

Individual Grants £250-500




Main Grants

Constituted Groups £500-2500




Student Study Grant

Student Study Grant




Administration Fee

FCC Admin work





Post code lottery grant









1 Grant Applications Received all voted on and approved –

Fintry Community Seed Fund- Funding was approved but the committee would like feedback to confirm how many villagers took advantage of the scheme.

Approved was £100 for planning application at Menzies Hall

Resilience Update


Grant received has received a grant to hold a Christmas party / and Warm spaces event for February 2023

Applications for more funding for warm spaces are ongoing.

The resilience plan was activated on Tuesday 14th December local farm without water supply due to boiler not working they had issues with having no water to give farm animals Resilience arranged Water for the house from Scottish water and arranged a browser and additional water for the animals this supply has been supplied Stirling Councils along with SEPA.


The Hall defib requires updated software version installed there’s been a recall by manufacturer

Next Flood Forum meeting will be held in January 2023 dates to be confirmed

The resilience team had put in a request for Hydro Sacks to Stirling Council flooding officer unfortunately he doesn’t have supply at the moment. M.B to get costs for the purchase of hydro Sacks

Prescriptions uplifts ongoing and also getting busier.

The Community Resilience have got a meeting with the TVC regarding the flooding resilience project tomorrow

The Community Council is in the process of putting in a planning application for the generator for Menzies Hall we were hoping to have this installed for this winter so that Community can meet there if Power companies decide to have blackouts this winter.


Earls Hill Transmitting station – installation new dish and new pole. Cringate cottage, Polmaise road - Peatland restoration.

Ogilvie Development – Was refused planning permission on 6th December 2023 the developers have 3 months to appeal to the Scottish office from date of refusal before it can be removed from the local plan.

Licensing – Application has been received for increased hours at the Club house for Campsie Glen Caravan Park change of hours.



Branshogle Bridge – reopened on 12th December 2022

B822 Kippen Road (the firs) will be closed from end January beginning of February 2023

B822 Kippen Road (Caravan Park to Culcreuch Castle entrance) will be closed from end January beginning of February 2023

These works have been put back due to emergency works at Balfron Station

The CC has put in a formal complaint regarding the no response to our enquires from transport service Re DRT Service and a Bus Shelter at the end of Menzies Avenue

A second enquiry has come in about the Clachan path the CC have already written to Stirling Council re the cleaning of the pavement heading towards the CC are waiting on a response.

One request from a member of the public requesting the gates on Cicely’s Way should be changed to prevent access to horse riders. This was discussed but as Cicely’s Way is a designated Core Path horses riders have right to use it. They should however observe the highway code and give way to pedestrians. The member of the public would be written to advising them of this.




Email received from Earlsburn re meeting with the Community Council it was agreed that it would be held on 18th January at the CC meeting.

Email received from a member of the public regrading Cicely’s way and horses on path (see paths)

Email received from a member of the public asking for the end of their driveway cleaned and tar mac as they feel that that piece of land belongs to Stirling Council have advised they contact Stirling Council direct

Email received from a member of the public regarding the trees along kippen road stating they were dangerous CC advised that they contact Stirling Council direct as they would survey them and if they deemed them unsafe, they would contact the induvial owners direct

Email received from a member of the public regrading Email regarding Clachan path condition (see paths)

The CC has received 1 grant applications (See Finance)



Informed by member of the public in attendance that monitors would be set up in the village to record particulate matter in the air. This is part of a Clean Air project and will also involve school children from the school as part of a Citizen Science project. Data from the survey will be shared with the council on completion.

There was a suggestion from another member of the public about may getting a village fund raising event for the Strathearn Hospice following a TV news report showing that the hospice was in need of funds to allow them to provide the service that they do. It was agreed that this should be looked in to MM / SK will take this forward.

Date of next meeting- 18th January 2023