March 2021 Minutes

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Minutes of the meeting held on

10th March 2021

(A virtual meeting held via Teams)


  1. Present/apologies for absence:

    • Present: Michele Bennett (Vice Chair), Sue Wallace (Treasurer), Angela May (Secretary), Ian
      Rodger, Hendy Spence

    • Pam Campbell (Community Link Officer), Robert Davies (Stirling Councillor)

    • 2 members of the public

    • Steven Park, Andrew Smith and Nick Mackie (Force 9 Energy)

    • Apologies: Meg Duckworth (Planning/Licensing)


  2. Declaration of interest in any items of business



  3. Approval of Minutes of last meeting:



  4. Stirling Councillor’s Report

    • Robert paid his respects to Councillor Graham Lambie who passed away recently. He noted
      that Graham had been a big supporter of Fintry and will be a huge loss to the whole of
      Stirling. Michele also paid her respects to Councillor Lambie on behalf of Fintry Community
      Council and agreed that his passing will be a huge loss to Fintry.

    • A meeting of Stirling Councillors is scheduled for tomorrow (March 11th) to discuss the

    • Scottish Parliament elections (including local by-elections) are scheduled for May 6th. This
      along with dealing with the Covid-19 epidemic has meant that Stirling Council employees
      are stretched so there will be a reduction in the number of council meetings.

    • There has been a lot of discussion recently about parking and traffic management in rural
      areas with concerns raised about sheep worrying, damage to fencing etc. Problems over
      the Easter period are being anticipated especially as overseas travel is not allowed.

    • Michele had been contacted by a local resident over an issue with potholes preventing a
      funeral hearse being able to access their residence. Michele will contact Robert with the


  5. Police Report

  6. Treasurer’s Report

    • General Fund Account

      The current balance in this account is £8,736. We have received a grant from Stirling
      Council for £3,098 which will be used by the Resilience Team to provide Easter Care
      boxes for the young people and elderly in the village.


      Foundation Fund:

      The foundation fund balance to date is £23,408.


      Foundation Scotland Budget





      Commissioned Service

      Community Transport Scheme




      Commisioned Activity

      Continued Path Maintance




      Commisioned Activity

      Maintance of reslience fund assets




      Commisioned Activity

      Community Notice Board




      Fintry Special Project

      Community Garden & Resilience Fund




      Fintry Special Project

      Menzies Hall Resilience Hub




      Fintry Special Project

      COVID-19 Hardship and Resilience Fund




      Micro Grants-A

      Individual Grants £250-500




      Micro Grants-B

      Individual Grants £250-500




      Main Grants

      Constituted Groups £500-2500




      Student Study Grant

      Student Study Grant




      Administration Fee

      FCC Admin work




      Post Code Lottery

      COVID Grant











      o Fintry Flower Show


      o Amount Available



      o Amount Remaining if all above requests granted



      • Grants for review:

      o It was agreed to fund the application from the Fintry Flower Show on the condition that no

      plants were to be planted in the fountain.

    • The plan for the forthcoming financial year’s budget will be presented in the May meeting.

    • Michele confirmed that an application has been submitted by the FCC to fund the restoration of the

    • Expenses from the resilience volunteers will be submitted soon and will be paid out of the Resilience
      Grant received recently from Stirling Council.


  7. Resilience Update

    • Funding has been received for the community gardens and seeds will being planted soon
      in the greenhouse by the school children and volunteers.

    • Michele thanked Robert Taylor for providing free manure and delivering it to the
      community gardens.

    • Michele had been notified by the Trossachs Search and Rescue Team that the defibrillator
      at Balgair Caravan Park was not working properly. Michele passed this information on to
      the park owners.


  8. Planning

    • An application to replace a garage door with a patio door and painting of windows, doors, verges
      and soffits at Abriachan, Main Street.


  9. Licensing

    • Hendy had hoped to attend a meeting regarding proposed changes to licensing laws but was
      unable to attend. She had received some feedback from the meeting that the police were
      seeking more powers to prevent people drinking alcohol in public.


  10. Roads/paths

    • The resurfacing works on the B822 near the caravan park which was scheduled to begin on the
      29th March has been put on hold.

    • The culvert works on the B818 have been put on hold.

    • The road closure on the B818 between Fintry and Killearn has resulted in an increase in the
      number of large vehicles going through the village. Several residents have mentioned their
      concerns to FCC. Michele has spoken to the police but was informed that there is no weight
      restriction on the roads through Fintry and it is a public highway so traffic cannot be
      prevented from using the roads. Concerns have also been raised about the speed of these
      vehicles i.e. not sticking to the 20 M.P.H. speed limit. Michele will mention this to the police.

    • The traffic calming survey that was carried out showed that speeds have come down so the
      20 M.P.H. speed limit has had an impact. Traffic calming measures on Kippen Road have been
      proposed but will need to be approved by the Stirling Councillors. A second survey has been
      requested but this has been delayed. Clarification of the drop in speed was requested.

    • Some residents had raised concerns about the lack of gritting on the Denny Road. Michele has
      been told that the policy will be reviewed at the start of next winter.

    • The Conservation Volunteers (TCV) had submitted a quote for £452 to install French drains on
      the Lade path. It was agreed that this work should go ahead as it is a well used path.


  11. Shelloch Windfarm

    • Questions regarding the Shelloch Windfarm development had been sent to Force 9 Energy prior to
      the meeting. A power point presentation had been prepared to answer these questions and
      provide more information about the development and was presented at the meeting. This
      presentation is attached to the minutes.

    • A background to the planning history of the site was outlined. The original planning consent was
      for 7 turbines and access to the site would have been via the existing windfarm at Todholes. Since
      then turbine technology has improved so only 5 turbines are proposed. These will be bigger than
      the original ones and due to their size the site will need to be accessed via an alternative route.

      The proposed route is from the A811, up the C36 Arnprior Road, onto the B822 and then down a
      farm lane to the site.

    • There will be very limited visibility of the turbines from the Fintry side of the hills. 1 or 2 of the
      turbines may be visible from the top of the Crow Road.

    • The windfarm will be connected to the grid at Dumbarton. The connection will initially be
      underground and then above ground using wooden poles, not pylons. There will be a separate
      planning application submitted with regard to this by Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE) and will
      link in with an existing line where possible.

    • Two of the turbines will be in excess of 150 metres and will therefore need to be lit with aviation
      warning lights. These will only operate during the hours of darkness and will not be visible to any
      properties in Fintry or from any roads. They would be visible from Dunmore Hill. The brightness
      from here would be equivalent to seeing a brake light.

    • There will be a period of disruption during construction along the Arnprior Road and the stretch of
      the B822 from the junction with the C36 and the farm lane. The community will be kept up to
      date and made aware of possible disruptions. The construction period will be around 9 months.
      Following this the top surface of the additional roads will be removed and dressed back to fields. A
      tree survey has been done including looking for bat roosts and the route of the access road has
      been designed to avoid as many trees as possible. Any work which affects trees will require a
      licence and will be done in conjunction with Stirling Council’s Tree Officer.

    • A survey has been done to establish the depth of the peat on the proposed site. There are some
      discrete pockets of deep peat. The access across this area will use an existing track and avoid the
      deep peat areas as much as possible. There is some flexibility within the plans to move the route
      slightly if further pockets of deep peat are discovered.

    • The community benefit scheme will mean that approximately £120K per annum will be shared
      between the 6 community councils in the immediate area and there is an opportunity for the
      community to participate in a shared ownership scheme.

    • Force 9 Energy has no plans to develop any more windfarms on the Fintry Hills but it is possible
      that other developers may want to.

    • Michele thanked Force 9 Energy for their time in attending the meeting.

    • It was agreed that the presentation had been comprehensive and had answered the questions.

    • Concern was raised about the impact on the landowners along the Arnprior Road and the risk to
      road users.

    • It was agreed that the option of shared ownership should be investigated and that the Fintry
      Development Trust may be able to advise on the best way forward with this.


  12. Village litter pick

    • Ian offered to organise a village litter pick as the amount of litter on the grass verges is
      quite noticeable. This has been done in previous years and litter picking equipment
      should still be available to use. Stirling Council has previously agreed to do a special uplift
      for the litter that is collected.

    • There was a suggestion to liaise with adjacent community councils to pick up litter from
      the village boundaries. Pam will send community council contact details to Ian as well as
      details of who to contact at Stirling Council. She was also aware of another community
      council who had done something similar and had prepared a detailed risk assessment and
      would send details of this to Ian.


  13. Play park update

    • Details of the proposed new climbing frame had been circulated to FCC members prior to
      the meeting. Michele confirmed that Stirling Council would be responsible for the
      maintenance of the climbing frame after its instalment and will be meeting with them
      again soon to take it forward.


  14. Correspondence

    • Correspondence had been received from the Fintry Development Trust outlining their
      view on the Shelloch Wind Farm development.

  15. A.O.B.

    • It was agreed that Michele should contact Stirling Council’s legal department for advice
      on the locked gates on the castle drive before any correspondence is sent to the castle

    • Some responses had been received about the survey from Clackmannanshire and Stirling
      Health and Social Partnership (HSCP) for views on the delivery of community health and
      care models. Michele will forward them to Pam.

    • A forum meeting is scheduled for next week where community councils have the
      opportunity to raise issues which are important to them to Stirling Council.

    • Stirling Council has offered a number of trees for planting in areas that are frequently
      flooded and these will be distributed soon.

    • The vacancy for a Fintry Community Councillor has been advertised on Facebook, in last
      month’s minutes, on the FCC website and on both noticeboards in the village. There was
      some concern that the Facebook post had not been on the Fintry Buddies page as this
      seems to be the page that the majority of Fintry residents look at regularly. It was agreed
      that it will be made clear on Fintry Buddies that community council business could be
      accessed via the FCC Facebook page. Resilience/Covid related posts will still be posted to
      Fintry Buddies.

    • A resident queried the fact that Twitter and Facebook accounts from their household have
      been blocked by FCC. None of the councillors present knew why this had happened and
      will look into it.


  16. Date of next meeting

    • 12th May 2021