September 2023 Minutes

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Polmaise community council

Meeting minutes

Tuesday 19th september 2023#

7pm alpha centre fallin

  1. In attendance

Kevin jack (chair) karen perrie (treasurer)

Alex fraser (vice chair) michelle robertson (cc member)

Chris burns (stirling council)

Marco and tom from active travel scotland sustrans

Niomi laney and kate members of public


Gayle jeffrey (secretary) tina fraser (cc) karen graham/walker (cc)

Alasdair macpherson councillor and police scotland

  1. Recordings of declarations of interest - none
  2. Adoption of previous minutes - karen perrie proposed alex fraser


  1. Matters arising and cc enquiry updates

- residents parking on grass verges – fence erected to prevent

- fly tipping – awaiting update

- king st/stirling road fencing -awaiting update

- gracie crescent park – awaiting update

- stirling road servicr road kerbs – awaiting update

- all above will be chased up with stephen bly chris will email

  1. Reports (external)

- police scotland – report sent in

- elected member – none

  1. Community council business

Marco and tom from active travel scotland sustrans attended to discuss a

Proposed upgrade to the current cycle path in fallin.

They are hoping to improve the path in ways such as making it wider, clearing

Back trees and bushes, removing the restrictive gates, lighting and painting

Murals under the bridge near the calley market.

They would like more input from villagers and path users and we

Reccomended that they contact groups such as

- laneys toddler group

- church coffee morning

- kids clubs at the alpha and church hall

- school

- book and craft clubs at the library

We are happy to help promote any information on our facebook page and

Fallin community voice will also share.

  1. Reports (internal)

- subgroups

- miners museum – volunteer has been keeping grass cut and edges tidy.

He has also repaired a few pieces of equiptment as best he can. We are still

Waiting to hear if clr macpherson has had any success in finding funding

For essential repairs and general improvements.

- campaigns – litter pick done along with fvc 20-8-23.

- events – cc members and fcv members have cash bingo arranged for

September 29th and october 28th to raise funds for xmas lights switch

On/market on 2-12-23. Karen perrie’s dad building sleigh for xmas parade on

25/11/23 and the members also helped run a village fun day in the alpha and

School grounds which was a huge success in august.

- chair – no report

- secretary – no report

- treasurer- previous meeting balance £3332.35

Monies out £20.00 to scotways right of ways

Monies in £ 2000 funding awarded fron the good food fund which will

Hopefully be used to run another grub hub this year along with fcv who

Have also been awarded £2000. We are awaiting a response from the alpha

Centre for use of the hall for this service.

Arnold clark fund has £62.01 remaining from previous money awarded –

We have £1000 from them in the bank which will have to be lifted to pay

Outstanding bills from the funday (waited for cc elections to be complete

Before any money used)

Balance as of august 23 bank statement is £5312.35

- planning – nothing of note

  1. Aob (items cc wish to raise that are not on agenda)

- serious accident on main road – car hit and knocked over set of traffic

Lights next to the square, alex fraser contacted robert fleming of stirling

Council roads dept t0 ask if a road traffic saftey officer could arrange

Traffic calming such as speed bumps or chicanes. We are awaiting a

Response on this issue.

- two members of the public asked for help in re starting a club for over 60s

In the alpha center. Due to ongoing issues with the alpha bookings at the

Moment we advised we would look into the request as soon as possible.

  1. Date of next meeting tuesday 21st november 7pm alpha center fallin